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About mooncarver

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  1. I'm afraid it's too late for me to install balancing mods. Reading warnings everywhere not to install overhauls midgame. But thats fine. I didn't think of the cell reset option. Gonna chill in the red rocket cave for a couple days. Thanks!
  2. Hi! I'm not sure if this is a bug or a mod problem, but everyone seems to be afraid of my char now. I'm level 25, DT70, my pistol has 60DMG. Even some enemies with a skull next to their healthbar will piss their pants at the sight of me. Now I understand the idea behind it, realistic behaviour and all. But it's no fun for me killing raiders that don't fight back. The sense of danger is gone. Is there an ini tweak or a mod that disables this kind of behaviour?
  3. you mean like this? http://static-8.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/38527-1-1296810350.jpg screenshot is from weapon animation replacers mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38527/? try using the combined version. if installed as a FOMOD you'll have a nice installation menu with various options to choose from: https://www.copy.com/s/AvBNWLDJBXE0 link is taken from the STEP modding guide for new vegas.
  4. The bag is in the same pack as the armor. The couriers cache I think. Yeah it is http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/49531/? Its in the bunker behind the Mohave Express I actually lost all hope in ever finding this item, but there it is. thanks!
  5. I noticed that gopher was using this backpack in his latest vid but can't find it in his mod list. does anyone know what mod this is? plz help :> http://i.imgur.com/SzCtvtY.jpg
  6. are you far into the game? you really should install the unofficial patches. your load order doesn't seem to be right as well. get LOOT und let the prog sort it out for you. afterwards, if you don't want to restart the whole game (you should though), then enter a secluded empty area, like a cellar for example and wait 30 days for all the cells to reset.
  7. you can try the following: 1. make a BACKUP of the broken save 2. download and run the skyrim save tool 3. press "open" and pick the broken save 4. after it has finished loading, press "fix all" and afterwards press "fixscriptinstances" if a certain number of scripts has been removed, try loading the save again (ingame I mean). if the program says 0 of 0... instead, then the problem is somewhere else.
  8. at this is point it's rather difficult to tell which mods might cause problems due to the sheer size of your list. I'd generally recommend going through all of them looking for missing compatibility patches. you can also take a look at your papyrus log, especially the latest lines might point to a conflict. creating a bashed patch might be a good idea, too. other things to consider: do older saves work? what is your location in the last save? how far are you into the game? did the ctd's start out of the blue or did they gradually become more frequent.
  9. Most likely this one. thanks! good thing I've already installed it.
  10. http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/28363-1-1371792488.jpg does anyone know what facemod(s) are at work here? I've got the picture from a beards mod gallery, but what about the face structure and textures?
  11. holy tapdancing christ. the potential for conflicting mods is too damn high up in here. I wouldn't even know where to begin, sorry. problem is, with so many mods it becomes difficult to keep track whether you have all the necessary compatibility patches installed, or whether some mods need to be cleaned etc. I'm farily sure that your problem is mod related, maybe someone else might be able to get a bit more into detail here. my suggestion is, reinstall the game und pick 20-30 mods (start with highly endorsed ones) you can't live without and play for a while. should everything run stable, add others one by one. and even then, don't get too greedy.
  12. as far as I can tell they seem somewhat big, considering you've just started the game. even then, they are not big enough to get corrupted like that. what mods are you using? edit: I mean, post your load order and the mod tools you're using.
  13. install climates of tamriel first, just in case your favourite enb mod overwrites certain files for compatibility reasons. then you'll only need the d3d9.dll file from http://www.enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.htm -> copy this file into your main folder (where tes.exe is located) important: make sure you get the right version, it's usually outlined on the mod page which .dll version you should use. there's a problem with your particular enb mod though. it seems that you can't use sharpshooters climates of tamriel compatible version due to the required enb version not being available anymore. you might want to look for alternatives, like project enb which I'm using. it's compatible with climates and offers various presets as well. now copy all the files from the actual enb-mod archive into your main folder and you should be good to go. as far as I know, the injector is supposed to replace d3d9.dll. use only one of them. btw. visuals can be tweaked by opening and modifying the enbseries.ini.
  14. might as well post how you solved it, in case others wanna try it ;)
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