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About Megatarius

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    United States
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    Oblivion, GTA IV
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    Doom, Hexen, Super Mario Brothers 2 (Lost Levels), The Legend of Zelda, GTA: San Andreas

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  1. EDIT: Nevermind, I rememberd I needed to upgrade to the latest version. :P I recently reinstalled Oblivion, and loaded an old character that was only dependent on a few mods. The only mods I have installed with this new install are a few random mods that add suits of armors to the game. No drastic changes or anything. Well, loading this character, and going to the place where the new chest for the added armor is supposed to be, yields nothing. The mod is checked off in OBMM, and the correct files are in place. What's wrong? Is this a common problem with an easy fix that I don't remember? It's been ages since I reinstalled this game, and I don't remember ever having to deal with it before. My UAC is off. (I know... I know...) It's not interfering with the game. Please help. I have stuff I worked a long time on that I really want to still play. :wallbash:
  2. Ugh. Bosmer, Dunmer, and Altmer. Those are cool names. They sound like people from actual cultures. Hight Elf, Wood Elf, and Dark Elf. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  3. Good. I'm glad they're using .nifs even though they're a pain to get working properly at first. :tongue: Does anyone know if the Skyrim CS will have the ability to import meshes into the land editor to be sculpted in 3D, instead of dealing with pesky heightmaps that don't render out in the final game at the same amount of detail you had in the CS. :wallbash:
  4. Since it's their own engine, and not Net Immerse Gamebryo anymore, it stands to reason they won't use .nif files. I don't mod any other games, so I have no clue what's normal. Of course, that's probably a trade secret at this point, but I'm asking just in case.
  5. What everyone else said. Unless your TV is really old, you should be able to hook it up to your computer, either as a second monitor outright or a "TV" peripheral that is accessed through your video card settings. Newer televisions (by that I mean a normal modern day one that I still don't have) have HDMI ports, and guess what the standard port for a computer monitor is? If you said VGA, welcome back to Earth and congratulations on being the first person to live on Jupiter for a decade. As for the controller, X-Padder. Problem solved. I haven't tried it yet, because I can't get Oblivion to show up on my TV screen so I just play it at the computer, but it is sworn by from everyone I've talked to about it. Basically it's a little program that fools Windows into thinking you're still using the keyboard and mouse. I'm pretty sure it works with every game that can read a keyboard and mouse in Windows. It's better than the drivers that come with the X-Box 360 controller adapter, because those try to make it actually work as a gamepad. Oblivion, which was designed for the 360 specifically and ported to Windows later, does not work with an X-Box 360 Controller in Windows. :rolleyes: (At least not without a lot of fuss.) Also, another reason I didn't see mentioned (until someone beat me to it, above): Upgrades. Remember Oblivion's piddly little official patches? Then remember the fan-created unofficial patch? Yeah. You need to play any serious game like Skyrim or Fallout on your computer if you care at all about it actually working properly. Tons of Oblivion quests contained bugs and design flaws that were only fixed in the unofficial patches. Bethesda barely corrected a fraction of the game breaking bugs in that game. Even if you're not into modding, you should make these fan-made fixes available to yourself. And playing games on the couch with a controller = WIN unless you have to use the computer for graphics purposes (like I do) or care a lot about exact precision control with the mouse. Skyrim and Oblivion were both, quite literally, made to be played on the couch while unwinding in the evening. They're single player for a reason. Back in my Quake and Doom days, I much preferred the mouse, but these games need to be played on the couch.
  6. Thanks David. The mesh is accounted for in Speed Tree, but everything else, I don't know. I'll have to play around with the stuff you mentioned. What are the seeds in each tree's CS entry? The wiki says they are generated in Speed Tree.
  7. I've noticed this problem as well. I find if you base everything off the Player character, and check off "No Low-Level Processing", they show up. You might not need to duplicate from the player, but I've always done so and it works just fine. The player's name is Bendu Olo, by the way.
  8. I have created a test tree in Speed Tree CAD, and new textures in GIMP. But when I try to place this tree in the Render Window, the CS crashes. Does anyone know of a tutorial, or a common error that would occur? Thanks.
  9. Is there a mod that causes the screen to flash red for a brief second when ever you get hurt? Or if not, is there a setting to adjust the screen blur? Thanks.
  10. Lately I've noticed that if I try to edit an existing NPC's face, it refuses to respond to the slider movements. If I edit an NPC I made myself (by selecting the Player and making a new form and going from there), everything responds fine. What's going on? (Also, I've noticed I can only see my custom NPC's in the game if I make them from the Player, and not if I try to edit a different NPC. Is this just how it's done, or am I doing something wrong?)
  11. You don't have to wait to check the clock, just open up the map screen. Disabling comments is an option because a lot of mods get criticized for bad reasons, or flamed.
  12. What on Earth are you talking about? Electricity is a natural occurrence of nature. It's called lightening. It's called electrons moving along a conductive surface. Nobody invented it. Nobody created it. There has been thunder since the first atmosphere formed in the universe. There's thunder on Jupiter and Saturn. Did it just start appearing on those planets when humans "invented" electricity here? And let's not forget Zues, the God of Thunder. The Greeks came up with him, so there must have been thunder then. One would think so, anyway.
  13. For the crash on exit, get Script Extender if you haven't already, and then download Fast Exit. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22410 It's crashing because Bethesda programed the exit procedure to do things it doesn't really need to do (surprise surprise), and this plugin makes it work like it should. Also, this helps with frequent crashing, but it does not stop them all: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22282
  14. You have a dirty mod that has unchecked the Argonian race as Playable. Disable all your mods, and reenable them a few at a time until you find the culprit. Then go into the CS and fix it.
  15. Sometimes you just have to bite down and disable your mods and reenable them a few at a time until you figure it out. It seems like more of a pain than it is. I have almost 200 mods. I've always found the problem in way under that.
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