Hi. I'm trying to create a Mr Handy vendor for my player home, but I'm stumbling on the ridiculously opaque dialogue system for the game. I've already tried, very hard, on my own to figure this out, but frankly google is terrible at finding a tutorial or guide for me. Here's my problem: I cannot watch videos. Especially Youtube. Please don't ask why, it's just impossible. If an answer involves having to watch a YouTube video in any way, I will ignore it. What I need is a full tutorial on how to create the NPC dialogue (which I understand is now under quests, for some asinine reason) and how to assign already existing voice audio files (specifically, the Mr Handy voice files) to this NPC's responses. That last bit is the really, really hard part, because for the life of me I cannot click on ANYTHING that would allow me to enter the sound file to play. What I would really like to do is copy Percy's (from Myrna's shop) greeting where he says, "Oh, I do hope you're here to purchase something. It's what I live for." from the Diamond City dialogue quest. And for the player to respond with the usual 4 banal replies, of which 3 are "Yes" and one is "No" (The conversation with the Cambridge Science Center Mr Handy would be ideal). And most importantly, I need to know how to open the vendor store screen. I'm asking here in desperation - because it's the last thing I need for my mod.