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  1. Hi, I am currently trying to create a house mod, and I would like to put in a junk recycler that will break down junk items and move the components into the workshop inventory. What I'd like to do is for the script to activate when the container is closed, i.e. when the player leaves the container window. However, I haven;t the faintest idea how it's done. Even looking at similar scripts such as the Portable Recycler mod and other house mods, I am not sure how it works. Also, I don't have permission to use their scripts, so I can't just use theirs. Could I please get a little help on either how that script works, or perhaps have one made for me? Or, alternatively, if someone else has already made one, may I have your permission to use the script?
  2. Thanks, but I actually managed to figure it out on my own! What I did was create a workbench with the same parameters as Home Plate and then use a script to establish a pseudo-supply line between my home and the Red Rocket!
  3. With respect, that tutorial doesn't actually tell me how to do what I need. 1) I want to add the home to the settlement network via a script, not through a supply caravan. 2) I would prefer my home not show up in the list of settlements and companion "home" locations.
  4. (Reposted here because I just figured out I originally posted this in the wrong forum) Is it possible to do this (the stuff in the title)? I have made a custom player home which I have designed to my liking. Currently, I do have a sort-of workaround which I really dislike - I link all the crafting stations directly to the Red Rocket workshop, allowing me to use its inventory and can therefore connect my player home to the supply network just by connecting the Red Rocket to the supply network. But, this means that in every game, I have to defend the Red Rocket (which triggers a lot of attacks because of the sheer quantity of food and water that eventually end up being stored there) and keep settlers away from the workshop in case they start grabbing my loot from it. Not to mention, because my player home's actual location is far away, it feels wrong for roleplay reasons. So what I want to do instead is link my crafting stations in my custom player home to either an internal container (possibly its own workshop) and connect that to the Red Rocket via the supply network (preferably with no settler caravan involved). I would also really like to avoid making my custom player home an actual settlement (having it appear on the "Move Settler" list and "Send Companion to" list feels really messy). Is this possible via scripting or whatever? It's very hard to track down the mechanism that runs the Supply network in the creation kit.
  5. Thank you to both of you! Everything works perfectly! I even learned how to make my own shared dialogue so that the MrHandy can reply to all 3 "Yes, open store" player responses with the same line. Now I have my very own shiny-Codsworth-knockoff in my custom player home to buy all my useless crap! Thanks again for the excellent, detailed, and timely responses!
  6. Thanks but I figured all that out already! What I have a problem with is that when I click the "record" button, the dialogue records for a whole bunch of NPC voices (GuardFemaleVault81, GuardMaleDiamondCity02, etc) and not the voice that I want, which is RobotMrHandy. In fact, the dailog records for ALL those voices at once, and I cannot edit, change, add to, or even specify which voice I am trying to record for! Most annoyingly, RobotMrHandy is not among them! I found this wonderful utility on the nexus that lets me fully preview and extract the game's voice files (VFRT2) so all I have left is to actually assign the voice! I have the dialogue tree fully set up and everything, it all works, just no audio. So I would be really grateful if you could tell me why the CK won't let me choose which voices are eligible for the role (seriously, I only want RobotMrHandy).
  7. Hi. That tutorial is awesome! It has nearly everything. But it doesn't explain how to link the sound files to the dialogs. I've figured out how the shared responses work - the player's dialog is pretty much taken care of - but the MrHandy's is not shared, and I do not know where I get to specify his voice (RobotMrHandy) or pick the sound file - the impression I get is that the editor does not let me change the location and name of the sound file for the response!
  8. Hi. I'm trying to create a Mr Handy vendor for my player home, but I'm stumbling on the ridiculously opaque dialogue system for the game. I've already tried, very hard, on my own to figure this out, but frankly google is terrible at finding a tutorial or guide for me. Here's my problem: I cannot watch videos. Especially Youtube. Please don't ask why, it's just impossible. If an answer involves having to watch a YouTube video in any way, I will ignore it. What I need is a full tutorial on how to create the NPC dialogue (which I understand is now under quests, for some asinine reason) and how to assign already existing voice audio files (specifically, the Mr Handy voice files) to this NPC's responses. That last bit is the really, really hard part, because for the life of me I cannot click on ANYTHING that would allow me to enter the sound file to play. What I would really like to do is copy Percy's (from Myrna's shop) greeting where he says, "Oh, I do hope you're here to purchase something. It's what I live for." from the Diamond City dialogue quest. And for the player to respond with the usual 4 banal replies, of which 3 are "Yes" and one is "No" (The conversation with the Cambridge Science Center Mr Handy would be ideal). And most importantly, I need to know how to open the vendor store screen. I'm asking here in desperation - because it's the last thing I need for my mod.
  9. With respect, I specifically stated that General Store's system of turning every container into an activator with a menu is not what I want. What I would like is to make a button (or lots of buttons) that automatically transfers all my items without a menu.
  10. I have made a private house mod which I like very much, but I now I want to put in a system where I can push a button or cast a spell and have my inventory magically sorted into the house's containers for me. I am aware of General Stores, but that's not what I want. I don't want the containers to have message popups to ask me what I want to do every time I use one - I prefer to have a script pull every item with a keyword (say, soulgems) from my inventory and put it into a specific container automatically and for that container to act like a regular container in all other respects.
  11. Err. Just in case it's not clear: if I open the workbench inventory using any other means besides the vanilla (such as using a script) the "Store All Junk" option does not appear. I'd like to know what exactly makes it appear.
  12. I cannot for the life of me figure out what exactly enables the "Store All Junk" option when the player opens a settlement workbench. Theoretically it simply opens a container inventory; I've used a script to open a settlement workbench inventory but the option is absent. What exactly causes this option to pop up? Can it be added to a different container? EDIT: Also, can this be somehow modified to affect different item categories like weapons or aid items?
  13. Would it be possible to create an Aid item that, when used, opens a settlement's main workshop inventory? I refer to an item along the lines of the portable container mod like http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14011/? - which opens a container that you can deposit your stuff from anywhere. But instead of a unique container, I'd like it to open a settlement's (say, Sanctuary's, or perhaps my favorite settlements, Greygarden's or Hangman's Alley's) cloud inventory which can be linked using the settlement provisioner network. It's a cheat item, to be sure, but I'd love the massive convenience of being able to deposit all my junk straight into the workshop. EDIT: Nevermind. I've finally managed to get the Bethesda Launcher working and downloaded the Creation Kit, so I've made the mod for myself.
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