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  1. So simple question really. Is there any real major difference from getting a Mod through Bethesda.net compared to Nexus ? like is one just more easy to use, or is one more convientent, or just more stable ? or would i be perfecly fine mixing and matching using one option to get a few mods and the other option to get the rest ? or is it just generally better to just get all the mods from the same place ? by default ill prob use the Nexus, i just want to know if there would be any conflict/harm in grabbing some from the Bethesda stuff aswell ?
  2. With how saving is now in Survival and all, where each save just counts just that much more, i kinda had an idea of how to ease up on it a bit, but in a way that it would be still immersive a bit to where it really would not be game breaking. We all know of the Pulowski Preservatoin shelters, and how well good for flavor are really kinda useless. But what if they werent. My idea for a mod, which i personally have no ability to do myself, hence the posting this in the request section would be to make it so that When you enter a Pulowshki Preservation Shelter that there was a lever/switch that you could push . that would activate an elevator to send you down into a small world space. It would be instanced ofcourse, and they would only be accessable through the Pulowski Preservation Shelters. Inside would be a small room, ment like for emergy shelter for maybe a small family. There would be a bed. A source of water. A light. and a place to store stuff. etc IT would be like little bunker shelters scattered around the commonwealth, Kinda like an alternative to the camping mod, but with the ability to store loot in a safe spot, and not be out in the open where things could run up and gank you.
  3. just search for a mod that increases the amount of perks you get per level or one that lets you get a perk every level sure its a little cheaty but it seems thats the exact way you want to play where you dont want to worry about perks
  4. sitting here waiting for the release myself but since this is a discussion about 1.5 , felt like just asking this here instead of making a new discussion can you activate godmode on Survival ? for the sole reason to not have to worry about all the survial stuff if i decide i want to spend say a few rl hours just tweaking and building a settlement ?
  5. Im sitting here just waiting for the Full survial release, like im sure many are and well even though i just want to play it now, the only real turn off to me is the save only when sleepign thing now i know that im not the only one who feels this way, ive seen it everywhere but at the same time, i also like how "diffucult" its goign to make the game but i still think its a little to harsh so heres My Request can a Save on Sit mod work ? like have any location you can wait at , count as a save spot like a bed ? cause persnally i could irl sleep on a bench and a chair just like a bed. It would make immersive sense , and well would still keep the game more diffucult
  6. Would something like the Gravity Gun from HL2 be possible for a mod ? cause it would be cool :O They way i see it working is that, when you hover the crosshair over an object it highlights said object, allowing you to pick it up and move it around from a distance. Kinda like the same way you can move and place things when building , but connected with some like lightning beam laser or something badass looking. The scroll wheel, or whatever custom keys the person wants, would all you to manipulate the distance of the held object closer or farther away from you. You would also have the ability to launch/Fire said object, or just place it if you wanted, like for extreme long distance building. It could be something that would both be useful for building , if it was able to be program to work as a building aid but also as a weapon being able to pick up anything that was not nailed down pretty much. It could even be used to retrieve things from very far away like if you shot someone off a bridge you could use the gun to pull them back to you then loot them then toss them away into the sky. Just an item :O
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