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Posts posted by RestlessPilgrim

  1. In response to post #55861776. #55878821 is also a reply to the same post.

    TLymond wrote:

    Hey! People complaining about Search being broken...

    Have any of you ever bothered to hit the "Refine Results" button?

    sopmac45 wrote: Well yes, I have tried the Refine Results but some mods are not showing up. I found them via other mods from same author from his/her description page and recommended mods.

    In my opinion, I do not think the Search function is "broken", but I was not able to find two mods since the new site was up. Perhaps it is me that I still cannot find out the way to properly use the Refine Results button but at the same time, a Search is a Search and I guess we should be able to find whatever is out there by just simply using the Search button.

    ADDITION after using Refine Results ( just now ) :
    I used the Refine Results to find the author "ccmads" and the Search displayed 1 page of mods only. In that page, is not the mod : ADVANCED SETTLEMENT TURRET SET which is the one I could not find before, so this mod belongs to him / her but is not showing up, not even using the Refine Results.
    How did I find it ? Again, by looking into another mod from this author and using the link showing in the description page and recommended "other mods" from him/her.

    Refine Results... so it fits with the 5 or 6 "categories" now used by Nexus, otherwise it doesn't exist??
  2. In response to post #55865556. #55876431, #55886026, #55887056 are all replies on the same post.

    schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design so much
    Graslama wrote: Why?
    schnubbel76 wrote: I've explained it so much, i write every other day that i hate that. It is not good structured, it looks flat, i miss or dont find some old funtions, the colors are crap, the buttons are crap, it feeles unintuitive, i just dont like it, no i hate it and i will never understand why they felt the need to change it in the first place. It was good as it was. Never touch a working system. If only they would have made it better, but that is not the case. Nothing is better at all. At least not for the user. Maybe there were technical reasons to do this crap. But to me as a user, i feel f*#@ed by nexus.
    I know i am not able to change it and nobody will listen to me or my feelings about this and at least it is not my website, it is theirs, so nobody will give a single f*** about my opinion, but what i can do is tell them every other day, that i hate it forever and ever and i hate the nexus team for changing it. They need to know even if nobody cares. In a democracy, thats the least i can do. Using my right to stand up and say "I hate you". So thats what i do.
    slippyguy wrote: Give some proper feedback and your opinion will be taken into account.

    Define "proper feedback" then because it's not like the numerous complaints aren't pretty clear! Didn't ask for it, don't like it, can't search properly, etc etc etc Just because people disagree with something you want to force on us doesn't make 'em wrong!
  3. Nobody asked for it. Nobody wanted it. Here it is and it's not a huge leap forward, especially in terms of the search functions, which are restrictive and need work. It's easy to forget how much work goes in, and some feedback (mine included) was unnecessarily harsh. It's a bit of a shame it couldn't have been rolled out via some form of feedback or vote on features and options before the rollout happened, but it's still Nexus, and we love it, warts and all!

  4. In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750, #46382340, #46383075, #46385150, #46385445, #46400635, #46400955, #46423275, #46423530, #46424150, #46428470, #46428730, #46430820, #46445675, #46486685, #46506375 are all replies on the same post.

    EmikoSaka wrote: Let's hope she's nicer than her comments make her seem.
    sydney666 wrote: ...no need to be like that.
    Ombragine wrote: Sourire.

    Clear even she is really a great modder and has a real talent to create nice things, may be like some others here, i'm dislike her communication. It is a personnal feeling.

    Anyway, nice to see her to have this AMA ;-)
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: After so many years in the modding community a person can get a little harsh.
    jim_uk wrote: You try dealing with the nonsense the more popular modders have to put up with, she's more polite than I'd be.
    greekrage wrote: @ OrcLivesMatter
    its not harsh...

    Its called FED UP...
    mrmcphister wrote: I'm sorry, don't get it. Can think if quite a few ground breaking modders, who have made real contributions to the game. I mean houses are great and all, everyone needs to live somewhere, but have also found her to be overly rude and arrogant.
    Kastrenzo wrote: Or you can just, not reply to stupid questions. Rather than being a spiteful and bitter ****
    ZZZ02 wrote: *facepalm*
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: @greekrage That too.
    StupidAnswer wrote: Her mods are just interiors filled with unlorefriendly generic stuff. Cluttering until it looks good leaving you with unmemorable boring houses that you may use to sleep or store your s#*! but not beyond that.
    Brandoman wrote: Oh boy... if I could tell you all my experience with her all of your jaws would drop in shock. Out of respect for a fellow modder and content creator I won't talk about it on here.

    Excellent content she creates though, so if you enjoy it and have questions about it, be respectful and nice! ;)
    LenaMarie wrote: It might just be a cultural thing, and not necessarily her fault. In Finland, they tend to really dislike people from other nations. Finnish people are often rude and stand offish, its how they are taught, generationally.

    Im not trying to be insulting, but if you google this, you'll see its a well known fact about Finnish Culture. I love her mods though, doesnt diminish her ability!
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.
    Ethreon wrote: Except Lena would be correct.
    Mistle24 wrote: Yeah, I have not had many if any "Friendly or "Nice" run ins with her. I actually don't download her mods just to avoid having to ask a question because I don't want to deal with the attitude.
    wolfrevan5555 wrote: @OrcLivesMatter

    >Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.

    Finland is a country. Being born in Finland does not make you a "Finnish" race person. That's called "Nationality", not race. Good try tossing out the race card because you have no valid arguement, though. You tried. Pat yourself on the back.

    And yeah, it probably is cultural, though I don't know much about Finnish culture, so I could be totally wrong. Still, the Nexus is meant to be culturally neutral, and thus that kind of attitude isn't justifiable. :/
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Well let me simplify it to you. That is the most stupid and nationally hating thing I ever saw in Nexus. There. Happy?
    Jinxxed0 wrote: I've only uploaded a small handful of mods and have only had to deal with a few annoying users demanding stuff from me. Imagine having every single mod you upload be super popular. I'm surprised she's still modding at all.

    Before I uploaded anything for Fo4, I used to think she could be nicer. Now, I think she's way too nice.
    stuff444 wrote: @OrcLivesMatter
    Now you've devolved into the "hate" bait... Gender is up next I assume?
    gandalftw wrote: @jim_uk
    Very sensible you are Sir,another kudos for your collection. ;)

    Though my contributions to Nexus may be small i am not a stranger to comments made by those that misunderstand the true definition of criticism and free speech.Criticism requires an included explanation and fix for that which one finds problematic in a mod.If one cannot help a mod author one should just report a problem and otherwise remain quiet.Free speech should be FREE of abuse,seems to me the word free is often misunderstood as,i can treat you anyway i want and you deserve no recourse, for, your objections violates my right to FREE SPEECH.Hehe,i don't bloody think so.

    If one desires respect,my Zeus,be respectful.

    Rigmor wrote: Leave the poor girl alone you bullies, this isn't steam forums right? it's a sad day when a mod author has to disable their personal messages due to personal attacks, we all get them and you have to be hard skinned. She owes you all nothing, so stop with the abuse.
    jim_uk wrote: @gandalftw If I am going to say anything then I'll try and keep it to technical things, I think once you start criticising artistic choices then you're on dodgy ground because the author would have had their own vision.
    gandalftw wrote: @ jim_uk
    I generally keep my opinion to myself for i'm not a skilled modder so i don't feel i'm qualified to critique.How some, with no modding experience, can pop up and say some of the things they do is beyond me,don't get it.

    I remove most negative comments as soon as i see them for leaving them just emboldens others to do likewise.

    LenaMarie wrote: @OrcLivesMatter
    Maybe, I don't know. do some research instead of being ignorant of the world? There is nothing racist about what i said about Finland, its a 100% fact, and even is written on Travel websites to prepare people for the culture.

    Politically correctness makes people idiotic and ignorant.

    I dont have any issues with her, or any other Finnish people, i understand the culture and appreciate the honest straightforwardness. Her mods are really amazing, I've been using them for years.
    RestlessPilgrim wrote: Perhaps being under the moral scrutiny of opinionated morons makes her tetchy... it sure as hell does me. I'm sure you're not one of those moronic, self absorbed @ssholes though, right?

    'cause Google's clearly the intelligent way to form an opinion about an entire culture isn't it!? No wonder humanity's utterly f@cked!
  5. In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750, #46382340, #46383075, #46385150, #46385445, #46400635, #46400955, #46423275, #46423530, #46424150, #46428470, #46428730, #46430820, #46445675, #46486685, #46506475 are all replies on the same post.

    EmikoSaka wrote: Let's hope she's nicer than her comments make her seem.
    sydney666 wrote: ...no need to be like that.
    Ombragine wrote: Sourire.

    Clear even she is really a great modder and has a real talent to create nice things, may be like some others here, i'm dislike her communication. It is a personnal feeling.

    Anyway, nice to see her to have this AMA ;-)
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: After so many years in the modding community a person can get a little harsh.
    jim_uk wrote: You try dealing with the nonsense the more popular modders have to put up with, she's more polite than I'd be.
    greekrage wrote: @ OrcLivesMatter
    its not harsh...

    Its called FED UP...
    mrmcphister wrote: I'm sorry, don't get it. Can think if quite a few ground breaking modders, who have made real contributions to the game. I mean houses are great and all, everyone needs to live somewhere, but have also found her to be overly rude and arrogant.
    Kastrenzo wrote: Or you can just, not reply to stupid questions. Rather than being a spiteful and bitter ****
    ZZZ02 wrote: *facepalm*
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: @greekrage That too.
    StupidAnswer wrote: Her mods are just interiors filled with unlorefriendly generic stuff. Cluttering until it looks good leaving you with unmemorable boring houses that you may use to sleep or store your s#*! but not beyond that.
    Brandoman wrote: Oh boy... if I could tell you all my experience with her all of your jaws would drop in shock. Out of respect for a fellow modder and content creator I won't talk about it on here.

    Excellent content she creates though, so if you enjoy it and have questions about it, be respectful and nice! ;)
    LenaMarie wrote: It might just be a cultural thing, and not necessarily her fault. In Finland, they tend to really dislike people from other nations. Finnish people are often rude and stand offish, its how they are taught, generationally.

    Im not trying to be insulting, but if you google this, you'll see its a well known fact about Finnish Culture. I love her mods though, doesnt diminish her ability!
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.
    Ethreon wrote: Except Lena would be correct.
    Mistle24 wrote: Yeah, I have not had many if any "Friendly or "Nice" run ins with her. I actually don't download her mods just to avoid having to ask a question because I don't want to deal with the attitude.
    wolfrevan5555 wrote: @OrcLivesMatter

    >Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.

    Finland is a country. Being born in Finland does not make you a "Finnish" race person. That's called "Nationality", not race. Good try tossing out the race card because you have no valid arguement, though. You tried. Pat yourself on the back.

    And yeah, it probably is cultural, though I don't know much about Finnish culture, so I could be totally wrong. Still, the Nexus is meant to be culturally neutral, and thus that kind of attitude isn't justifiable. :/
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Well let me simplify it to you. That is the most stupid and nationally hating thing I ever saw in Nexus. There. Happy?
    Jinxxed0 wrote: I've only uploaded a small handful of mods and have only had to deal with a few annoying users demanding stuff from me. Imagine having every single mod you upload be super popular. I'm surprised she's still modding at all.

    Before I uploaded anything for Fo4, I used to think she could be nicer. Now, I think she's way too nice.
    stuff444 wrote: @OrcLivesMatter
    Now you've devolved into the "hate" bait... Gender is up next I assume?
    gandalftw wrote: @jim_uk
    Very sensible you are Sir,another kudos for your collection. ;)

    Though my contributions to Nexus may be small i am not a stranger to comments made by those that misunderstand the true definition of criticism and free speech.Criticism requires an included explanation and fix for that which one finds problematic in a mod.If one cannot help a mod author one should just report a problem and otherwise remain quiet.Free speech should be FREE of abuse,seems to me the word free is often misunderstood as,i can treat you anyway i want and you deserve no recourse, for, your objections violates my right to FREE SPEECH.Hehe,i don't bloody think so.

    If one desires respect,my Zeus,be respectful.

    Rigmor wrote: Leave the poor girl alone you bullies, this isn't steam forums right? it's a sad day when a mod author has to disable their personal messages due to personal attacks, we all get them and you have to be hard skinned. She owes you all nothing, so stop with the abuse.
    jim_uk wrote: @gandalftw If I am going to say anything then I'll try and keep it to technical things, I think once you start criticising artistic choices then you're on dodgy ground because the author would have had their own vision.
    gandalftw wrote: @ jim_uk
    I generally keep my opinion to myself for i'm not a skilled modder so i don't feel i'm qualified to critique.How some, with no modding experience, can pop up and say some of the things they do is beyond me,don't get it.

    I remove most negative comments as soon as i see them for leaving them just emboldens others to do likewise.

    LenaMarie wrote: @OrcLivesMatter
    Maybe, I don't know. do some research instead of being ignorant of the world? There is nothing racist about what i said about Finland, its a 100% fact, and even is written on Travel websites to prepare people for the culture.

    Politically correctness makes people idiotic and ignorant.

    I dont have any issues with her, or any other Finnish people, i understand the culture and appreciate the honest straightforwardness. Her mods are really amazing, I've been using them for years.
    RestlessPilgrim wrote: 'cause Google's clearly the intelligent way to form an opinion about an entire culture isn't it!? No wonder humanity's utterly f@cked!

    Perhaps being under the moral scrutiny of opinionated morons makes her tetchy... it sure as hell does me. I'm sure you're not one of those arrogant, self absorbed @ssholes though, right?
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