Whoa, I did not see this update coming, and I do not feel any type of natural flow to it. Every item seems to be too big on my screen (1980x1080).
and everything seems to be less clustered, as before we had a small preview window(hot mods), and the the mod list directly below it. (Or something like that, im trying to explain/sketch the image)
This gave me a quick summary of what i might have missed in since my last visit.
Right now i feel like its just thumbnails, which are too large and they make it more time consuming to find/scroll through mods or hot mods like i used to do.
I do not feel like i have an overview of anything, there is no summary. There probably is, but it doesnt feel like it to me.
I would like to add, that normally i am not one to compain, as i see a lot of hard work has gone into this, and load times have improved.
For me, the old and reliable Nexus feel is gone, which is what nexus made nexus unique in my opinion, and which was my reasoning to keep using it.
Edit: I forgot to add; I used the colors which underlined things previously for navigation. it made the site more accessible. I'm missing the color accents, in those navigational aids. Without them the site is way less easier to use for me.