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Like I said, I avoid three quest lines. THREE, not the whole game. There are plenty of side quests that can be done without ever touching the Main. I've done all of the DB, Companions, College and about 70% of the Daedric with one character. When I retired him I was 80th level and had already rolled over One Handed from skill 100 twice. I had lots of fun. It isn't that I don't like the whole game, it's that I find certain quest lines boring or simply stupid and I don't want them in my Journal. I don't care if they are 'part of the game'. I paid $60 and I'll play it the way I want to. As for your house to house analogy, I don't go to people's houses who I do not like. Again, the way Skyrim forces the issue (using your house comparison) is like walking down the sidewalk and you see a weed growing in someone's yard. It's a weed so you pull it out, and that is when every one in the house runs out and pushes you into the back yard so you can mow, weedeat, and trim the hedges. And I'm an action gamer and that's how I play Skyrim. I mash it, and if it wasn't for quest mods it would already be on the shelf gathering dust. You might think it's the greatest thing in the world game-wise. I don't, since I've played games with one millions times better graphics and story lines that make Skyrim seem like a rerun of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's a GAME, not a religion or a way of life.
There is no reason for Maven Blackbriar to be essential or Brynjolf (wtf his name is/who cares?). I agree that not being able to kill some of the essential NPCs is pointless from a storyboard aspect. Make them protected so dragons, vampires and other NPCs can't kill them but LET THE PLAYER slaughter them in the streets like the pigs they are. If the player kills them, their BS quests don't start. If they could do it for the DB quest line and kill all of that content they certainly could have done it for something as asinine as the Thieves Guild and Maven Blackbriar. There is a mod that allows for doing just that but it changes things that have nothing to do with the Thieves Guild. My own solution is once I enter Riften for the first time I open the console, click on Maul and SetPos X 0 and click enter. He's gone and I don't have to listen to his stupid dialogue. Next is Brynjolf and he gets the same treatment. As for Sapphire, you can chop her to bits while she is talking to that Redguard guy and no one in town will interfere and there is no bounty. Avoiding the rest is easy; never go to the Ragged Flagon. As for Maven; nothing I can think of to get rid of her that won't break the game or immersion. And that's too bad because she sucks. The Daedric Quests that I know there is no way out of once they get forced on you is Meridia's and Boetheia's. And the Boethia Cultist is another one of the 'I don't want you in my game' NPCs that gets the console. I just disable him and never touch the quest books that spawn in dungeons. At least I can avoid that goofy quest. Meridia's is easy; never take the Beacon and NEVER go to her shrine. Avoiding dragons altogether is easy. Do the vanilla start and choose the Imperials side of Helgen Keep. Go to Riverwood and when Hadvar and his blacksmith uncle go inside the house, DO NOT follow them. That kills the quest since they will remain inside and wait for you forever. And never take the Dragon Stone from Bleakfalls Barrow. If you do not play the Civil War quest (another trick quest to force you to start the main one) you'll only see one dragon the whole game. It's kind of nice actually. And when you get to about 50th level merchants will start selling dragon bones and hide, so you can still craft weapons and armor. I liked the way Oblivion did things. Never go to Kvatch and the main quest never starts and no other quests (that I played) forced you to start it. The same was true for FO3. Whatever game Bethesda makes next (TES6 or FO4) they need to do it that way again, and also get rid of the Skyrim character generation scheme. It's horrible. If they want to go that route then the way Saints Row 3 did it would be a good thing to copy.
One way to clean up the DB quest line would be for the next 'History of the Empire' to do a little propaganda and state that Mede died of mysterious illness while on a voyage to or from Skyrim. Governments lie all of the time and rewrite history. Withe Mede dead that could lead into a Cromwellian style Protectorate for the Empire. Maybe the Council assumed power and over time that lead to a slanted political system similar to the Republic in Star Wars or America's Representative Democracy. This is assuming the Empire is relevant in the next game. As for the Civil War, Bethesda will probably handle that like they do anything else they do, not address it or write an ambiguous tale for one of the game books the player can read. Something that might be a nice twist would be a prequel. Set a game with a timeline where Talos of Atmora is running around or some other even from before the Eras of men. Or maybe Aylieds and the conflict with the Nede Humans. What I would really like to see would be Sloads as a main quest line. What have they evolved into? Maybe they have an army of human slaves ready to take over Tamriel. Toad peole! :laugh: And I like godmodeplayer111's idea of the Dwemer coming back. One day a portal opens up in the sky and the next thing you know there is a fleet of Dwemer airships bristling with bolt cannons and full of technologically advanced warriors and automatons ready to claim what was one theirs.
I'll wait then. I'm an action gamer and if the action is borked, I'm out. I still have the CatWoman DLC for Arkham and I've never played it. It might be time. :laugh:
I need to bite the bullet and play Morrowind. Basically everything TES I know is from Skyrim. Funny thing though, if I was playing Skyrim on Xbox I would have ground it into dust like everything else I play and then forgotten about it. The PC version is what's keeping my interest. If Bethesda does make another TES I won't be buying console. They ruined me, but then again on console almost every game slaughters Skyrim for graphics and game play. If it wasn't for mods, Skyrim would be on the shelf.
Dunmer are something else the Skyrim devs broke lore on. Dunmer are ancestor worshipers and they hate necromancy. They think it is disrespectful. Skyrim is full of Dunmer Necromancers.
I don't understand the purpose of the devs destroying Red Mountain either. What purpose did it serve? The huge influx of Dunmer refugees in to Skyrim, like all 30 of them? I think there were more Dunmer in Oblivion than there are in Skyrim. It reminded me of all of the NCR squatters in Freeside New Vegas. Mr Vegas talks about it on the radio and the Kings talk about it, but when you look for these 'squatters' you might find 6. Not exactly an invasion, like 'all the Dunmer' who fled to Skyrim after Red Mountain. Okay, where are they? But I'm acting like a Bethesda game is actually finished on release and they didn't cut half of the content. We can expect the same for FO4 and TES6. I'm glad I have ME3 and GOW. :yes:
I typed 'from what I've seen on line'. I didn't type that I agreed with it or that it was true. The ONE instance I know of first hand where Bethesda ignores their own lore concerns Redguards. In Skyrim, Redguards make good Battlemages and there are NPC sorcerers and conjurers. In Oblivion there were two. Looking at the skill sets, Oblivion Redguards suck at magic and Skyrim Redguards get bonuses. Reading a few wikis, Oblvion had it right and Skyrim got it wrong. Redguards HATE magic and magic users. According to the lore wikis (Pre-Skyrim) a group of sorcerers were responsible for destroying Yokuda (the Redguard's homeland) and after that the Redguards shunned/hated spell casters. There is a Redguard in the Oblivion Mages Guild who talks about it. In Skyrim, there is no mention and the lore is ignored. Looking at the lore wikis (Post-Skyrim), this has been rewritten in the NEW 'Pocket Guide to the Empire.' If there is an 'official source' of lore I would love a link, since wikis are written by people like us with nothing but game fragments and opinions. And none of this really matters anyway. I'll buy the next release or I won't. The only reason I've bought any Bethesda game is because it's on sale, not because it's good.
Read the whole thread: Fallout 4: I don't know where they can go with that line of lore unless it is moved to location where things aren't as settled as NV was. NV reminded me of a Western but with mutants and machine guns. It didn't feel very Mad Max/Post Apocalyptic to me. I bought it on sale and played one go through on Xbox and it went on the shelf. TES 6: I don't know what to think about that either. I played Skyrim first and then went back and played Oblivion. I don't know anything about Morrowind or the games before that aside from what I've read on wikis. Those games were before my time. I think Skyrim is a decent game, but I agree with some here about the loose ends from all of the quests. Who won the Civil War? What about all the dragons and vampires running around? I don't know and I don't think anyone here knows either. I know it's not worth arguing about though. From what I gather from reading on line, Bethesda changes the 'lore' on a whim so there is no counting on that or what they will do in the next game. It might not make sense in game terms, like not being able to kill Ulfric before the Civil War quest ends. As a test, I stocked up on potions and other gear and walked into the Palace of Kings. I was able to 'kill' him (he didn't shout me apart) and his guards and then escape the city. If he hadn't been checked as essential I would have solved half of Skyrim's problems then and there. It didn't make any sense that I couldn't do it. Kill Ulfric, his rebellion starts to fall apart and before long the people who follow him go back to their normals lives or they become bandits or something, unless one of his generals steps up; and then you just kill him too. It just doesn't make any sense; like Dawnguard and vampires blocking the sun. Block the sun, everyone freezes to death and the vampires have no one to eat. That is a bad plan and it doesn't make any sense. If there are obvious nonsensical things like that in Skyrim, we can count on them being in TES6.
Want to marry Camilla Valerius but how to stop or kill fendel?
JRRaff replied to skyquest32's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
If you marry Camilla, Fendal will travel to meet her. So if you live in Solitude sometimes you can catch him between there and Dragonbridge. Depending on how tough your character is you can kill him then when no one is around to witness it and Camilla will never know. There is usually a bear close to Dragonbridge and you can cast Fury on it, or cast it on him when the Thalmor are around. In my game I married Camilla and then went back to Riverwood and just shot him from stealth with a poisoned arrow. He died and that was the end of it. -
Concerning immigration: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/illegal-immigrants-could-receive-social-security-medicare-under-obama-action/2014/11/25/571caefe-74d4-11e4-bd1b-03009bd3e984_story.html Like anything Obama puts his hands on, this immigration 'reform' of his is a double-edged sword. Basically Obama is turning illegal aliens into second class registered aliens. I don't understand how Democrats can be cool with this. Illegal aliens are an oppressed minority, and now it's official. They get to pay into the system and get a fraction of the benefits. Since they'll be taking low-paying jobs there will be a deficit at the end of their work tenures, provided they're allowed to stay or if they are forced to remain in the Limbo Obama has hung them in. And the Hispanic community is accepting this. I'm not going to pretend to have a profound understanding of Constitutional Law but I do understand how our government works (Political Science Major) as set out by the Constitution. Obama's immigration bill (yes, it is a bill) violates the Separation of Powers. The Administrative Branch cannot legislate law. It doesn't matter that the State Department and the DHS oversees immigration since what Obama did goes far beyond government code. Only Congress can legally legislate immigration law. EDIT: “This is a legal issue, not a political issue, and President Obama has crossed a serious legal line with his proposed unilateral immigration executive action. The President’s action violates his constitutional duty to faithfully enforce immigration laws that were duly enacted by Congress, circumvents the will of the American people and is an affront to the families and individuals who follow our laws to legally immigrate to the United States. The State of Texas will assert a legal action against President Obama’s unconstitutional abuse of power." That's Greg Abbot, the AG in Texas. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ and...@ IndigoV :laugh: www.Politicalcompass.org :laugh: I guess you're telling me I'm not Democratic enough? I get the same thing from rez Indians and wannabes calling me apple boy (red on the outside, white on the inside) and I'm more of a blanket-ass Red Man than most of them. I think the same thing might be true here. OSU is full of radical Leftists so your talking points here aren't anything I haven't heard before. That's why I pointed them out. You sound like an Occupy loon and it's probably why no one is taking you seriously.
And this is where you need to put on the brakes with the rhetoric. "Anyone who is educated", that would be me and I don't see the Tea Party that way. They are hardcore Constitutionalists with a sprinkling of religious types and nothing more. And when you throw out words like fascism and equate that ideology to Conservatism you couldn't be more wrong. Religious freedom, all people deserve equal treatment, small government, free enterprise; those are the hall marks of conservatism. Compare that to what Obama and his clique have done; intrusive government, some people are more equal that others, exerting control over private business, reigning in religious institutions. That sir, is Fascism. Center-left; Franco's Spain, Peron's Argentinian, Mussolini's Italy. Fascism is a leftist ideology. It is Communism-Lite. I fought in circles with my Poly-Sci professor about this. He didn't see it either, even when presented with facts and real life comparisons. He firmly believed that Republicans and Nazis were the same thing and that is what he tried to push in class. I eventually had to go to the Dean of Students and then his department head to get him to stop. What I have underlined. :dry: Dude, you sound like a complete lunatic and your debate tactic is to insult people. Juss say'n.
American voters not turning out this last cycle is nothing new, according to 'the experts' (paid pollsters, MSNBC/FOX commentators, etc.). People not voting in midterms might be true. Something else that might be true is Democratic voters didn't turn out for a reason, or they voted against other Democrats because maybe they didn't agree with how things are being handled. In the same breath Obama can say the midterms were about his policies and then blame the losses on low voter turn out. One or both might be true, but when combined (no one votes in the midterms and no one likes my policies), that is an epic fail on the part of the Democratic Party. Being a Democrat, I can say they deserved it. When the 2016 cycle starts we need someone other than Hillary Clinton. Political candidates need to reflect the party values. Only candidates who fit the party should be nominated. Clinton is a lawyer and a 'celebrity'. And just like Obama she doesn't have what it takes to be President. If Clinton gets the nomination the Democratic Party will bend to her agenda, she will not bend to what is best for the party. That's one reason why I won't vote fro her; I'll vote against her. Another reason is her comments after Benghazi and her attitude. When pressed by Congress she yelled "What is the big deal about whether that attack was by militants who swarmed in response to the video or militants who attacked planned?" Well, the difference is she gets to celebrate Mother's Day with her daughter, she gets to be a grandmother. The parents of the operatives who were murdered at Benghazi won't have that. She placed them in harms way and then ran from the responsibility. I know this is an emotional reason not to vote for her and I don't care. I think she is a horrible human being and the more I look at my own party the more I hate the people in it. America is wreck. Legalized pot, inflated costs of living, and a welfare state with open borders. That is Obama's legacy and I helped him do it.
More people are killed by hippos than gators. A full grown hippo can bite a crocodile in half and run as fast as a horse. Good thing they're not carnivorous. Even if hippos were in the Rio Grande, the Mexicans would figure out a way to make them into tacos. :tongue: Sorry to say, but you're wrong concerning what I have underlined. Once a resident alien gets a Green Card they start paying Social Security tax. That makes them eligible for Social Security Disability, Medicare (if they pay the tax) and Supplemental Security Income. Resident aliens also qualify for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or SNAPS. Depending on the status of the Green Card issued, resident aliens may qualify for food stamps after five years. If they are political refugees, victims of human trafficking or Cubans, they can get food stamps immediately. Since we have no idea what Obama has really planned, he might intend to make this new batch of 4 million plus LPRs (Legal Permanent Residents) and if he does that they get the whole enchilada. That could burden an already strained system; a system set up for legal residents and legitimate immigrants. I'm not going to bother addressing the rest of your post. It reads like a half-baked op ed piece in the Huffington Post with the typical talking points no one believes. Opinions are like A-Holes, but you can't give an opinion an enema. I'm a Democrat but I'm no longer an Obama/Pelosi/Reid/Clinton Democrat. I'm tired of their policies and their views are not mine. I voted straight Republican this last cycle for a reason, and that was to get rid of them or at least stop what they're doing.
Read this morning that CBS, the Chicago Tribune and a few other main stream outlets are now covering the Gruber comments. I don't think this is going away the way the Democrats want it to and I don't think they can spin their way out of it. There isn't one instance of Gruber gloating about the deception and calling voters stupid; there are four and they are spread out over a period of maybe three years. In one of the videos Gruber says,"because American voters are stupid." The crowd laughs and he laughs with them. I don't like being laughed at after someone lies to me. Another point about the Obamafication of America, the Feds have taken away the M4 rifles issued to the Border Patrol. I didn't know what an M4 was so I looked it up. It is one of the standard weapons issued to our military (it's like an M16 but better). The Feds claim the weapons are unsafe and are taking them away from the Border Patrol for the safety of the agents. The Feds are not taking these 'unsafe weapons' away from our troops, just the Border Patrol. I never was one of the people who questioned everything the government did, but with all the recent news and facts coming out about Obama and his government, now I question everything. Obama is ready to start giving amnesty to illegal immigrants. In the same time frame the feds are taking away weapons from the people who guard the borders. That's suspicious to me.