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Proteus Draconis

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Posts posted by Proteus Draconis

  1. In response to post #36170400. #36181060, #36236775, #36276445, #36371655, #36525820 are all replies on the same post.

    IconicCreations wrote: haha imagine bethesda just decide to release a morrowind hd remake and put all these guys time and efforts over the years to waste, but looking forward to this when it comes.
    UhuruNUru wrote: Do you even know how good this is?

    Bethesda would be put to shame, because this will kick their butt, have you seen this, it's magnificent modding.
    Give me the fans remake over a cash grab, every time.
    I know where I will look for excellence (Not Maryland)

    However so what, two Morrowind HD remakes, is twice the fun.
    I say bring it on, Bethesda, let's see how good you are, or not.
    And may the best "MOD" win (hint there for you).

    muchProVerySkill wrote: indeed this is beyond anything bethesda can come up with at least for like 10 years from now so dont insult the hard working medium to genius folk who worked so hard for this
    ArkuEST wrote: Morroblivion, anyone? haha.
    CloudQuest wrote: You should never, EVER think that a game that was made for money will be better than a game that was made with a combination of love, a mind boggling amount of hard work, and borderline fanatical devotion.

    But yeah, if Bethesda were to win, it would be because they updated the engine. Because in the end, the only things limiting a mod are imagination, and the game's ability to run your imagination.

    Though to be fair, Bethesda does work really hard to make their games too (Putting aside from the fact fallout 4 doesn't let you change the gamma settings, which is pretty weird).
    UhuruNUru wrote: Morrowblivion evolved into Skywind, it's the same thing different engine

    I often see people who don't understand game development making myopic arguments about how modders 'outperform' Bethesda by using their assets with more advanced technology and tools years (a decade?) after the fact.

    The ironic part is the majority of modders, especially advanced ones, understand and appreciate the hard work, passion, and dedication that Bethesda has for its franchise because they understand game development and the tremendous work that goes into it.

    Bethesda were the ones who created the concept, the story, the art, the characters, the world, the initial engine, the gameplay, and the original experience from nothing. Not from other assets, not from developer-offered tools. From nothing.

    This project would not exist if it weren't for the original game and expansive creation tool being good enough to inspire its existence in the first place. I'm sure the TESR team maintains lots of pride about what they've accomplished, and they should because what they're doing is outstanding. But I don't think any of them delude themselves into thinking that they can stand toe to toe in the same development cycle, at the same time in history, with the professionals who created it from scratch.
  2. Coming from the perspective of someone who privately mods and is all too familiar with the sheer effort to conquer the monster(s) under the hood, I was thrilled when paid mods was introduced as I immediately thought of the greats like Arthmoor, dev_akm, elminster, wrinklyninja, SkyUI team, Brumbek, Zerofrost, isoku, and on and on, and thought of how it would be great to see them finally compensated.


    This backlash is completely unsurprising and just a symptom of the vocal entitled internet freeloader mentality, an attitude made astonishingly obvious ever since the Nexus's population spurt after Skyrim's release. Fact is average mod consumers will never understand modder perspective, and will always maintain a bias that favors their selfish entitled desire for continuous free content.


    This was a -huge- opportunity for super-tier talent modders to finally earn on their effort, and to potentially bring professionals into the scene -- people of actual value rather than more useless, ignorant, traffic-generating, ungrateful, mod-overconsuming black hole pigs that can't ever get enough.


    I'm probably more upset at this than the actual modders. My unapologetic cynicism would love it if they collectively walked away and took all their mods with them. Free mods again? Grats. Too bad they're all gone now.

  3. The PC market is their smallest, so I doubt they are concerned with release of their development tools in relation to DLCs. I would say that modding as it stands is fairly comprehensive, we're just limited by consumer tools, which is the main issue: I suspect Bethesda's tools, for multiple titles, are privately licensed to them so they can't simply release those tools even if they desired to do so, and they probably would.

  4. Easy band-aid solution to this is to drag the texture you would like onto the associated object manually. Try organizing your project folders in a manner that provides easy access to preferred textures. Also keep in mind that max scenes tend to bloat your hard drive with temporary texture files, and this method will considerably increase that effect.

  5. meh we'll see what happens... you're always gonna have people that disagree and communicate that disagreement on different levels. tbh banning people instantly then giving them a chance to be unbanned is a lazy but good system with little effort needed. they'll just tell you they didn't know (they probably didn't) and then you let them off and see if they behave. if they do, they were probably honest about not knowing and if they weren't then at least they won't do it anymore. so yea
  6. use 372 instead as 373 is known to have strange import/export display quirks with skeletons


    ensure your skeleton path on import actually points to a directory with a valid skeleton


    animations import buggy sometimes and should be re-imported until they work


    uncheck collision when importing skeletons as those are the weird boxes you're seeing

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