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  1. Actually there is and I misspoke. You should have seen it when you were making the race. It's in that form.
  2. It's crashing? Making it an ESM probably won't fix that. Does the game crash without your ESP on? Does the game crash if you load a different save? Does Continue load a save that has the custom-race NPC on-screen immediately? Is your player character using that race? My guess is if it is in fact to do with your mod, you didn't make the race correctly, although it should be as simple as duplicating a vanilla race and some of its textures and meshes, then pointing your new race to the new meshes (which will be made to have the new textures). After that it should just be texture work, which is done outside the GECK. The meshes should be set to use the new textures by opening them in NifSkope and changing it there, and the textures should be modified in any image editor. Note that you would need to have access to the meshes and textures to duplicate them, and that they are by default located in BSA archives which require extraction via third-party software. Changing from ESP to ESM is done in FNVEdit but should probably be the last thing you do. ESMs can't be edited in the GECK and there are other problems with them that I always forget. ESMs are necessary for new characters, though, as the bodies and heads will not match their colours correctly otherwise. Unrelated, ESMs are generally required for navmeshes to behave correctly as well. Look on this page for information on how to do some of that if you don't know how: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Getting_started_creating_mods_using_GECK Edit: And make sure you didn't accidentally modify any other races. I suppose that could cause a crash in the right situation. FNVEdit will show you all modifications made by your file.
  3. Are you saying you altered the colours on her face to the point where you're satisfied but they don't turn up in-game? Not familiar with that one. But if you're asking how to get these textures onto a character in general, I would agree with the previous comment. Just look up tutorials on custom races. You basically want a duplicate of whatever vanilla race, and then you want to edit the textures in PhotoShop or Paint.NET or GIMP (or whatever else you like). This is if you can't get to your desired goal within the GECK already. If this is about your character looking different in the GECK to how they look in the game, the two things that come to mind are a mod conflict and maybe trying your mod as an ESM rather than an ESP.
  4. Oh, I see what's happening here. OP and I were talking about damaging the item's health, in this case bringing it down to 0 any time someone wearing it is hit, but I think you're talking about visual damage to armour. Both are possible, but obviously, simply altering the HP of the armour is much easier than making things take damage visually. If you wanted to do that, we'd need to see how the engine would respond to a few things, and it would probably be a very involved thing. Definitely possible, though. In fact, whilst I don't really care for the execution of the concept (doesn't use vanilla bodies or female bodies and focusses on a more sexualised approach), WearOut does something like this, if you want to look into how that was done. The scripting I'd arrive at would probably not be too dissimilar, but you may or may not prefer to do your models differently.
  5. I didn't think this mattered but if you can't get the armour to take damage unless it's in the Upper Body or one of the headgear slots, then you can script it to break any time someone wearing it gets hit. Let me know if you need help with that.
  6. That was a wonderful rant. I was going to place an image of a 'chef kiss' but then I found out by looking for one that everyone already does it, so I didn't. I've read a lot of this before, and it has thoroughly scared me away from bothering. I do have worldspaces, but never anything with the terrain editor; it's all fake exteriors. You can't always get by with those, but I made sure never to bother with anything like that, because I do not want to deal with anything you have delineäted in your post. I will go so far as to model my own terrain pieces and drop them in the dirt or rocks. I can't imagine that's anywhere near the turmoil of using the GECK's standard method. 'Get Jean' was new to me. That may be my favourite bad thing in the entire editor. That is so lovely, I do not know how to cope.
  7. That's true, it may actually restock for you. I think that cell-respawning is mainly just for containers and for cleaning up bodies, but I could be wrong, and it could potentially be different if the cell is a merchant's editor cell.
  8. I...didn't know this, haha. Glad I never intended to make actual worldspaces. That terrain stuff looks like the biggest headache the GECk has to offer.
  9. That's a really great idea for a shop but unfortunately you'd need to script it yourself. You could do an OnActivate block on the door to the shop, and then have it count the days since the player was last there (GetGameDaysPassed), and restock the shelves if over a certain number of days. Then you'd have to have the exact location you want for each item. If it's a huge amount, I can try to think of a way to do it using arrays. Then I suppose the easiest way to check whether or not the stuff is there would be to count the number of references to each item you want to restock and check how many are owned by the merchant. The easiest way to implement this is to make sure only one of each saleable item is on display at any given time (or only restock them when there's none left). There are other ways to do this that I can think of as well, but I don't even know if you need help or want to do that much work.
  10. The NPC can be in a different cell if using a TA, or at least I thought so. If not, try SetGhost and SetinteractionDisabled. I can't remember do they hide the compass tick marks. If none of that works, you can definitely make the NPC a Creature Form and tick the Is Ghost flag on that form, which will hide it from the player's compass. That flag does other things, like disabling VATS targetabillity for the actor, so if you do need to use that flag, you may want to consider making another version of the character for normal interaction after the intercom bit (or changing it back and forth via script if you prefer).
  11. Indeed, the combination of loads of PlaceAtMe X markers seems to be a problem for the engine. The rest of what I was saying was more speculation on what could be the reason behind it, but it seems clear to me that the 'pet' X marker idea would be a good thing to try. I have many sections in my quest mod that use this technique and have had no problems. I made AI for corpses based on pet X markers and MoveToNode, and it runs almost every frame, on maybe twenty corpses, with one X marker moving all over the room to each one to emulate deranged crawling and the occasional attempt at standing or lunging towards the player. There is no performance impact and it has never crashed in countless hours of testing over several months with several load orders and several saves. I forget the peculiarities of 3D and forms with marker data for the editor (including things like triggers and collision boxes as well). I'm pretty sure it always considers this type of thing to have its 3D loaded. Still, PlaceAtMe definitely takes more than a frame to finish. It's just that some aspects get done before others. So, you can play a sound from the location where the marker will be because its 3D location is the first thing that the game engine processes (assuming I remember this right), but you can't move the marker until the PlaceAtMe function has finished, which takes more than a frame. That was the obstacle in Momentum. Well, that and tracking down that it even was something that was happening. I meant mod-added references are not truly deleted, yeah, but you're right about PlaceAtMe, which I forgot about. Sorry for that. I played this game pre-patch on the 360, so if this sound bug was there, it was probably the least of my worries, is my guess. I did play with the radio on pretty much all the time. Regarding the PC version, I don't know, I've played for about 2,000 hours and have never noticed this. I've definitely opened a reference for each of the container forms more than once in that time. But knowing it's only a couple of them does make it seem more like something I may have missed or forgotten about. I'd say the vast majority of my logged time is testing mods, though, and I tend to have the volume quiet for that. I'll certainly check the next time I turn it on, after I rework a few scripts to test.
  12. I'm going to need to test out that function a bit to make sure I have it all perfectly accurate and then add it to the wiki. My joke golf club mod used a lot of PlaceAtMe with markers and it causes CTDs as well, so that has to be it. My mod would require several X markers to do what it does, so I may rework it to be an effect if I ever return to it. For you however, would a MoveTo with a single X marker work? I don't know the exact function of that script segment you posted, but knowing what your mod does, I'm assuming it would suffice to use just one that gets moved a lot. Also, if you're using events, PlaceAtMe takes more than a frame to process and has caused several of us problems in the past. It was a big hurdle for MadAce's Momentum a while back, for example. I have my doubts that that's the problem here, though. Another possibility is that because MarkForDelete doesn't actually work on mod-added forms, it's confusing the engine to do it so many times. If I recall right, MarkForDelete does clean up something, and is the normal practise, so I doubt removing that would be a good solution, but it could enlighten us as a test. And most interesting, I was taking your word for it that this sound-doubling stuff is in the game, assuming it was really subtle and I just hadn't played with the volume up in so long I'd forgotten what exactly it sounds like. Well...I watched your video and there is absolutely no way that's a standard occurrence in my game. That would have driven me insane. Unless it's somehow heightened by that sound mod you mentioned earlier. I wanted to install that but a lot of people report a heavy toll on the engine, so I'm holding out hope someone can fix it eventually, and I'll install it then.
  13. I honestly would expect all the startup changes to be persistent only through the session and need to be redone every launch or load. I think Jazz has fixed the sound trait stuff. Let me know what you find, so I know if I should edit the wiki. I'll test myself at some point as well, but I'm busy of late.
  14. I'm not sure where you are now but it seems further than you were before, so that's good. Yes, there's a limit on script size, as well as script line length. I don't think arrays have a limit, but you may have hit on a practical limit, or did you get round that? How did you simplify things? I'll test the Get/SetSoundTraitNumeric stuff later. Sounds really odd. I wasn't referring to a record conflict but a code conflict. No matter how clean you think your mod is, there's almost always a chance that it conflicts with something else, though this chance can obviously be reduced based on how clean your mod is and how small its scope. But in your case, because the scope is so huge, someone somewhere will probably have another mod that somehow conflicts with it, especially if the mod is ambitious but not very professionally made. For example, you probably didn't think Empty or Not Empty conflicted with anything, but assuming it works perfectly on its own, it was conflicting with another mod in that user's load order and making guns float in the air or whatever they said. Apparently, uninstalling your mod fixed that problem, though I have no idea why a mod like EoNE would do anything that could be in that type of conflict. I couldn't reproduce the bug whatsoever, so I'm assuming it was a conflict. In my experience, Let is never wrong. I doubt you've found a bug, even if the error is so minor as to be inconsequential and render the debug print more a nuisance than a help. I remember someone much more experienced than myself, miguick I think, having a Let problem and eventually realising the error was completely accurate but just didn't really matter.
  15. I don't think I ever completely understood what method you were attempting to use to do it, so I don't know why the form list thing becomes a problem for you. The method I was suggesting would work fine with that limitation, but the truth is whatever you do would be inherently messy, a huge amount of work to fine-tune, and almost certainly run into problems with certain load orders that you'd need to fix. I just don't really think it's worth the trouble, though it is (probably) doable. What was the thing you found out about the Static Attenuation with SetSoundTraitNumeric? I'll add it to the wiki, unless you want to. I'm preparing a mod for release, so I haven't tested sUActn for registering controller input, but you're welcome to try that avenue instead of a fast quest script. I can explain what I'm thinking if it's not immediately obvious.
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