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Nexus Mods Profile

About TrueCr0e

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  1. *Issue has been resolved* Ive started up a new save a few days ago and hadnt run into any serious problems until now. A small area within my beginning island in the meadows appears to have an "NRE Zone." A patch in the middle of a small open meadow did not have any loaded grass, and id only found it due to an NRE stack error and following the drop in frames to a certain direction. I have the issue from the log, just wanted to see if i could get help isolating it. The only mods i have that should add new, possibly conflicting areas is "Forgotten Biomes," "DoDBiomes," "Instanced Villages," possibly "Pop Villages" and the world generator being "Better Continents." [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an objectStack trace:ZoneSystem.PlaceLocations (Vector2i zoneID, UnityEngine.Vector3 zoneCenterPos, UnityEngine.Transform parent, Heightmap hmap, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] clearAreas, ZoneSystem+SpawnMode mode, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] spawnedObjects) (at <94f274a921864d9db4f1d2703c897047>:0)ZoneSystem.SpawnZone (Vector2i zoneID, ZoneSystem+SpawnMode mode, UnityEngine.GameObject& root) (at <94f274a921864d9db4f1d2703c897047>:0)ZoneSystem.PokeLocalZone (Vector2i zoneID) (at <94f274a921864d9db4f1d2703c897047>:0)ZoneSystem.CreateLocalZones (UnityEngine.Vector3 refPoint) (at <94f274a921864d9db4f1d2703c897047>:0)ZoneSystem.Update () (at <94f274a921864d9db4f1d2703c897047>:0)
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