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  1. Right now I am working on a modification. Decided to include dialogue speech just recently. I have figured out how to add it.. but for some reason whenever it plays, it always plays at the loudest volume. I am using a 16bit 44100hz stereo .wav file. I am trying to get the characters to say new dialogue during combat, but whenever they do it is always the same volume no matter how far away they are. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  2. Whoops, put this in the wrong section.
  3. Luckily the things I have been converting are all third party. Weapon and outfit models made by the community that originally worked in FO3. I'm not exactly sure how it would be illegal to talk of actual FO3 model conversions. But.. their game, their rules I guess.
  4. Read over http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/250193-converting-fo3-hats-to-nv/ Just don't use "Update FaceGen" :P
  5. You know I always wondered if there was a way to remove the Pipboy. May not be working for NV yet, but now I know what I can use for FO3. :P
  6. Ah, thanks! So the weights are pretty close, but not exact. Also I wasn't meaning I was messing with the sounds at all. I was just saying that I listen and watch videos to make the fire rate match up to in-game. :P Some of the weapons I have looked at have rates of 14 and such, which is way too fast for the weapons I am adding. Going on my method of listening, I have used 9 for 500-600 rounds/minute. I tried 10 but it still seemed a tad fast. Didn't know that range wasn't added how it sounds though. I figured it was the effective range of the weapon. After I made this I also found that the GECK wiki states that "Fire Rate: The number of rounds fired every 2 seconds." Thanks again for the help. :)
  7. I've actually wondered this about FO3 as well, but never asked. In the GECK, how is the data set up? Mainly weapon data. For instance, in the weight box.. is that weight comparable to any real life weight measurement? Also most online sources show how fast a weapon shoots a minute, so how would you convert that into the fire rate of the GECK? I've mostly just been going off videos for hearing how fast a gun sounds and then hearing how fast the gun shoots ingame. It's trial and error and can take a while. Just was wondering if there was a simple conversion method to get the results faster. :)
  8. I think they still should have had justice, but not Legion justice. I listened to the head guy and all and it still seemed wrong. So as he was leaving I made a point to shoot only him down. Had about 1 or 2 bars life left and then used my only Stealth Boy to get away from the others. I think I was around level 5..
  9. I've never really messed with the radio in this game, but it sounds like it could be an error with the file type or way you saved your songs. It could be something like if the Sample Rate is too high/low or the Bit Rate of the song too high/low. Audio is finicky like that and with games sometimes needs to be a certain way to hear it correctly. For FO3 I used iPip and some of the songs I used worked and others didn't. So I would suggest re-saving your songs. Maybe try looking at the format of the in-game songs and then converting your songs to that.
  10. I read through your links and I did manage to fix the headwear as well as my mod back to normal. I used FNVedit and removed all of the headwear entries out of my mod. That fixed the damage done from using Update FaceGen. Then it was as simple as adding a "1" when editing the FaceGen Model Flags of my custom hat. The problem seems to be when using Update FaceGen, the flags are deleted. While if you try to just create a new hat entirely, it starts off without any flags as well. But now everything works, and I am happy. Thanks for your help! I hope this helps anyone else who has this problem until a patch comes out. :P
  11. I had the same problem, but the magazine was off because I had selected it to be held as twohandhandle. Once I switched it to twohandautomatic it worked fine. Actually nevermind. I just tried it again and it didn't work. :S
  12. Yeah, the 10mm is around, but I think slightly more rare than the 9mm. I have both and see the 9mm popping up a bit more.
  13. Upon playing the game a bit more, I noticed all hats now appear the same way... http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/1549/falloutnv20101022171629.th.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us Edit: I just did a test. I made a new blank mod and immediately tried doing the "Update FaceGen model availability" and that is what made ALL hats lay on the side of the head. Is there anyway to fix it? Otherwise I will have to start my mod over. :P Edit2: Another discovery. My mod is using HatPoliceAdult. I made an exact copy of the hat in the GECK. The original hat is worn fine, while the exact copy is worn to the side. Not sure why it does this at all..
  14. Just tried that and it didn't change anything. Still on the side and all. :(
  15. You could always make a batch file. Open up notepad and type in the codes you want. Save that as whatever title you want and place the text document in your NV root directory. Then open the console in-game and type "bat namehereplz" without quotations. This makes it so you only have to type one line to get multiple console commands. You can have different batch texts and they should have the commands in order from what you want done first to last.
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