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  1. the only fix for the armor i've seen so far is http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14340/? tbh it's been so long i've pretty much stopped caring, but thought i'd give one last comment on this thread before leaving it be if it eventually ends up getting fixed then yippe
  2. Wow i'm surpsrised that there is yet another thing that was chopped from this armor, and yet this time for no apparent reason? I guess clipping? Maybe?
  3. That sounds interesting...if such a mod were to exist I would use it, definitely.
  4. that's awesome thanks so much! it's been bothering me to no end, the armor just feels...incomplete to me no pressure though, just get to it if you want to of course if someone else hasn't done it by then
  5. EDIT: To be clear, I mean the marine leg armor is missing it's armored feet, NOT that the marine armor set is missing left and right legs. I'm not sure how many people have noticed so far but the marine leg armor is actually missing it's feet! shocking i know. check out these screenshot comparisons one in the inspection screen: http://i.imgur.com/gynzq4J.jpg one in the loading screen: http://i.imgur.com/iSAawd5.jpg and finally one as it appears in-game!: http://i.imgur.com/l9iSMv9.jpg EDIT: one more in better quality, without any undersuit on: http://i.imgur.com/Ubr92Rz.jpg is there anyway to fix this at all? ever since i noticed it's been bugging me to no end. maybe it was a design decision by bethesda, maybe it was buggy, maybe they ran out of time, or maybe they just thought it looked better without it? whatever! i just thought i'd put in a request to see what people think. do you think it would look better with this armor on the feet? that is not only in a loading screen but also on the actual model when you inspect it? i sure do! EDIT: apparently there is a ground object mesh for the left leg with the armored feet, if that helps.
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