Hello! I was really hoping to find one like this already in existence, but no luck. I'm requesting a mod from the almighty powers that be that allows you to play the lute (or other instruments) in battle with different magic effects, such as paralysis to enemies, as well as damage in elemental or otherwise form (like Viscious Mockery in DnD), or even Force Push, and give buffs to you and Friendlies, etc. Perhaps different effects could be determined by a certain song for an effect that is played by an already owned instrument, or maybe each instrument had it's own effect, or perhaps each effect could be an individual spell that summons a lute with a playing animation and music and casts the spell effect on the area. Another way of doing this might be to replace the Master level spell animation with a lute playing animation with some music for custom designed spells that fit the Bard play style. I know there is already a Become a Bard mod, which is wonderful. I'm not sure if it would be better to have this within or outside of that mod, as it probably wouldn't be great to accidentally obliterate everyone in an Inn while trying to earn some cash for a bite to eat. I think this would be a great mod to have, and would help me recreate my Bard from DnD. Would anyone have any ideas on how to go about creating this? Or know of anythnig equivalent that exists already? I'm also playing on Xb1 so it would be great if it were compatible there. Thank you!