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  1. It looks pretty, but don't you see how good it looks with some small modders work there is!? Take a look at the enhanced nightsky mod. Or the water effect mod. Or with the new wooden textures on chairs and barrels mod. They are not huge and i don't think that if u know how to do it that it isn't that hard to do it! We are not spoilt we just know what kind of graphics PC's can handle and what kind of graphics can be made!
  2. ? I would buy filled soul gems from petty to grand from the wizard guy in whiterun Well i think most wizard's who live in different Jarl's houses sells filled soul gems!
  3. No we are not blind! I have the mod already downloaded! It is just we all can see the laziness! I don't think it should be that big thing to make it look good for PC's. Just shows us that creators of games seem nowadays always forget how big favour PC has made for gaming industry and yet they go 'feck it they will sort it out them selves' That is why many of us blame consoles! You can clearly see form different games that it wasn't made for PC, but only transformed from console mode! Which is annoying as HELL! EDIT: Ventrilol best avatar ever :D
  4. I bet if Bethseda guys even test thei games out they test it with an xbox! Bet they have like only started it once with PC and saw that "ok it started just fine, it's ok to sell it now"! This is why most PC-gamers hate consoles! How would we feel if they would decide to make all food sold to us in a form of baby food! Canned and all mashed up with no spices. People would start to hate baby food, which would be wrong! Is it that hard to make the devs work on 2 versions at once? The money shouldn't be an issue, if u look at the sales!
  5. So basically there is a chest... in skyrim, but then i took arrow on my knee just kidding, will check this out asap! Nice find :D
  6. I have bee in a jar.. Need to find those other jars then :D
  7. You think that u can enter drinking contest without getting a headache afterwards and not to mention that u don't puke after drinking so much that u passout and wakeup somewhere totally different location... EDIT: Every time u screw up something u start to search for the latest savefile
  8. now Zelda has taken the lead.. I guess everyone is voting for Zelda just because of childhood memories! But hey if u watch the videos presented then there is no doubt about which looks better! I have never played Zelda and to me if i look at the Zelda video, well it does look kinda slow-paced.. And the color-schemes.. Zelda looks like Barbie-world colorscheme and Epilepsy waiting to happen! :wacko: Clearly a grown up game vs game for children.. And i'm just trying to look things in a way that i compare the videos shown on the G4TV-site :yes:
  9. Nice find! Always nice to find something new from this game of whacking :dance:
  10. Awesome news! :D Soon we can all enjoy the game much more
  11. I use the satchel for ingredients which is lying on the alchemy table. Only thing that is well thought!
  12. Trinkets, odds and ends, that sort of things! woopiedoo
  13. Pretty much as rest have answered. If my target is far away or i'm annoyed in general then i use fast travel and also using fast travel to sell/store stuff
  14. spelling is terrible put still i got the point of it :) So it's just not his/hers native language.. aint my either Good post OP
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