Hi there. I'm about to start giving this a shot. 100 hours in. I have literally finished every side quest, and am about to finally finish the main bits. Then this. xD Will update my Post once I'm done. But posting first to let you know that, if I am not wrong, having the conversation with Leliana in Haven but remaining silent results in CE01323A17870C4E95283D747263019A NOT being created. At least, it didn't for me. Update: Oh thank goodness! It worked! Thanks OP. And ricco19, if you are out there, THANK YOU! So, mine was 6 shifts, in case people were wondering how many it might take. Question though. CE01323A17870C4E95283D747263019A = Leliana did not kill agent But what are the other 3? And why did we have to add the last 2, since they are set to False? Would the game not have considered them False regardless? No harm, seeing as how what I replaced is, by DAI code, still set as FALSE. I'm just really curious what those 3 flags are.