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About afx777

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  1. Thanks for the useful suggestions, will try them today! :thumbsup:
  2. Hii I've never really been bothered to look into this problem properly but when I sprint or sometimes turn around (like in a new area) Skyrim stutters. Now, I'm guessing it's because of the textures/meshes/models etc are loading? Are there any solutions and tweaks to preload/precatch the above said which may solve the stuttering when sprinting and turning? I have a Raedon 7870 2GB, 8GB ram, x8 AMD @ 3.50ghz, SSD, Windows 7 64.
  3. Thanks for the reply, I've seem to of solved the problem purely by chance when browsing the mods just now. I used this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26225 and the texture flickering/artifacts have stopped *fingers crossed* - But, the mountains in the distance still flicker, is there a fix for that? Ah, I've just come across Z-fighting fix... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjHt-4Z6PwI
  4. Hi I've upgraded my video card from a Radeon HD 5770 to a HD 7870 and have been experiencing sporadic flickering and artifacts around Skyrim. I've done a total clean install of Win 7 64 with 12.11 beta 4 drivers. Disabled all mods. Tinkered with .ini perferences. Turned off AA in catalyst settings. ... but still have fail to solve the problems. So, am wondering if anyone has a possible fix I have yet to come across? Any suggestions and solutions appreciated, thanks.
  5. I just lost mine after it kept on crashing on load, I uninstalled then reinstalled, lost the mod listing window. :-( How did you solve it? Another noob! :rolleyes:
  6. I think it's a corrupted save game, I started a new character and had no problem. I read on here saving a game in werewolf form causes saved games to become corrupted.
  7. Hi I noticed this also in other games such as Penumbra and Stalker when it's dark, when I move the mouse left and right I notice a greenish line distortion around the sides of dark/black walls and buildings, I have tried taking a screen shot but it's too quick, grrr! I have Raedon HD 5770 with the latest drivers catalyst 12.3 drivers (and have tried the beta 12.4 drivers also) but still no luck. Anyone else experienced this or may have a solution? Thanks.
  8. Obviously modding is predominately male orientated and men are obsessed by airbrushed model good looks and physiques.
  9. When I mount my horse and start riding, it suddenly goes up into the air and moves around left and right, it's quite funny to watch actually but becoming an annoyance now! :wallbash: I have tried disabling the following horse mods... Better Horses, Horse Fast Dismount, Horses for Followers and Horse Amors but still no luck. Any ideas and suggestions please?
  10. Just another idea I've had for a few weeks, what about a mod with the theme of Amenesia: Dark Descent , therefore no weapons and spells in a cave, dungeon or castle?
  11. I've been wondering if it's possible and workable for some sort of RTS sub game mod to be implemented into Skyrim? Imagine controlling an army of undead and necromancers against the imperials! Using an isometric view maybe or an over head one?
  12. I like to see this also, I don't know what Bethesda are thinking calling Whiterun and even Solitude cities, they are more like small villages and towns.
  13. Hi Just wondering how people here record and compare their FPS in game? Do you move around in doors such as Breezehome then do a circular trip of Whiterun?
  14. Interesting, OK I'm not far in the game playing my mage so I'll start a new game and see what happens, thanks for the suggestion.
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