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About cabius

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Wondering if someone could help me with some UI issues in Fallout New Vegas after installing mods. I followed the Viva New Vegas guide and then added a few mods myself (Mostly quest mods). This is specifically dealing with using a controller when I press up on the Dpad it looks like it is trying to open up some kind of a wheel but it appears to be glitched. Also the grenade UI element is overlapping the AP gauge on the right. Is there a way to move that to the left? Here is my load order https://pastebin.com/vA9PxuuR I also notice that Universal Item Sorter just randomly doesn't work at times. And a video to show what I mean. I am wondering if this is a load order issue because I use LOOT to auto sort my load order and I don't know how often the masters get updated for New Vegas anymore. Another issue I was having was happening when I clicked in the left stick to sprint it would cause the pipboy menu to bug out, making the control stick ultra sensitive and causing it to cycle categories endlessly. I Reloaded from before I had the issue and haven't run into that issue again since then. A video for that issue: Any Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
So I subscribed to premium and my download speeds are atrociously slow. It fluctuates anywhere from 160kbps to 500kbps. When I first started the download it shot up to 1mb then slowly worked its way back down. It's saying 24 hours for a 2.5GB download. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am in the USA, Wisconsin to be more specific. Public IP is : When I ping nexusmods it looks like it times out, and I am getting a 50% packet loss. I did a speedtest and my internet speeds are 223MBps. Pinging files.nexus-cdn.com [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=32ms TTL=51Request timed out.Reply from bytes=32 time=34ms TTL=51Request timed out. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 2, Lost = 2 (50% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 32ms, Maximum = 34ms, Average = 33msI am downloading from this https://premium-files.nexus-cdn.com/1704/29194/Interesting%20NPCs%20SE%20-%20BSAs-29194-4-0-1569454329.7z?md5=OB1Elzh88gHnjOsVov77Qg&expires=1574908218&user_id=1479534&rip=
I have been having random CTDs in and around Red Rocket Truck Stop. Here is my load order, I would appreciate any help anyone is willing to give me. https://pastebin.com/NWPHWmKM Thank You
So my Darnified UI has a problem where the letters are huge and bold, as shown in the image that follows. https://ibb.co/cF4tCS I installed using OMOD where it automatically changes Oblivion.ini for you, I have gone into the ini to ensure that everything looks right under the fonts category. I chose to use Kingthings Exeter during installation. What did I do wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
So I have used blender to model a sword. I have used this method to get it into the game. http://youtu.be/CwPIUDFi5_Y?t=5m1s The only difference is that I exported it as a .3ds instead of a .obj cause I have been working from multiple tutorials. I haven't made a blood mesh because I am not sure exactly what it is, is it just a copy of the bladed overlayed on the actual blade with a blood texture? Here is how it looks in blender. http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o212/scottypma/sword_zps9516beed.png I have read somewhere that Skyrim only uses a Normal Map and a Specular map and does not need an Ambient Occlusion or a Displacement map. So does this node tree look right? http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o212/scottypma/texturestuffs_zps3e55dc33.png And here it is in NifSkope http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o212/scottypma/texturestuffs_zps3e55dc33.png Here it is in game. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=369334391 Any Help would be greatly appreciated. If you need any more info don't hesitate to ask. I can show you it in the CK too but I didn't think that would be needed.
So I am currently pretty much done with a sword for skyrim. I see that most swords have a blood mesh. I was just wondering how you make the blood mesh, do you just duplicate the blade mesh an size it up to fit around the real blade? Also is 6k tris too much for a one hand weapon in Skyrim?
I knew that was the cause of the problem, however you told me that it would be hard to remove without breaking the save, that is why I did not want to remove it. It didn't break anything, I made it to the end of the game without problem.
I just removed IA via the mod manager that worked!
Ok, removing the texture mods did not help. I am about to remove the ENB, any tips for removing IA? I am sure I can't just simply remove it, as you said, stuff becomes baked into saves. The person on the Mod page says this. So maybe removing one or the other could help? Since that script deals directly with the landsmeet, that may be the cause of the crash.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding you but I did nothing differently to get that far, Installing the patch offered on the IA mod page fixed the crash, so all I had to do is play as I normally would. Unless that is what you mean? If so what I did differently to get the landsmeet is I installed the patch on the mod page.
Any or all of the above could be the source of your CtDs. With the first one being the most likely. Denerim is the most crash-prone area of the game. It actually uses a method of handling where the Party is and how they interact with the environment that's significantly different from all other areas. On top of that, IA makes the most changes to the surrounding environments, and the actions going on there. For example; in the Nov 2012 update to IA, the author of IA said: This is just one example of the kind of thing that can happen with IA. Worse, once installed it can be impossible to uninstall IA (for a particular character's set of saves) because certain elements get "baked-in" to every save. Once this happens, saves made with IA cannot be loaded without it. Even "Force Load" won't work. I think IA is an amazing piece of work. I've also found that "it doesn't work and play well with others", so I choose not to use it at all. :unsure: (Oh, and I've seen some reports of more problems with newer AMD gpus compared with nVidia's. Might check drivers and/or google "AMD Dragon-Age".) Hmmmmm... Re-posting my original response because... it gave you all the information anyone has regarding your issue. And it told you the most likely cause of your problem. That it wasn't the solution you wanted can't be helped. No one put any words in your mouth (go ahead, double-check what was said.) It was your tone and (apparent) unwillingness to provide any additional technical information about the situation ("Ok, got to the Landsmeet", doesn't say what you did to get there) which prompted the unsympathetic "Player Beware" reply. The only personal insults being hurled in this entire thread are from you. [EDIT: And are you still playing DAO on a machine with 776MB RAM and the nVidia 8300GS video card?] Ok as I said I will forget everything that has been said in this thread, Perhaps I took your tone in an unintended way. That is the problem with written communication after all. I will change my tone right here and right now. What do you mean by "what I did to get there"? I got to the landsmeet by playing the game, doing the quests that lead up to the landsmeet. Also You must have missed what I said in one of my posts, or what I posted in the first post. No I am not playing on a low quality machine. My specs are as follows... AMD Radeon 6970 2GB 8 GB RAM Intel i5 Quadcore with 2.67Ghz I will update the specs on my profile to alleviate any further confusion on the subject. Also I am talking with Kojana who I assumed to be the mod author because they know quite a bit about the mod. He/She has suggested using a less taxing texture mod since the engine was never meant to handle a lot of the mods we throw at it. Kojana suggests I try Theta HD. I will take everything into consideration, and if removing other mods does not fix my problem I will Remove IA, since it seems like it will be quite a big deal to remove.
Thank you, And removing the mod broke your save once and for all I take it? I have spoken with the Mod Author Kajana who says that the Landsmeet Crash is not caused by IA but likely a conflict between IA and one of my other mods. I will now begin removing one mod at a time to see what fixes it.
My first post gave my mos list and system specs. What I have tried is the patch that the mod author of IA created it fixed it all the way up to the landsmeet. I have not tried removing the mod because I would rather not completely break my save and have to start all over again. I was looking for alternatives. Also you can't expect me to just sit here and take it when someone blatantly lies about me, puts words in my mouth, and down right insults my intelligence. I will leave it at that, and from this point forward I will pretend nothing ever happened.
These factors might be contributing to your problems as well.] I am not sure whose rig you are looking at, (perhaps I put my rig on my profile when I still lived with my Mom 4 years ago, when I would have still been using her computer) But I have 8 GB of ram, and an AMD 6970, I also have a mid level Intel I5, If you had payed attention to my first post you would know that. If It was a problem with my computer not being powerful enough I would know, do you not think I would mention something like "oh hey my PC is a pile of s#*! that can barely run any modern game on the lowest settings."? Also when I said people here SEEM to have their heads up their ass, BEFORE you "pointed out that no one is under any obligation to do so" I might add, I was referring to you and your clearly bad attitude. It is beyond me how you became a Moderator here ad you behavior is not that of someone I would ever consider making a moderator.I will also quote my post to disprove you, as you yet again try to put words in my mouth. Where in that post does it "Simply say 'Help me. Again."? Absolutely nowhere. Obviously I had thought the plugin fixed my problem so I had no need to remove any mod, I came to let it be known that I had experienced another problem. I did not say "fix it". Also as I understand it removing the mod would break my game even more, hence the logical idea of trying to find another solution that does not involve starting a new game. You don't seem to understand that when I posted that I was not asking for anything, I was just sharing my experience with people who may have experienced it as well, and if I was lucky someone might come along and say "oh hey, here is what I found works". I would also like to add that I asked for help a grand total of One time in this thread. Please just leave my thread alone. Us arguing here solves absolutely nothing.
Because you seem to be under the misapprehension that it is our job to make your game work. Which mods have your removed? (You don't say you've removed any.) What research/steps have you taken on your own? (You mention none.) Different players have provide sound advice as to the possible causes and potential solutions for your problems. You continue to question why a collection of independent, fan-made modifications to the game don't work seamlessly together, instead of simply recognizing that they don't and removing the ones that prevent your continuing the game. Result; unable to play and minimal-to-zero sympathy from the Community. :armscrossed: I never once even came close to insinuating that it was anyone's "job" to fix my problems. Refer to my first post where I ASK for help not DEMAND it.I came here for help. Have you ever heard of the word "advice"? I came here for advice for a possible fix, how am I to know that a fix has not been found if I do not ask? I researched plenty about problems with Denerim and mods, only to find the same thing you incessantly tell me. In my third post I did not "question why a collection of independent, fan-made modifications to the game don't work seamlessly together, instead of simply recognizing that they don't and removing the ones that prevent your continuing the game" If you would refer to that post you will see I simply shared more information, perhaps someone else has a similar problem, perhaps they found a fix to the specific problem. Maybe someone who is not as thick skulled and closed minded as yourself will come in here and offer me some real options for fixing the problem without having to start a whole new game. I have not removed any mods because that plug in on the site fixed my problem, or so I thought. Hence the reason I am came to share more information on my problem. The other person offered me much more explanation of the problem and what causes it and how I could possibly limit the chances of it occurring. You have done nothing be be completely unhelpful while seemingly slapping me on the wrist for using mods in the first place. You are being completely intolerable for no reason. Maybe it is because you are a moderator? You feel you have to swing your weight around and be a complete ass for no reason? These are Discussion forums after all, I wish to discuss the problem with someone other than you, because you clearly do not see why I am here. Goodbye.