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About Zachsparrow

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    United States
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    Fallout3,PoP 2,
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    Fallout 3

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  1. This idea came to me while I was playing a cowboy/sheriff type character. The classic Old West type. I got to the part where Joe Cobb was threatening Goodsprings and I thought to myself what I should do, staying in character. I wouldn't just blow his head off, but I also wouldn't put others in harms way. Then it came to me that this character would probably challenge him to a duel in the middle of town. I looked for a mod that added this, thinking that it CERTAINLY would have already been done due to the Old Western vibe of the Mojave Wasteland, but my search came up blank. I'm not sure if it would work or not, what with engine limitations, but I think this is a good idea for a mod. The thought is that the player could challenge any NPC to a duel. Both would use a handgun (default to 357 revolver if they don't have one in their inventory), and then a timer would slowly count down at the top of the HUD. The guns would be set to instantly kill for the duration of this fight, and once it is over they return to normal. I understand that you may be thinking that the NPC would always win, but that isn't necessarily the case. Perhaps you could have their reaction speed change depending on the level and faction. (Example : An NCR officer that is a high level would still have a cut to his draw speed due to the fact that they are soldiers and are used to going into open battle with allies, rather than one on one, planned gunfights.) So, is this possible? Would anybody be willing to make this mod?
  2. Aw, crap. owenreilly89 PLEASE tell me you got the textures!? He's been banned.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzTxrldg4oE
  4. I have been looking for a mod to replace all deadra and dremora with scamps. Also, I need a scamp retex with pitch black skin and yellow eyes (glowing eyes if possible) This will make them look like shadow heartless. Which is the main enemy in Kingdom Hearts. Also, if possible please make teh guy that martin in dragon form kills look like this, http://dreager1.wordpress.com/2011/06/07/king-kong-vs-darkside-kh/ (the "darkside" the second picture, under king kong. Also, there hole is in the shape of a heart.) This may seem like a lot of work, (or bareley any at all, i dont mod so i dont know.) but i am dieing for this mod and im sure other kh fans would like it too.
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