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  1. As mentioned in the title, while playing fallout 3 completely unmodded my gameplay is extremely choppy and slow and for some reason the game won't go above 48 fps no matter what. I've tried disabling v-sync but that does nothing, got no idea what's causing this. It's definitely not my computer specs, i got a i7-9700F CPU and a RTX2060. I attached a link that leads to a gif of the issue. https://gyazo.com/7233a750e0a01cf30cb689eee40c06dd
  2. [sOLVED] It was the honest hearts reborn mod that was messing up the dialogue, deactivated it and could recruit Lily.
  3. For some reason I cannot recruit Lily, I've done the "Guess What I Saw Today" quest and passed the science check so Lily wouldn't have to use the stealth boy and after that I left Jacobstown and didn't recruit her. However, i've come back to due her quest and i can't recruit her for some reason, there is no dialogue option to do so. There's no "three's a company" dialogue, because there is is literally no dialogue option to recruit her, this didn't happen with any other companion. The only dialogue option available is to ask what she does in Jacobstown. I've tried killing her and resurrecting her, resetting her ai, using the rdf command to no avail. I just really wanna get her personal quest done with her taking full medicine, don't even really want her to follow me around. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  4. I fixed it, i was launching nv from the exe, using the launcher to play fixed everything and the game runs with enb, thank you for all your help though!!
  5. I thought i should thank you for the quick reply and to notify you that i completly removed everything from new vegas including the ini files and all mods. then i reinstalled it and transfered the d3d9.dll file again and it still crashes. i don't know if it's compatibility mode that's affecting it or something else.
  6. I've decided to play fallout new vegas again, but i'd forgotten how frustrating it is, im using the rust enb and the enbdev v278 files and everytime i launch fallout new vegas i get a black screen but i can still hear the audio, however once i remove the d3d9.dll everything works except the enb obviously, i've tried the d3d9 fix to no avail and im using the new 4gb patcher, i've had this problem before but i'd always manage to fix it somehow maybe because of the old 4gb launcher, but now nothing works. I've verified the game cache and now the game just crashes at startup, i've uninstalled and reinstalled the game a bunch of times, any help is greatly appreciated. Before anyone answers, i have not hit the plugin limit, if i remove the d3d9.dll file the game launches normally, so it's nothing to do with mods or plugins
  7. These are my dazip's, i have a bunch of override mods installed though they're mainly cosmetic
  8. I do not know if this has already been posted, but i am seriously pissed off. I keep having glitche deathblows on ogres, like my character will jump away from the ogre and starts cutting the air, so it looks like some invisible person is killing the ogre, the same crap happens with the broodmother does anyone know some way to fix this ? I have forced deathblows installed.
  9. Is it true that enbs do not work with windows 10 ? I've been trying to run the Rust ENB through the FNV4GB launcher and i've done all the necessary changes like move the d3d9.dll to the exes folder and add the command line to the shortcut, but nothing seems to work, do any of you run any enb on windows 10 ? Any suggestions ?
  10. Ok through sheer dumb luck i managed to get NVSE running, what i did was simply put steam running as an administrator in the compatibility tab, and then launched the game through Steam UI, used the GetNVSEVersion and NVSE Version: 5 appeared and project nevada did not notify me about not having NVSE running, and im super glad that i atleast got nvse, running, but it seems like 4GB might be trickier.
  11. Re 1. Does Steam have any error messages in the Windows "Application Errors" Event Log? Re 2. Yes, it does go to the FNV4GB page. But there are two: the one linked on the NVSE site, and the newer, updated one I linked. I'm successfully using the latter, so let's stick with it. Note that for testing we are not using the FNV4GB loader. That is not related to getting NVSE working correctly. It only comes into play when we want the 4GB loader to recognize and load NVSE. -Dubious- 1. I went and checked and there is no steam errors in the event log 2. I download the updated 4GB Loader and put it on the main directory and then used nvse_loader.exe and it still gave me the error https://gyazo.com/a7a7222c0524657e445a15e3676fbc62 https://gyazo.com/0816f2870ece750b87ddaa151328bee5
  12. 1. No i do not get any Windows Error messages, just the steam error 2. The link you provided goes to the 4GB FNV page, i just want to confirm that you put the correct link.
  13. 1. As you instructed i turned off my antivirus and proceeded to download nvse again, put the exe and dlls as well as the Data folder in the main directory and turned off my wifi. 2. I then tried to run nvse_loader.exe and still got the same error, i went to check and i have a nvse_loader.log and a nvse_steam_loader.log, i do not have a nvse.log even when i ran the game with a mod that need nvse. 3. As you said the plugins folder was created although there is no nvse.ini. 4. https://gyazo.com/5279dfa4241aca6e47a99b19efe64433 (nvse_loader.log) 5. https://gyazo.com/1ce5fa428da4da59836bfd52b0d3993e (nvse_steam_loader.log) P.S I forgot to mention but i have the ultimate version of new vegas and have all the dlcs active and it might be that my antivirus is messing with the proper installation of the actual game (although im just speculating) As always i must express my thanks on how you're dedicating time to help me and just want to remind you that you're an awesome guy.
  14. Thank you again for the reply i will try to answer everything seperately 1. The first error in the log is this one: Loader:Error getting number of modules loadeded in child process only a part of the request ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory was concluded. 2. I don't believe i am running the game in compatibility mode but i went to check it out and apparently i have windows 8 as the compatibilty mode and yes i upgraded to windows 10 3. Yes i am using the beta version although i used the other one and i still get the same error, and i don't believe i installed it on data folder, since the install instructions say the files should go into de main directory and no i do not have a plugins file nor the ini you mentioned 4.Using the shortcut with the correct id 5.Yes i have run it with run as administrator as a property and it did not work 6. and i tried to run it with the folder name changed but it didn't fix anything so i just reinstalled it and left the folder alone, i have the encplzru version and the game is in english. P.S I would like to mention that i contacted the person who made the 4GBFNV and he said that the kernel32 error as something with my antivirus preventing access to some special files and again i cannot thank you enough for the time you have granted me in order to help me.
  15. I have 8GB of RAM and i apologize for the mistake but yes i did verify and reinstall new vegas, as well as reinstalled steam and it did not work and no my games are not in program files, they are in my C: Disk on a folder called games, steam is also installed in that folder and as i have stated i used to play 4GB and NVSE just fine, although if i remember correctly i was still using windows 8 and new vegas was still in program files directory, if it would help i can post the nvse logs here and i am very grateful for the reply as i have posted this in several forums and really desperate for an answer.
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