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About h27kim

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  1. Curious if there is a good way to look for old mods that are no longer findable anywhere (thinking specifically about Chakaru's mods, but not necessarily those only). One unfrotunate thing about people who found Oblivion late (thanks to it becoming available as a GOG or Amazon gaming giveaway) is that many of the best mods can't be found anywhere nowadays, with the download sites going away and so forth.
  2. Update: OK, the Mesh Rigger turned out to do exactly what I was hoping could be done. (I do have a lot of properly rigged meshes that are close, just not exactly the same) and I was hoping something would just copy the bones and weights--I think that's what it does.) It does seem to involve a bit of tinkering around (the portable python that it comes with doesn't seem to work with anything complex) but I did manage to get it to work (although I'm not entirely what I did). Thanks!!!
  3. Thanks to you both. Assigning bones and weights to mesh is pretty tricky! Will report back after some more experimentation!
  4. Hi, I've found a nice mod that has just one set of gloves (Acolyte of Kynareth by Korana, btw: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27530). I was figuring that, since I'm learning how to use Blender (v. 3.6) anyways, it would be a good practice to create a mirror mesh to make a pair of gloves. So the mirroring the mesh worked fine, but, once you see it in game (or CS, actually), the duplicated side has issues--which I recognized as a bones issue. But this is where I'm completely stuck: I can't seem to figure out how to get the bones and weights right: the best I could do was to manually assign bones from the opposite side--which, at least, got rid of the spikes, but the weights are all wrong, as seen from clippings. Whenever I tried to mirror and/or copy the vertex weights in Blender, I noticed that the wrong bones are inserted (e.g. it creates right hands instead of the left hands--and the new bones don't have the mirrored weights of the original bones, presumably because they are not "left" bones.) I can't seem to figure out how this works and most of the instructions on Reddit, etc. seem either wrong, not applicable to this version, or otherwise not followable. Suggestions/help, please!?
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