I've found a nice mod that has just one set of gloves (Acolyte of Kynareth by Korana, btw: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27530). I was figuring that, since I'm learning how to use Blender (v. 3.6) anyways, it would be a good practice to create a mirror mesh to make a pair of gloves. So the mirroring the mesh worked fine, but, once you see it in game (or CS, actually), the duplicated side has issues--which I recognized as a bones issue. But this is where I'm completely stuck: I can't seem to figure out how to get the bones and weights right: the best I could do was to manually assign bones from the opposite side--which, at least, got rid of the spikes, but the weights are all wrong, as seen from clippings. Whenever I tried to mirror and/or copy the vertex weights in Blender, I noticed that the wrong bones are inserted (e.g. it creates right hands instead of the left hands--and the new bones don't have the mirrored weights of the original bones, presumably because they are not "left" bones.) I can't seem to figure out how this works and most of the instructions on Reddit, etc. seem either wrong, not applicable to this version, or otherwise not followable. Suggestions/help, please!?