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Posts posted by TheDarkRhayne

  1. So I have my hud setup all pretty except for one icon, that's the shield/off hand weapon being in the middle of the health orb! Could someone look at this ini setting and see what i'm doing wrong?



    ; HUD status bars.ini
    ; =====================
    ; Version: 5.3.2
    ; Author: Ole Boe / TheNiceOne
    ; =================== Individual HUD status bars Settings for vanilla style
    ; To use a status bar, edit the lines for the bar the following way:
    ; * tnoHSB.hud_color: Bar color. Can be either a number, a script variable or a function. If the result is 0, the entire bar is hidden.
    ; * tnoHSB.hud_val: A script variable or function that calculates the value that is displayed in the bar
    ; * tnoHSB.hud_max: Set the max threshold for val that makes the bar full. Either a number, a script variable or a function.
    ; SetStage tnoHSB 10 Creates the bar. Must be the last line for each bar
    ; There are also more advanced settings to use, but the three above are the only three mandatory for each bar.
    ; The advanced settings are described in the user guide, and some of them used in the settings for Status bars below
    ; There are many examples at the bottom of this file. Just copy / paste to use them - but remove the at ; the start of the lines.
    ; ==== Weapon health displayed below weapon icon. Hidden if not wielding weapon.
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarSmall
    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "1+4*(tnoHSB.frac<0.5)" ; green, red when below 50%
    set tnoHSB.hud_ref to sv_Construct "Player.GetEquippedObject 16" ; 16 = weapon
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "Player.GetEquippedCurrentHealth 16"
    set tnoHSB.hud_tmp to sv_Construct "(Player.GetAV Armorer) >= 75" ; 1 if being an expert armorer
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "(1+0.25*tnoHSB.tmp)*(GetObjectHealth hud_ref)"
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDweaponCenter ; Place beneath weapon icon, with same width
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDweaponBelow
    set tnoHSB.hud_size to HUDweaponWidth
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; ==== Display current charge of equipped weapon above weapon icon. Hide bar if you don't have an enchanted weapon equipped.
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarSmall
    set tnoHSB.hud_visible to sv_Construct "tnoHSB.max" ; Only visible if max is non-zero, e.g. if the weapon has an enchantment
    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorPurple" ; Purple color
    set tnoHSB.hud_ref to sv_Construct "Player.GetEquippedObject 16" ; Set hud_ref to equipped weapon
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "Player.GetEquippedCurrentCharge 16" ; Set val to current charge of player's equipped weapon
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "GetObjectCharge hud_ref" ; Get object charge (max charge) of the current equipped weapon
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDweaponCenter ; Centered relative to weapon icon
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDweaponAbove ; Right above weapon icon
    set tnoHSB.hud_size to HUDweaponWidth ; Same width as weapon icon
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; ==== Display current Spell effectiveness (due to wearing armor, or mods), below the magic spell icon
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarSmall
    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorBlue"
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "GetSpellEffectiveness"
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "1"
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDmagicCenter ; Centered relative to magic icon
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDmagicBelow ; Right above magic icon
    set tnoHSB.hud_size to HUDmagicWidth ; Same width as magic icon
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; ==== Display current Encumbrance. Bar is full when you carry nothing. Color is yellow, but changes gradually to red as your encumbrance increases.
    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorOrange"
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "GetAV Encumbrance" ; Player is default reference when hud_ref is not defined.
    set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct "(GetBaseAV Encumbrance) - 4" ; Bar is at min (empty) when current encumbrance = maximum encumbrance
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "0" ; Bar is at max (full) when current encumrance = 0
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDbars ; Same x pos as standard bars
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDbarsBelow ; Right above standard bars
    ; Size not given = HUDdefault = standard bar size
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; Change those three global settings to match icons with text on the left side (for the bars below)
    set tnoHSB.textPos_x to HUDtxtLeft
    set tnoHSB.textPos_y to HUDtxtCenter
    set tnoHSB.textAdjust_y to 2
    ; ==== Display health of your summoned creature, as summon icon + health. Bar is invisible when no creature is currently summoned
    ; If using a mod that allows you multiple summons, you may want to copy the entire bar settings, but replace the "1" in "hud_summon 1" with "2", "3", etc.
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarSmall
    set tnoHSB.hud_ref to sv_Construct "hud_summon 1" ; ref is current summon. Makes bar invisible if no current summon
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "GetAV Health" ; Health of summon
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "GetBaseAV Health" ; Base health of summon
    ; Use pos (above previous bar)
    set tnoHSB.hud_updateInterval to 0.6 ; Only update the bar every 0.6 secod
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarRefIcon ; Display the correct icon for the summon
    set tnoHSB.hud_textDisplay to HUDtxtValue ; Display health as plain number
    ; set tnoHSB.hud_name to sv_Construct "hud_ref: " ; Remove semicolon at start of line to display name of summon too
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to 99 ; To the right
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDbarsLow ; Same y pos as fatigue bar
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; ==== Display disease status. Display name and icon of the last received disease, and number of diseases. Hidden if having no diseases
    set tnoHSB.hud_ref to sv_Construct "GetDisease" ; ref is current disease
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "GetDisease" ; val is number of diseases
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarRefIcon ; Use the disease's icon
    set tnoHSB.hud_name to sv_Construct "hud_ref: " ; Display name of ref (the current disease)
    set tnoHSB.hud_textColor to sv_Construct "HUDcolorCyan" ; Text color is cyan
    set tnoHSB.hud_textDisplay to HUDtxtValue ; Display number of diseases
    set tnoHSB.hud_updateInterval to 5 ; Only update the bar every fifth second since diseases don't change frequently
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; ==== An alternative customized enemy health bar
    ; It displays a bar similar to the vanilla, but also displays if the enemy health is buffed above its base.
    ; It changes color from green (above base), yellow (above 67%), orange (above 33%) to red (below 33%)
    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "1+6*(tnoHSB.val<tnoHSB.tmp)+3*(tnoHSB.frac<0.67)-5*(tnoHSB.frac<0.33)"
    set tnoHSB.hud_ref to sv_Construct "hud_enemy" ; ref is last attacked enemy
    set tnoHSB.hud_tmp to sv_Construct "GetBaseAV Health" ; Base health of last attacked enemy
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "GetAV Health" ; Health of last attacked enemy
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "tnoHSB.enemyMaxHealth" ; A special variable, max detected health of enemy
    set tnoHSB.hud_custom to sv_Construct "HealthArc\HA"
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to 41
    set tnoHSB.hud_custom_w to 128
    set tnoHSB.hud_custom_h to 32
    set tnoHSB.hud_size to 75 ; Size 75% of the native icon size
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to 50 ; X pos 50 = centered
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to 48 ; Y pos 48 = just above reticle
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; === The health bar, displaying when you have a wounded actor in your crosshair, but not a current enemy
    set tnoHSB.hud_ref to sv_Construct "GetCrossHairRef"
    set tnoHSB.hud_visible to sv_Construct "(tnoHSB.frac < 1) && (tnoHSB.frac > 0) && (tnoHSB.enemyMaxHealth == 0)" ; Only display if the actor is alive and wounded and no current enemy
    set tnoHSB.hud_color_max to HUDcolorGreen ; Color is green when health is full,
    set tnoHSB.hud_color_min to HUDcolorYellow ; ...and gradually changes towards yellow as health drops
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "GetAV Health" ; Health of crosshair ref
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "GetBaseAV Health" ; base health of crosshair ref
    set tnoHSB.hud_custom to sv_Construct "HealthArc\HA"
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to 41
    set tnoHSB.hud_custom_w to 128
    set tnoHSB.hud_custom_h to 32
    set tnoHSB.hud_size to 75 ; Size 75% of the native icon size
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDprevBar ; X&Y pos same as enemy health bar
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; ==== Shield / Offhand weapon
    ; Display icon of equipped shield. Hide bar if you don't have a shield equipped (or it doesn't show in your hands)
    set tnoHSB.hud_ref to sv_Construct "Player.GetEquippedObject 13" ; Use "Player." all the times because Ref is the current shield
    set tnoHSB.hud_visible to sv_Construct "Player.IsShieldOut"
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarRefIcon
    set tnoHSB.hud_size to HUDweaponWidth
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDWeaponRight
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDmagicCenter
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; ==== Shield / Offhand weapon health displayed below icon. Hidden if not wielding shield/offhand weapon.
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarSmall
    set tnoHSB.hud_visible to sv_Construct "Player.IsShieldOut"
    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "1+4*(tnoHSB.frac<0.5)" ; green, red when below 50%
    set tnoHSB.hud_ref to sv_Construct "Player.GetEquippedObject 13"
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "Player.GetEquippedCurrentHealth 13"
    set tnoHSB.hud_tmp to sv_Construct "(Player.GetAV Armorer) >= 75" ; 1 if being an expert armorer
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "(1+0.25*tnoHSB.tmp)*(GetObjectHealth hud_ref)"
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDmagicBelow ; Height right below magic icon
    set tnoHSB.hud_size to HUDweaponWidth
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; ==== UV Throw
    ; Display current icon and count of the thing to throw. Hide bar if you don't have any.
    set tnoHSB.hud_ref to sv_Construct "uvVariablesQuest.thingtothrow"
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_construct "Player.GetItemCount hud_ref"
    set tnoHSB.hud_visible to sv_construct "tnoHSB.val"
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarRefIcon
    set tnoHSB.hud_size to HUDmagicWidth
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDMagicRight
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDprevBarLow
    set tnoHSB.hud_textDisplay to HUDtxtValue
    set tnoHSB.hud_textColor to sv_Construct "13"
    set tnoHSB.hud_textShadowColor to sv_Construct "15"
    set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_x to HUDtxtRight
    set tnoHSB.hud_textPos_y to HUDtxtBelow
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; ==== UV Spell charge
    ; Display current spell charge above the magic spell icon
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "uvKeyMonitorScript.spellincrements"
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "GetAV Intelligence"
    set tnoHSB.hud_visible to sv_Construct "uvvariablesquest.enablechargedcasting && IsControlPressed 7 && (Player.IsRidingHorse == 0)"
    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorPink"
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarSmall
    set tnoHSB.hud_size to HUDmagicWidth
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDmagicCenter
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDmagicAbove
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; ==== UV Spell charge (munted)
    ; Display current spell charge above the magic spell icon
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "uvHorseCombatQuest.spellincrements"
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "GetAV Intelligence"
    set tnoHSB.hud_visible to sv_Construct "uvvariablesquest.enablechargedcasting && IsControlPressed 7 && (Player.IsRidingHorse == 1)"
    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorPink"
    set tnoHSB.hud_type to HUDbarSmall
    set tnoHSB.hud_size to HUDmagicWidth
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDmagicCenter
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDmagicAbove
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
    ; =================== UV Momentum
    ; Display UV momentum
    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorYellow" ; 10, orange
    set tnoHSB.hud_visible to sv_Construct "uvvariablesquest.usemomentum"
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "uvvariablesquest.momentum" ; UV's momentum
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "1.0" ; Max is 100%
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDbars ; Same x pos as standard bars
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDbarsAbove ; A bit above standard bars so it stands out
    set tnoHSB.hud_min to 0 ; for technical reasons the momentum is min 1
    ; Size not given = HUDdefault = standard bar size
    SetStage tnoHSB 10 ; Init status bar 0
    ; ==== UV Consentration mode timer
    ; Display consentration time left
    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct "HUDcolorRed"
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "uvVariablesQuest.bullettimetimer"
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct "uvvariablesquest.bullettimewillpowermultiplier * (GetAV Willpower)"
    set tnoHSB.hud_visible to sv_construct "tnoHSB.val > 0" ; Only visible when value is above 0
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to HUDbars ; Same x pos as standard bars
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to HUDPrevBarAbove ; A bit above standard bars so it stands out
    SetStage tnoHSB 10
  2. So i have this dorky rp character, he can transform into a demon/monster thing that sorta looks like the rake with yellow eyes (ill put a pic if you don't know what im talking about) i was wondering if anyone could do a transformation mod, nothing over the top, honestly he would play like the werewolf so it could just be a skin replacer, or a second werewolf that plays the same but is the demon. for reference



  3. Is there a perk overhaul that gets rid of all the small passive perks and just leaves/adds ability perks like eagle eye and shield charge? I know there is perkus, ordinator, and sperg but I don't think they do what I'm looking for.

  4. So when I was young, I remember watching Bram's with my dad (we were HUGE vampire buffs) and during the opening of the movie Vlad wore this rad as f*** blood red armour that looked like flesh. It was so cool as a kid, and now since I have gotten more into mods ( I'm not the best with tech so I refrain from messing with my games when I can) I wondered if anyone could take interest and possibly make the armour, or help me figure out how to bring it into Skyrim. I don't really know anything about making mods but it would be interesting to learn ( though i guess armour isn't the best start for a beginner ) . That said, here are a few images of the armour,










    I figure the armour would be craftable, of daedric quality or slightly less, classified as Heavy armour, enchantable unless pre-enchanted is preferred, and could even come with a weapon ( either custom or from one of the various version of dracula ). The armour should weight 45-60 pounds, require blood potions, vampire dust, a daedra heart and a soul gem ( maybe a grad soul gem? too much? ) for crafting the various parts. Heck, you could go crazy and add all the stuff from Bram Stoker's ( I doubt anyone will do that T-T but its a thought ) Oh and have it done by tomorrow with a bow on it :devil: jk jk. But seriously even if someone or me and some people were able to get JUST this armour made I could die happy. So...... ya know, think on it.

  5. So after looking through what must have been 1000+ mods, something came to my attention. Oblivion has no Unique/Unusual/Odd weapons, by that I mean no blowpipes, boomerangs, Roman slings, bolas, Monk spades, kusarigama, ect. Also I have found nothing for catalysts (staffs and such that focus your power) and unique spell types. No voodoo, incantations, rune magic, prayers and exorcisms, element control ( i know we already have that with destruction, but having bending from avatar would be cooler), The Jutsu from Naruto (well good ones), The Navajo medicine man magic ( is there a specific term?) yada yada yada you get my drift. So I thought I would come here and post this hoping someone with talent and drive would want to give this a shot ( I tried for a little and well, I nearly lost my mind trying to use blender) Because it just seems an injustice to not have some of the more strange/novel weapons & magic that could add so much to our game play strategy's. I know Oblivion is an old game but it has one of the best modding templates to just go crazy in, between UVIII, Dukes Vampires, all the local mods and everything between, you would have one awesome setup, but hey that's just me.

  6. BTW this goes for Fallout 3,4, and NV. So this is a odd question, or maybe it isn't, is it at all possible to alter the pip-boy/inventory screen to be.....well a different screen? :wallbash:. What i mean is can you/i make it more akin to per say MGS3's pause/inventory or oblivion's? To me that would seem like a worth while mod seeing as what all you could change, but i know very little in the way of modding, scripting, etc. So for all i know this could be impossible/improbable.

  7. Heck yea, not to mention the pipe rifle from fallout 1, the classic combat shotgun, the Chinese pistol and the alien shotgun ( desinegrator, defibrillator? Idk) we really need more of the classic weapons back.
  8. OK so its been awhile since I've used mods and I'm having some trouble. I have a LOT of mods installed but LOOT hasn't detected all that many errors, only 9, the main problems are.



    FOOk2-MAIN [Hotfix].esp 1.2/ please update to fook2 1 2 open beta 2


    FOOk2-DIK [Hotfix].esp 1.2/ please update to fook2 1 2 open beta 2


    FOOK2-[DESTRUCTION] Main.esp/ this plugin requires *FOOK2-[WANK] World and neighbor kit.esm* to be installed, but is is missing


    FOOK2-[DESTRUCTION] Statics.esp/ this plugin requires *FOOK2-[WANK] World and neighbor kit.esm* to be installed, but is is missing


    CFWR_EVE_LoadLast.esp/ this plugin requiers EVE.esp to be installed but it is missing


    Destruction-FNNsys.esp/ this plugin requires FNNsys.esm to be installed but it is missing


    XFO_rarity_ammo_mild_FOOK.esp/ this plugin requires FOOK.esm to be installed but it is missing


    XFO_rarity_ammo_med_FOOK.esp/ this plugin requires FOOK.esm to be installed but it is missing


    XFO_rarity_ammo_high_FOOK.esp/ this plugin requires FOOK.esm to be installed but it is missing



    I thought i installed everything but idk, ill post my load order if you all need because there are quite a few mods but I'm at a loss.

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