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About vvk78

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    Skyrim, Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2
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    Elder Scrolls, Far Cry, Halo, Unreal, Quake, Max Payne, NFS, Just Cause, Diablo, Torchlight, Trine, Last Bronx, Call of Duty, Sid Meier's Pirates, Age of Empires, Monkey Island, Myst, Diablo, Star Wars, Borderlands, Prince of Persia, Solitaire, FreeCell

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  1. What are your favorite Android apps & games?
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. vvk78


      @Ostro: Unfortunately, the Worms games refuse to play on the couple of Android phones I've had. I used to love that game (worms armageddon over bluetooth with my pals) on my old Sony Ericsson phone (J2ME version of the game).

      *Sigh*, maybe one day its devs will remake it properly for Android.


      And I agree, the old Nokia phones had sterling build quality, and Symbian OS was ahead of its times (though woefully lacking in apps these days, compared to Android and iOS ecosystems).

    3. vvk78


      @frakle and @flint: you are still in the stone age!!!!!!




      *runs away in fear from the savage neanderthals*


      (side-effect of watching the "13th Warrior" movie yesterday)



    4. vvk78


      @Nightshade: The Tetris game is probably the world's most played and popular game ever, and I've a hunch, it is to be found in every GUI OS ever made. It is addicting and fun, and is a surefire (albeit temporary) way to get rid of boredom during travel.


      Tetris Trivia:



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