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  1. I'm upset. And only because a movie was unmade.
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. vvk78


      Aleksandr Petrov is now jobless, has run out of money made from his first movie, and cannot even start a new movie due to lack of funds.


      No happy endings in the cruel world of celluloid animations-for-money-not-art.

    3. AliasTheory


      ^ Let's not generalize, shall we?
    4. vvk78


      Agreed, it is a generalization.


      But if you delve into the history of comic strips or animations or anime, you'll see what I am saying is quite true. Too often, creative/genius artists have struggled to get due recognition and (corresponding) rewards, while lackadaisical projects have reaped huge amounts of money due to marketing muscle and misuse of established brands/studios.


      It's happening a lot in my country too, these past few decades.

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