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About vvk78

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    Skyrim, Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2
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    Elder Scrolls, Far Cry, Halo, Unreal, Quake, Max Payne, NFS, Just Cause, Diablo, Torchlight, Trine, Last Bronx, Call of Duty, Sid Meier's Pirates, Age of Empires, Monkey Island, Myst, Diablo, Star Wars, Borderlands, Prince of Persia, Solitaire, FreeCell

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  1. I am building up the vague framework for a brand new short story...
    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. vvk78


      Did you read my Ship in a Tree story? It is very sweet story (I wrote it like a fable). You might like it!
    3. Nadin


      I have now. It was well-written, very fable-like. I must compliment you on your correct usage of the word "Enamored". :)
    4. vvk78


      I thank you for your kind words. Writing lore-based stories takes a lot of effort (at least for me), since it involves prior research, authentic-feeling and contextual storylines, juxtapositioning of characters without displacement of lore-history, and the fear of being ridiculed by the fan community (who have been into that lore much longer than me).


      Like I said, not easy. But, quite a lot of fun! I am enamored of lore... LOL..

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