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Posts posted by rexttg

  1. I don't think it's so much a matter of if it is possible to make or realistic to make. What I mean is that since the console exsists and it isn't too difficult to spawn items or NPCs using the console a mod hasn't been made for it. I like the idea though, having something integrated with SkyUI would be great

  2. Simply put I need a mod that allows Skyrim to work with the Hue Lighting System.


    What is Hue?



    Hue is essentially full RGB customization colored lights that function over a WiFi network. This means they can be controlled by smart phones, computers, and more. They can set moods, tones, change to music, and so much more.




    What I want from the mod?


    I want the Phillips Hue lights to create an immersive experience with the game. This means that when the player is out in the bright sunlit plains the lights in the room are bright and white light. When the player goes into a dark dimly candle lit cave the hue lights change to a dim candle lit mood. The possibilities are endless.





    How can this be accomplished?


    Hue lights are open sourced programs with a full API. I can work with anyone willing to help who has some real skyrim modding experience to get the task done. I have experience in both hue lighting systems as well as basic level skyrim modding with the creation kit. The mod needs to recognize different player environments which isn't a very hard task, the hard part is making the connection between the in-game scripts and the external api, as of course the api needs internet connection. Overall there are some tricky aspects to figure out but the overall idea is easily expandable and a pretty simple concept.


    Thanks for any and all help! And again I'd love to work with someone on this to make it happen!


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