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Everything posted by Stanley_Love

  1. Bethesda. You mean the same company that made Fallout 3? The same game which allows you to drink filthy, radioactive water from public toilets?
  2. Malevolent is goddamn awesome too, although it's far more complicated, at least on your first run.
  3. Well, Ruined Tail's Tale was awesome. You coud treat him as an object, a comrade or (gender permitting) go further. NOTHING was forced and you could even go back on your choice for a dialogue or two.
  4. but why would I want a companion costantly bugging me? I remember Simyaz's mods. Best modder there is (at least for quests) He always had clear "lines" Enemy / Neutral / Friend / Close friend / lover ALWAYS allowed you to choose your own path
  5. I think I'm missing something here. The only Wolff I know of is this one http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17743 And it kinda forces you to do... Wrong things. It sounds like you're referring to another one.
  6. "Hey, I'm Wolff, I come with a nice quest and all!" "Nice" "I will ask you to bend over every 24 hours tough and if you don't you won't play the quest" *twitches* *backs away slowly* That's just creepy. Just. Creepy.
  7. In the readme it says he keeps asking on his own
  8. This only makes me wish more that there was an option to turn off the wrong part of him. A simple popup at the beginning when you meet him. But no. And you know what I mean, want me to quote the description?
  9. I still wouldn't mind a proper comrade in arms. Who knows maybe that Dremora one will work, I need to get around obtaining him. Also, I did Sigh. I simply did it very loudly.
  10. 1- Mighty Umbra (Hell YES) 2- Conjured Bow/Conjured bowmen 3- Mass Summoning
  11. I am just sad to see one of my favourite names (Wolff) used for something like this.
  12. I was gonna download Wolff, seemed like the best comrade in arms, but I decided not to after I found out he's... you know.
  13. I'm not referring to copyrighted content (Which I still fail to understand. Bypassing it is simple, maybe long and tedious, but still) only. Mostly to modders who require money or other "services" for their mods. I'm on my personal war with a few of them right now.
  14. There's one thing I hate. These bas--- who make private mods. Thank god not everyone is so egoist and self important.
  15. Tried to turn on BAIN Did this during the initialization http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/91/132ln.jpg
  16. Viconia. Do my 4 armored Skeleton lords count? Also, is the Dremora companion really that good? I had started it but just disabled it after I was given the three requirements (And I didn't have the slightest idea where to get them) and the crazy time limit I don't like time limits <.<
  17. Then explain the control system optimized to use the very few buttons consoles have and the clunky interface. Oblivion WAS dumbed down for consoles, there is no denying that.
  18. Actually BOSS IS FoolProof. The mods it doesn't have are either minor or are so obvious it takes 5 seconds to order them in the main list. Blaming errors on BOSS is simply cowardly.
  19. This is a LEGAL forum So we can't speak of ILLEGAL things. You CAN download it for free, but it is not LEGAL and it cannot be EXPLAINED or DISCUSSED here. The Unofficial Patch needs the DLC you're supposed to LEGALLY BUY to work. Getting it ILLEGALLY is not supported, altough most likely it will work. Find it YOURSELF. It cannot be talked OF here.
  20. I found the hunters too but no trace of the monsters. I heard there was a replacement version optimized for FCOM (which I use) but I never seen it
  21. Companion TO char? Copy it's stats. I forgot how the tool to get all the stats was called tough. Using yourself as companion would be vastly overpowered.
  22. Damn people and their faulty descriptions. Thankee.
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