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  1. A more detailed explanation of my problem as also posted in the endorsement thread for FNVedit. Sorry it it wasn't supposed to be in that other thread by someone asked me to post a more detailed explanation. I'm posting here to so I might get help and others that have similar problems could get help in future. I might very well missunderstand it. I wanna emphasize that its probably I who am doing something wrong and not the program (but I wanna know for sure acuse it is frustrating). I'm providing screenshots to display what I wanna do. From reading that PDF it seemed like I could use it the way I needed it for this. I might be all wrong. And if you have an idea how to solve my problem with FNVedit or with another program I would be very grateful for any help. So I have one mod that changes weights of food and aids and I have another that changes the names. As it is now I cannot have on or the other. Cause there are conflicts between the two. I thought that a merge would end me up with the new records that are not in the master (falloutnv.esm) for both mods. So I would have all the unique data there. Just as displayed in this picture here in that tutorial (maybe I misunderstand it?) http://yfrog.com/c8image2xvj I marked the entries for clarification of what I mean. As you see the merged patch has "lvld - chance none" 50 and aquapuravendor entry there. One from each esp. Both of these entries are different from the master and thats why I thought they went over to the merged patch. http://yfrog.com/7gimage1vhj here is my mods. What I wanted was to end up with a merged patch that had the PART:wonderglue from the sorter mod and the weight and value from the adventure mod. As you can see merged.esp contains nothing after I clicked "create merged patch". I also wanna say that this was the only thing I did clicking that. If you wanna do what I did step by step. Load FNVedit select the falloutFNV.esm, sorter.esp and adventure.esp click merge. I have also tried with different filters, different selections but just doing it randomly to see if something works. The tutorial says nothing about doing anything else then simply clicking create merged patch. So I might have missed something important which most ppl might think of as trivial. As Im so new to FNVedit I might have missed something. I know how to do this manually, dragging each entry over. But if it works automaticly with merge (or some other program) it would be awesome if someone could help me with this. Cause I really do not wanna do it manually as there are like 100 entries and I think it would be a neat trick to learn for future compatability-making between mods
  2. Ah. Thanks for the input. I'm gonna settle with reworking bartering then making you get way less for the stuff you sell (and pay more for everything)
  3. What title says. I'm trying to merge two mods. But as a result I get nothing. Just a empty .esp file. I'm following the guide at http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8629 No idea what I'm doing wrong. I dont have fo3 installed so I can try and make it work in fo3edit.
  4. I haven't played yet. Whats the chance of winning then? If you avoid loading over and over until you get such a win (and for me that would ruin my gaming experience) whats the actual chance of winning? Cause if you have realistic odds you would probably loose those 500 caps most of the time and then you really be in trouble =) This is first of all a mod for my own benefit. I just don't like feeling that rich so early in a fallout game, 10 caps bet until you have a bank roll then 100 caps bet until you have a bigger roll then 500 caps bet until you get banned. no experienced gambler bets the farm on a single wager well you should still loose in the end most of the time (in real life). But anyway. Way of reducing caps form quests?
  5. I haven't played yet. Whats the chance of winning then? If you avoid loading over and over until you get such a win (and for me that would ruin my gaming experience) whats the actual chance of winning? Cause if you have realistic odds you would probably loose those 500 caps most of the time and then you really be in trouble =) This is first of all a mod for my own benefit. I just don't like feeling that rich so early in a fallout game,
  6. Hey I wanna make you get less caps through the game. As I myself doing maybe only 2 side quests had 6000 caps (and thats with really nice weapons and a lot of ammo bought) when I got to new vegas (and this was on hard and hardcore). I think when you get to new vegas you should only barely have 2000 caps if you did A LOT of exploring and side questing before. I think the entry to the strip should be hard to obtain. If you rush there you will not get in and even the 500caps for a pass should be a very tough blow. Enough to make you consider exploting some more and side questing to earn your right into vegas. I never done a official mod before but I do know my way around geck and fo3edit a little bit. I ported a armor over for my own use from fo3 and I managed to make a house and npc in fo3. So I do some basic things. I wanna make the cap rewards from quests less. I also wanna make the player worse at bartering and/or make the barter skill play a greater role but I think I found that entry with FVNedit so I think I'll sort that out myself. I found where xp rewards for quests are listed but I cant find cap rewards. So my question is how do I change the cap rewards from quests?
  7. Wow long post, a bit in a hurry so had to read it really fast. I works good now, and yeah I already used f03edit to change the spawns the way you suggested. I think I'm using 1-2 or maybe I went for 1-1. All in all I'm very pleased with the fallout 3 experience now. I wasnt when I played fallout 3 vanilla, it was a big let down for me. The old games where so hard. Fallout vanilla I had probably 100 stimpaks toward the end :S. Well the overhaul mods make it very interesting IMO. We are all gaming differently but if you want a bit more challenge or a bit more RPGish feeling I personally strongly recommend these mods. I agree that MMM is a good mod, now playing it for a bit, adds a nice feeling to the NPCs, they feel much smarter AND look better. About the realism I know its not realistic. I just like more factors making it more challenging and interesting to put it in a better way not counting only enemies. If all I cared about was the enemies there are better shooters around. More elements enhancing my rpg experience is what I want. Thanks for the constructive feedback!.
  8. Awesome thank you. I would never figured that out myself I think. There was a folder called lodsettings in the data folder. I removed it and now it works fine. And yes when started fiddling with my world space I tried the LOD fuction. It crashed the program. Didn't realize it could leave artifacts like this behind.
  9. Yeah what is this? And how do I get rid off it? Kinda wanna start working on my world space knowing I did not do something wrong at the start which means I have to start all over or something. I've searched internet, forums and tried various settings for 4 hours now, no luck. If I'm looking the other way in the world space its all clear and nice. Since it its more of the outside of a cube and not the inside, it shouldnt be the worlds boundaries. If you know what I mean? I'm all new to modding and trying my best. I did manage to get 2 of my own textures and NPC already in there. I wanna learn. Just think its a bit hard finding a good world tutorial. Also when I started working the water clipped through everything despite being far below the land level. It disappeared sometime during my fiddling but I dont really know why. If anyone can tell me why the water clipped through everything I'd also be grateful. -- the water cowered the whole screen so I couldnt see what I was doing. Where the water was I could see nothing. SO if I put it far far far far down. I could work as long as I didnt look down. Makes sense??? :whistling:
  10. I have no doubt MMM is an awesome mod. I'm not bashing it. I just prefer the difficulty to consist of having few supplies, few tough enemies, having to choose what I wanna excel at and be almost worthless in other skills. Much like the original fallout games. When I read, see screenshots of MMM it seems that the difficulty from that mod more depends on a greater number of enemies and thats not what I prefer at this time. It feels like MMM makes fallout more into a rich world that you FPS shoot your way through (I might be wrong). I'm not playing fallout cause of its FPS but because of it role playing and I wanna get even more role playing gaming out of it, not more FPS. When I come to a place with quest I dont want to be like my char was on the first play through. Good in speech, sneak, lockpick, science, guns. decent in explosives and repair. I could do everything, I could solve the quest any way I liked. I could speech to get more caps or get it easier. I could science turrets to help me and break in everywhere. I could pickpocket if I wanted to. With the small penalties to weapon dmg and accuracy from low skill I could also use any weapon. I think thats boring. Playing a mod that gives fewer SP and makes all skills important to have high values in forces me to make choices. It forces me to play a certain type of character. Now I might be forced to solve a quest by pickpocketing someones key in order to get his room and steal something. Now I can repair almost nothing without repair skill. If I wanna repair I need to get that skill over smth else. Not having barter hurt like hell in XFO it was a very useful skill now. Instead of speech giving you more caps from completed quests barter was a choice to offset that difference in isk easily. Not having medicine, repair, speech, barter and only combat skills would mean you had to buy services like healing repair etc and almost no money to buy it with. At lv 10 I had 500caps and still low on medical supplies and I had good speech and repair skill. I thought XFO + Real injuries + real needs was great. Every time I found parts so I could craft a bottle cap mine I was joyed as it was almost the only way to bring down a super mutant brute. The main reason I decided to move on was that it hasn't been updated a long time and it doesn't seem to work with the new MMM. I agree that merging that many mods into one does make it hard to choose for yourself. However I like almost all the changes and downloading the ~30 mods that FWE is based at would probably yield more problems then FWE does. What appeals to me in FWE then (and XFO has much of the same). * Richer Character Development: Fewer SPs, SPECIAL changed a bit. All to the better IMO. Leveling is slower, perk changes, Alternate start, * More Realistic + Lethal Combat. I like it all execpt bullet time mode, but I simply dont use the feature. * The effects of injuries are more severe, and putting yourself back together after a grueling engagement is more difficult. You can't lie down on the ground for an hour and wake up a fully healed individual. * An optional "primary needs" feature requires you to eat, drink, and sleep or suffer grave consequences. * Tweaks to leveled loot lists make the wasteland a less forgiving place; you’ll now find even less ammo, drugs, and the things you need to survive. * Elimination of “Immersion Breakers” and free hand-outs. I approve of all combat and wounding related changes. * rad changes * Worn weapons (crappier guns in the world at the start of the game). I hated my first fallout 3 play through where I got lucas sims Chinese assault rifle just at the start cause burke killed him. I used that rifle probably 90% of the game. I like building up in weapons slowly as I do in skills. Then there is a few mods that I do not really think matter. I don't need it, but I'm not annoyed by them either. These include, new weapons and armor, chem + food changes, ammo has weight, followers enhanced (Im not very fond of followers anyway), The only thing I'm not 100% satisfied with is the availability of ammo vs medical supplies. Ammo is a bit to scarce on harsher wasteland for my taste but medical supplies is just perfect. However without harsher wasteland there is to much medical supplies while ammo is in a good balance. Probably if I knew how fo3edit worked I could adjust this myself. So why MMM? * Lots of ppl like it so it has to be good * Zones respawn * Stat, size scaling * Factions * AI * Skins and NPC diversity * Can increase spawns. I tried to reinstall the whole thing again. Made new game. And now it seems to work better. No funny weapons now. Havent played past lv 3 and only went to spring field school and super duper mart.
  11. Having played XFO a while I decided to go with some mods that further affect the wasteland. I decided to go with FWE cause I liked the changes stated in the readme. In the readme file to FWE it lists other mods that are nice. And the comment about MMM is that it is " an ESSENTIAL mod to be used along side FWE." So I thought, I gotta get MMM to give FWE justice. Now one of the major reasons I choose FWE was that it had the "worn weapons" mod and the "harsher wasteland" mod. I really like the idea of a wasteland low on resources where you gotta run around like a scavenger and be over joyed if you find a nice rifle and some ammo. This together with all other changes FWE provides seemed to be just the perfect combo. I like to not be an god killing 100 enemies at the same time. I like it if I feel like I'm just somebody with the odds against me. So by that alone a mod (MMM) that could provide you with 10 supermutants at once spawns seemed a bit out of place. But I tried it anyway however without increased spawns optional mod and all other mods that hinted in that direction. So first thing I went to the super duper mart. There were probably 5-7 raiders there.And they unloaded on me with assault rifles, something that made the buss and car go boom in 1 sec killing all but two of them. The last 2, one had a flamer and the other I think a combat shotgun. I killed them and was like.... WTF? A flamer? Assault rifles? I'm level 2! If this is what MMM mod does, requiring you to being able to kill that type of armed NPCs thats fine. But its not for me. And when I read FWE file this is not what I had in mind. Yet FWE readme itself says that MMM is ESSENTIAL with FWE. It seems contradictory to me? Anyway the reason I'm writing all this is first and foremost to know if I might have installed one of the mods some unintended way, as it makes little sense to me that it should be this way. If its supposed to be some other way please let me know. And if its supposed to be like this its all good I simply remove the MMM mod and save it for a time I wanna play an outcast character cleaning the wasteland. And in that case I also think that MMM is not at all an essential MOD for FWE for the ppl that wanna play it lots of crappy weapons, hard to find good stuff style. My first topic here on fallout nexus. Great site. Great mods. Glad to be part of the community.
  12. I'm using a few mods for this. I'm using the XFO overhaul pack. http://home.comcast.net/~xodarap777/XFO/XF...html#PlayStyles It adds a lot of stuff. What I like is that it changes many things that together make it a lot more challenging. Like Item rarity, Change the rarity of stimpaks, meds, and ammo. Rad changes, you will have more trouble keeping yourself away from rad sickness now, more rad/s and fewer rad x and rad away makes sure of it. Accuracy and dmg changes, fewer skillpoints from int, slower lv up. Perk re balance Monster and NPC changes. etc I'm using the recommended settings but even then I think I might get a bit to much ammo, the rest is fine. You almost never find any stimpacks anymore. With low ammo and few stimpaks it gets really challenging. The skillpoint changes are great. My first play through I think I was good at repair, sneak, explosives, science, 2 gun types, speech. Well now you gotta choose what to be good at and make the very best out of it. It really adds to the game. Also whenever I find a lunchbox I'm thrilled cause I know I can make another bottle cap mine which is almost essential for handling the better kind of supermutants. Finding ammo, stimpaks or other useful things really makes you happy now. As opposed to my first play through where I just used my chinese assault rifle 90% of the game. The one thing that bothers me though is that you can't heal limb dmg on sleep with XFO, and can only heal it with stimpaks which you ain't have enough of. And that the normal health is easily regained through food, however you get a lot of rad. So using these settings I basicly reloaded if I got crippled during a fight which was boring. So I deactivated the food and water changes along with the need for food, water and sleep (necessities) (sadly the increased rad from food got taken away). And replaced it with real injuries mod and primary needs mod. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=334 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2125 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=834 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6661 (update for real injuries, needed or it will work rather badly). Now when crippled in a fight I accept it, and have to limp my way to a bed and/or add proper aid to it. The medical supplies being rather rare and expensive makes it really challenging. Im spending almost all my caps on med supplies. Dont forget to change the time scale. Im using medium on XFO, or if u are using RL inj and needs deactivate that from xfo and change it in RL needs settings to the recommended value. Or you have to eat all the time. Don't forget to get the weather mod on fallout nexus its awesome! And the fellout mod making the game look a bit nicer.
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