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Everything posted by blademan176

  1. I'm looking for mods that bring items from Morriwind into Oblivion. I've been having a surprisingly troublesome time doing so. Anyway, does anyone know the names of some mods like this? I've just gotten Vvardenfell Imports, but I'm open to mods that add the same content (assuming its a different take on the same thing). Thanks.
  2. Thanks a lot for responding (I never thought someone that I'd seen as often as you on the modding scene would be responding to one of my posts). I wish I could find a way to do this, but I don't know much about how to get it to work. I only do basic modding and a little bit of minor retexturing. I was thinking the player could just somehow bring up a window that would show all of the apparel in their inventory and allow them to select which pieces would be used when through a script. It isn't possible to simply script it to work? (I have no understanding of the *full* capabilities of scripting, but I know that with OBSE the range of functions is broadened. Still no way to do it, even with OBSE?) Thanks again. I really appreciate the help.
  3. I've looked and haven't been able to find a mod like this out there, which surprises me. I've had the idea of a mod that would make your clothes change automatically based on certain circumstances. Basically, I'd like to be able to select a set of clothes (or a few sets) which would be automatically equipped on my character when I enter a town and a set of armor to be equipped when I exit a town. If this mod already exists, could someone point me in its direction? If not, is anyone interested in making it? Thanks.
  4. I downloaded an animation replacer that changes the vanilla first person animations to look more like the third person animations, for realism. Well, I absolutely hate it. Could someone upload the vanilla animations so I can overwrite these new one? Thanks a lot.
  5. Yeah, normally I'd agree, but thats why I said that no one had to do all of them if they didn't want. I'd like to have interested modders have a choice of what to do, and even add their own twists to these items if they wanted.
  6. I searched the web for Oblivion mods adding more "knightly" gear, but was disappointed to find next to none. KnightlyArmory is a great mod, but I'd still like to see more. So, I've compiled a list (with pics) of some of the gear I'd like to see in Oblivion. If you do decide to do any of these (you can do as few, or as many, as you like. I don't mind not having them in one group, that that would be fantastic if anyone is willing to do it), could you please texture them to match the vanilla steel armor/vanilla FINE steel weapons. Thanks you very much to anyone who tries any of these. ARMOR: Open Faced Barbute: http://www.reliks.com/products/bin/4619/thumbs/1.jpg Heart Shaped Barbute: http://www.medieval-fightclub.com/images/heart_shaped_barbute.jpg Milanese Barbute: http://www.hammeredwombat.com/images/ezwebshow/barbute/06-13-02-20.JPG Visored Barbute: http://www.wolfeargent.com/firestryker/barbute_visor.jpg Skull Visored Barbute: http://www.gemstone.net/etimes/et9/images/skullbarbute.jpg Combined Bascinet & Kettle Hat: http://www.by-the-sword.com/acatalog/images/dc-386b.jpg http://www.by-the-sword.com/acatalog/images/dc-386a.jpg Full Face Bascinet: http://www.theknightshop.co.uk/catalog/images/002_6-03.jpg Pig Face Bascinet: http://media.photobucket.com/image/Combined%20Bascinet%20%252526%20Kettle%20Hat/Nephtys/Medieval%20European%20Armour/Pig-faced_bascinet.jpg German Sallet: http://www.valiantarms.com/medieval-armor-images/german-sallet-helm-8103.jpg Nasal Helm: http://legvi.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/6737copy.jpg Crusader Flat Top: http://s2.hubimg.com/u/2905837_f260.jpg Sugar Loaf Great Helm: http://www.realmcollections.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/170x170/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/8/1/8125-sugar-loaf-helmet.jpg Knights Templar Helmet: http://www.knightstemplar-be.org/helmet.jpg Sutton Hoo: http://www.modeknit.com/uploaded_images/sutton_hoo-764794.jpg WEAPONS: Rondel: http://www.alcheminc.com/rondel.jpg Lance(s): http://medieval.ucdavis.edu/20C/lance.gif Templar Sword: http://images.outdoorpros.com/images/prod/5/Valiant-Armoury-54-071-rw-17394-29152.jpg Flamberge: http://eagleswords.com/library/62inchDarkKnightFlamberge.jpg Broadsword: http://www.clicket.com/images_med/682.jpg
  7. The two sets of armor are very different, though. I already have MERP, and I'm looking to get something as close to the Fountain Guard's armor as possible. Also, here are some more pics: http://www.tuckborough.net/images/guard-citadel.jpg (this one doesn't seem to have the white tree on the cuirass, which I'd prefer to have if possible) http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2795/4120743578_e98b13c179_m.jpg (this one does have the white tree on the cuirass)
  8. Could someone make the Fountain/Tower/Guard of the Citadel armor (and maybe even the pike) from Tolkien's Minas Tirith? I was really disappointed to see that nobody had made it for Oblivion yet, and since I have no idea how to do it myself, I figured I'd ask someone to make it. Here's a pic: Thanks a lot to anyone willing to try this.
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