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  1. 1. Wait for Construction Set 2. Write code for mod
  2. yeah it's possible to make a 2h blocking mod and like i've mentioned in other threads. Without the tool set we are very limited in what kind of mods we can do. Once the tool set it out(and thanks to Dark Souls), I'll be one of many making parry, blocking, and combat mods.
  3. Yes. it's possible to do this, but the tool set required to do this mod properly isn't out yet.
  4. Yes. but it depends on the tool set that Bethesda releases. If you want the Soul Caliber look, then that might require extra things like modeling and animating the trails.
  5. I'm willing to work on this, but i just write code. I'm gonna need a team that can do modeling and animations. Hit Effect: If it's possible to access and controls the animations within the game engine, then yes. This might be possible. Parry and Block Mechanic: Possible. if the staggering animation exist. I did this in Oblivion and i'm sure i can do this in Skyrim Reduce strafing speed: Yes. easy to do Side Step Evade/Rolling: If the animation exist or are made, then yes. Possible AI improvement: Yes, but depends on the tool set that Bethesda may or may not release.
  6. Exactly. IMO The melee combat in skyrim is terrible. With rumors of new consoles coming up next year or something, I would've like to see Bethesda delay the game a year just to incorporate better fighting mechanics into the game. But that's something for a different thread... Anyway, The ideas for h2h are great, but i wanna add a few more ideas to 2 handed fighting. Staggering Jab into: Intestinal Hold: Face to face hold that slowly kills an enemy by grabbing the abdomen while the enemy is staggered and right before inhaling. Only for 1v1. Coding wise, it would be easy to write a loop of loud heavy breathing and have a timer start with each loop. If the player activates the appropriate attack during the appropriate time during the loop the "hold effect" will activate. The main problem is the animation and will be the main problem for any type of h2h overhaul mod. I just write code. So if anyone is willing to do the animation, let me know and we'll start getting ready for the Skyrim Construction Set..
  7. If i remember correctly, those might be changes to the standard magic spell effects. Those do work on weapons only, but you can't add extra magic spell effects. The custom effects are the ones that end up affecting the players once it equips the weapon. At least, that's what i remember.... I'll download the mod and see how it works.
  8. Yes you can. You can add it through a spell too. Find the effect shader folder, get the name of the effect and write a spell and script that puts the effect on the player. BTW the effect isn't buggy, or the liches would be buggy too. What the author of the Phantom Houses found is a known limit with the engine. The player becomes "one" with the item he equips or the mount he rides. That limit has killed a lot of mods that wanted cool effects on weapon and armor only. I know, because it killed my Soul Calibur Weapon Effect Mod.
  9. On the second script, the obvious problem is that it never reaches the "else remove item" part. When the logic is true then the problem could be the way the code is written. Try this: if time > 0 set time to (time - ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds) else ... A space between "time" and "0" and parenthesis. Also, if you added an item with additemNS then maybe it also requires you to use removeitemNS or even just un-equipping the item first before removing it. Sounds dumb, but little things like that have caused me headaches before.
  10. Within the folder tree is a folder(duh!) used for shaders and it's probably called shaders or effects. My CS doesn't work for me right now, so i can't help beyond what my blurry memories tell me.
  11. I should also mention that checking a previous "getlevel" with a current "getlevel" can be a bit tricky( at least it was for me since it was my first mod). So take a look at my Parry Mod to see how i did the code checks.
  12. Write you a script? nope. But you could download my Dark Arts Spell Mod and take a look at the blood spells. In one of them, you gain health with every attack that lands while the spells runs. Take a look at the spell's code, copy it, and alter it to fit ur needs.
  13. What is it that ur trying to do with that mod? I have a mod that swaps weapons when sheathed and unsheathed (sheathed? lol) anyway, take a look at it.
  14. Any particle effect or shader effect on a weapon will also run on the players once the player equips that weapon, So, no. You can't. You would have to add the effect to the 3d model itself. Try it. put a shader effect or particle effect on the weapon and then equip it. I tried doing this before. maybe something changed...
  15. Check out The Construction Set Wiki website for tutorials.
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