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Everything posted by mongrelarchitect

  1. Alternatively, you could use this website, in which you select the game from a list and it tests your machine against the system requirements. This is assuming you want to know if/how well your computer can run FO3. You would be the best person to answer "how well am I running FO3," since you're the one who would be running it. :wink: Laptops are not generally the best for gaming, unless of course you have a gaming laptop. The quick research I did on your laptop model indicates an integrated graphics chip (as opposed to a stand-alone card), which could be problematic. It might run, but you could end up with abysmal framerates. Do you play any other relatively new games on this laptop, to use as a comparison? I'm not too familiar with how integrated GPU's have progressed in the several years it's been since I've owned one. Good luck!
  2. About 5 minutes of searching the nexus got me these: (1) Binoculars: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8909 (2) Megaton house overhaul (there are several): http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1434 (3) Torches: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4489 (4) If by "courier bag" you mean shoulder bag: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9020 (5) Machete: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4006 There may be more that fit your desires - search around a little. Good luck!
  3. You can bind weapons (among other things) to numbered hotkeys. While in the inventory, hold in a number key and you'll see the little menu pop up. Good luck!
  4. Tailor Maid can do just the thing. There's also a version without stats boosts, if you find yourself getting too powerful. Good luck!
  5. Sorry, but AFAIK providing a download for any original game assets is technically considered piracy, and as such nobody on this site will be able to help you in this way. It might be possible to get the files from your PS3 copy, but I have absolutely no experience with the PS3 or it's games so I could be completely wrong. Good luck!
  6. Here's some copy-pasta from another thread in which leaving Rivet City was problematic: Hope this helps. Good luck!
  7. Also, don't just try to dump all 40 of those mods into the game at once. Get them working one-by-one so if/when problems occur, you'll know where the issue is. It may take a bit more time, but it's good practice and could save you from headaches down the road. Just a bit of advice that I had to learn the hard way :whistling:
  8. Editing a post is pretty self-explanatory: click on the "edit" button that appears at the bottom of the post. Not sure how to delete a post - maybe edit it so it's blank? Also: FOOK2 (Fallout 3 Overhaul Kit), MMM (Mart's Mutant Mod), and WMK (Weapon Mod Kits) are three very popular, very large mods. They each do a lot - to learn more about them you can search the forums or look at their respective pages. I recommend you avoid these large-scale mods until you've got a handle on installing/running more simple ones first, but that's just me. Good luck!
  9. A good place to start would be the pinned thread at the top of this board, entitled How to install Mods for Fallout 3.
  10. I think there's an "unequip" console command you can use to remove NPC clothing/armor - don't know it off the top of my head but I'll try to look it up. EDIT 1: You could also try using Sharing & Caring Companions, which (in part) allows you to access almost any NPC's inventory so you can take their clothing/armor from them. EDIT 2: By the same token, you could try using the console command "ShowInventory" after clicking on the relevant NPC (although I don't know if it allows inventory control). Or you could use the "unequipitem" command on the NPC, but it looks like you'd have to lookup the base_id of the NPC's equipped clothing/armor. Keep in mind I've never used either of these commands myself, I just looked them up on the wiki. Good luck!
  11. I've never used Animated Prostitution, but it sounds like missing mesh/texture problems which are often a result of improper installation of the mod or failing to apply archive invalidation. Are you using FOMM? Did you apply archive invalidation using FOMM or this utility?
  12. Sharing & Caring Companions is another option for a companion mod - it lets you recruit almost any NPC as a follower. Also: there was no need to start another thread with the same question, especially after somebody responded to this one.
  13. Did you apply archive invalidation in FOMM or using this utility? Also: Uninstalling won't get rid of files you've put there yourself (mods, third party utilities, etc.), so if you want a truly fresh install you need to either delete those files or move them somewhere else before reinstalling. Good luck!
  14. There could be conflicts between the mods you're running. Try posting your load order. Also, there's no need to yell.
  15. Does "PB" stand for "pirate bay?" If so, there's your problem right there: trying to get pirated software to work properly. The best solution for your problem is to find your original disc and buy the DLC.
  16. Shot in the dark here, but do you have some sort of sidebar/rainmeter/instant messenger/winamp/any other programs running in the background, as a window on the right side of your desktop? I used to get this with AIM sometimes, popping in & out of random games & making the space it took all messed up (sometimes black, sometimes weird textures or backgrounds/menus like yours). Just a thought, since I (and others) often run a variety of programs on the side of the screen that could somehow be trying to take priority over the game. Good luck!
  17. As far as I remember, Better Living Through Chems adds herb as one of it's real-world drugs. It also includes a bunch of others (hallucinogenics, pharmaceuticals, etc.) that you can use yourself or load up into syringes/dart guns to incapacitate enemies in interesting ways. It even includes visual effects too for when you're trippin' out. Like, woah man - check out all the colors! :blink:
  18. I don't think it's possible to mod the 360 version of Fallout 3. It's not the savegame files that you need to edit in order to mod the game - you actually need to add new files into the game's directory itself, in addition to somehow telling the game to load these files. In other words, things that aren't possible on the 360 version. Someone might have figured out a way to do it, but it probably involves violating Microsoft's user agreement and you could run the risk of getting parts of your service shut off. I could be wrong however. If it is possible, I wish you the best of luck!
  19. Not sure about any HUD mods. In order to figure out where to go for quests, try asking relevant NPCs about topics related to the quest. Usually there will be some dialogue with directions that are recorded to your journal. There's no "map marker" or anything, you just have to follow the directions from your journal (go south until this landmark, turn east at that landmark, etc.). Well this game did come out in 2002, so it's graphics aren't going to be up to modern standards. If you're interested there are many ways to mod the game so that it's a bit more graphically appealing - Morrowind Graphics Extender, Better Bodies, various texture packs, etc. Good luck! EDIT: Since you're coming from Oblivion, try looking at this guide: Morrowind for Oblivion Players. It outlines the ways in which the two are different so you aren't surprised by anything.
  20. (8) CUTE Girl Body Replacement looks like it's only for females, but hey it's better than nothing. (18) DK_BulletTime Not exactly a perk, but you can always just not use it until a certain level and pretend it's a perk.
  21. I don't know what "Husqvarna3000" is, but big red exclamation marks indicate missing files (either meshes or textures - can't remember which). This means you've either: (1) Not applied ArchiveInvalidation and/or (2) Installed the mod improperly Are you using FOMM (which you should be if you aren't)? If you want to easily install/uninstall problematic mods in the future, try using FOMM to create a fomod from the downloaded files. Good luck!
  22. Another option: I'm pretty sure that FOMM has the ability to unpack meshes/textures from the original .bsa files, if you want to try something besides a complete reinstall. Good luck!
  23. Is the problem that the happiness rating keeps decreasing every day? If so, you have to build lots of mattresses. I mean lots, like dozens. You can put them below ground level if you don't want to see a bunch of mattresses everywhere. Alternatively, you can spend caps to hold celebrations that will raise happiness. The option is in the mailbox. Hope this helps (if this is in fact the problem you're having). Good luck!
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