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Posts posted by Galejro

  1. Hi all,


    I'd like to ask one question if not favor of any modders who specialize in UI and interface files.


    I see the main titles menu for skyrim is an interface .swf file divided into 4 sequences.


    Can anyone either teach me how to or if it's too much a hassle just duplicate the last sequence number 4 so the interface swf will have 16 sequences or so?

  2. Directory to material & textures is the key here. I assume you're using some custom texturing.


    If a mod requires a custom texture and sh..t goes pink this can mean only 2 things.

    - You forgot to put the textures and the material file in your mod file.

    - You forgot to set a texture and material in the model itself or

    - both


    Check the mod again and again and again, with Bethesda games you can NEVER be certain you commited a stupid mistake at some point, no matter how certain you are you've done things right.

  3. Player.setav Healthregen 0 should work.


    If that won't process type:

    Help Actor Value 0


    Help AV 0


    Help health 0


    These will show you either a list of Actov values and you may find the proper name for healthregen or if you type health it'll show you all entities related to word health. You may find the same thing. Once you get the "word" type in Player.setav "word" 0


    If this ain't gonna work you might wanna check your pip-boy and see if there isn't any stat effect active, maybe it's just an active potion/ spell effect you need with a basic dispel command.

  4. You need to create an lod settings file for the lodgenerator to see your mod. It's a basic file, pretty much identical for every worldspace, like a catalist file through which the lod generation can be done.

    - You can generate that lod file using CK instead of LODgenerator,

    - Or you can use a data extractor tool to extract any worldspace lod settings you want and then just rename it to whatever the name your custom worldspace is named.


    Once you have an lod settingsyou will be able to use lodgenerator to generate lod.


    Of course that's just one thing to do. What you also need is to extract the lodtextures into the common/source file and lodmeshes in your data folder. Without those extracted the generator won't be able to do it's magic.

  5. How to import custom-made static references and base references from mod A to mod B? I would spare a lot of memory space if I managed to make static/moving cars as static collections rather than cutom models, there's just one problem, those cars are in Age of Airships 1 and I need them to be in Age of Airships 2.


    Now, you could just say, make AoA2 require AoA 1, but many people have a problem with AoA1 so I just wanna make AoA2 standalone.

  6. I figured I can script it using basic Translate script but I got a problem, I can make a trigger animate the thing just until thefirst spot, but I cant get it to enter the other states and thus loop. Any suggestions?



    Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akTriggerRef)
    goToState ("toOne")
    Event OnTranslationFailed()
    goToState ("toOne")

    State toOne
    Event OnTranslationAlmostComplete()
    goToState ("toTwo")
    Event OnTranslationFailed()
    goToState ("toTwo")

    State toTwo
    Event OnTranslationAlmostComplete()
    goToState ("toThree")
    Event OnTranslationFailed()
    goToState ("toThree")

    State toThree
    Event OnTranslationAlmostComplete()
    goToState ("toOne")
    Event OnTranslationFailed()
    goToState ("toOne")

  7. OK so I'm trying to get something animated to "move" To be specific, Nuka World has these nukaracers that constantly move, in-game in KiddyKingdom they do move. But when I try to put one of those in my mod they just stand static. What magic moves those in KiddyKingdom?

  8. Hey guys, can any of you propose where a modder can promote and advertise their mods?


    All I do so far is to just release screens & vids on nexus and YT but do we have any other major modding hubs out there that could help out?


    I think about Moddb and Reddit but are they any good?

  9. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35286

    I'm currently deeply invested in the creation of this mod and I'm concerned with the needs and requirements my mod should meet. I'd like to discuss this with the community as a whole. I wish to exchange ideas, tutorials, concepts and issues. I've been quite negligent of developing other mods I know and I was negligent of bug issues, that's why I opted for an open beta schematic for this one. I'll start this debate with posting 2 main concerns and concepts.

    1. Castle of the Sun supports PS4 so I can't have custom assets. This obviously limits the PC/XBOX communities experience massively cause I can't put all those fancy 8k textured custom outfits and weapons in. So I want the community to tell me:

    - Would Fallout 76 level of questing be acceptable? I've already created like 12 such quests for it using in-game assets an I'm making an arena fighting tournament thing. But dialogues and advanced quests are so far out of the picture.

    - Are there any fancy in-game asset scripts and mechanisms I can utilize for these quests? I mean not having merchants is a PAIN and even a press activate NPC to trade would be a lifesaver.


    2. What are the expectations of the community for the mod. I wish to know what you want from this mod in advance just as much as thinking for myself in order to blow those expectations off with even more stuff.


    Please post anything you deem interesting or helpful for the development of the mod.


  10. So I've been working on patch 1.1 and I've decided to close the list of content. I'll be polishing it up and finally release it. But now I've been having a struggle about what to do next. 1.1 brings us:


    - Small Bugfixes

    - Optimisation of Graff Zeppelin Interior Performance

    - Re-texturing of Akron

    - Hanashima Isle Settlment

    - Yamato

    - Hosho

    - Izokaze.

    - Nobile 5 Airship

    - U69 mobile Uboat


    All of which are either houses or plain environments. I wanted to bring about something different for 1.2 I'm already fixed on:


    - Battle of Tel El Abir - An Ottoman Empire vs British Empire battle to take over a city.

    - Battle of Madrid - The Spanish Nationalist Revolution of 1936-1939

    - Sentinel Takedown - I'll just strap 2 Agamemnons and make a big-ass Bi-airship battle


    But I just ran dry of ideas for anything else. Any suggestions? Perhaps for missions or environment settlements/worldspaces?

  11. So from the current comments and opinions I guess I should postpone to drop in even more content.


    - Junk airship is something not that interesting but several people did mention that. Won't be easy but I can try, I mean there were a lot of experimental semi-rigid airships that looked like made of junk. It's also tempting to turn the Far Harbor Yacht boat into one of them Air-Ships... A good Idea for a Junk ship would be a Sentinel Class Airship, the one you see in Order 1886 game. I could slap a bunch of junk into it and make a proper settlement out of it.


    Other than that it's more about the problem of not having any original uses for those airships. I mean I can make 10 ships that do exactly the same but that'll be boring;

    - We already got 3 transport hub ships to move around the world via vertibirds.

    - We got 1 Player House ship. And R100 WIP is a second one as well.

    - We got 1 Military ship with functionality of a Player House

    - We got 1 Super Luxury show-off ship with functionality of a Player House

    - We got 1 Useless Museum ship which will probably either piss off people with swastikas or give neonazis boners

    - We got 3 Enemy airships to just shoot at.


    The only thing out there is like you mentioned a junk ship, owned by raiders that we must clear out and turn into a settlement.

  12. Ok since the mod is finally closing to completion I decided to ask community opinion on the subject;

    Do you want an ASAP release date or do you want me to spend more time developing some other miscellaneous stuff? Basically I'm out of ideas and the only things coming to mind is to make the R100 (British Airship) and another Mafia 1 mission like the "Lucky Bastard" mission at the docks? You can suggest some Airships to make or perhaps something else to complete. But the primary question stands, you want a release ASAP or after polishing up & exhausting the subject.
  13. I need voice actors with solid sound systems for my Atomguard mod (fallout 4 Dawnguard DLC);


    The mod goes into "Pretty much everything is complete but the NPCs are mute" kinda stage.


    Some screens to show where your potential work will be at Full gallery under this link (ofr the record swastika banners are already changed into the Atomguard Banners): http://sta.sh/2o1r0uthi0l?edit=1








  14. You have to look at receiver mods for weapons such as pipe pistol. Each mod for a weapon can modify a crapton of qualities for a weapon, such as crit chance, crit damage, weapon wight, weapon price etc.


    Pipe pistol is a weapon that upon changing the receiver can switch between being classified as pistol or rifle. So naturally looking at the qualities that those receivers do in CK will lead you to an answer.

  15. I'm working on a second vampirism mod and I ran into two annoying issues I can't seem to solve. Perhaps someone might have a clue or two.


    1. Vampire Feeding - I constructed it on the basis of a chem/potion. You drink it and it causes an invisible explosion of small radius from the player. Explosion enchantment triggers feeding effect choice menu. Now I need a proper conditioning to make the effect work properly. I implemented the following conditions that do work:

    - If player is out of combat

    - If player is sneaking

    - If player wants to feed on other humans

    But now I need condition that can provide the following:

    - If player is HIDDEN while sneaking


    2. Magic Projectile Grenade Spells - I created two spells on the basis of grenades due to convenient animation and allocation as a secondary fire weapon. But the basic nature of grenades is if you got 1 grenade and use it, you have no more grenade item in inventory. Is there a scripting mechanism, a method to make the player regain that 1 grenade immediately upon throwing it? I do have a mechanism by which player regains the grenade after it's explosion had affected an npc. Which means if I miss and hit a wall or the sky I will not regain the grenade cause no explosion enchantment effect is being called to action.

  16. Oww, the vid looks brilliant! Will the mod have some kind of story to that?


    Frost Fog Isle was a recreational resort for the wealthiest citizens of the US before the war. With the country's most advanced health restoration and plastic surgery technology in it's Grand Institute of Beauty and the 5-star Thermal Bath Hotel it was the envy of the nations. When the bombs fell, a secret shielding developed by Vault-Tec protected the isle from the flames. After a century the Isle turned from a resort into a city, filled with all the more newcomers as the isle's inhabitants reinstated whaling industry, due to discovery that mutant whales carry high energetic oil. The spoils of whaling granted the Isle a new source of power, technology and wealth, making it again, the envy of the nations. But as the isle went on and people flocked in, the isle became infested with two new factions, assassins and thieves. Now you, the lone survivor, enter the isle as many did before you. Will join the assassins or the thieves or will you make the isle burn?

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