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  1. Not that Im aware, and the forum doesnt appear very active. You might have more luck checking with the reddit
  2. Hah, yea, I have the dlc, I dont have the preorder stuff so I was hoping to find those :p I'd pay for a small dlc upgrade to get them, upset about the blanched greatsword honestly.
  3. For instance, mods like guardian aid from Astrea, or sacrificial edge from Heimdall, or Final Journey from Queen Slayer. Ya know, all those skills you're normally prevented from mastering... I'd like to master them and use them with other builds. Is it possible?
  4. Im sure theres ways to do that~ cheat engine for instance could probably find the energy of the seaglide for instance and keep it maxed out. As far as speed, there used to be a faster one but it would cause people to crash through the map, so you prolly should leave that alone. As far as inventory slots goes, I agree that the seaglide probably shouldnt take up more room than your whole suit, and theres a mod for that already.
  5. Hmm, I know its been a few months, but the easiest thing you could do is copy paste it, or use something like Auto-Hotkey to do it for you. As far as a mod goes, I'm sure it's possible since the default time scale has to be listed somewhere, all you'd have to do is find out where this default time scale is, and change it to your preference~ maybe even something like cheat engine could do it. I just haven't personally tried looking into the code to do it myself... but heck for all I know it could be more difficult than that for some reason.
  6. I may be a bit late for this, but I was looking for myself. Not easily finding something, I made it instead. So, figured I'd share it. Just install AutoHotKey, and run the program as admin. Then when in game, you can hold LAlt and v to copy paste whatever ya need. As a bonus, I made Lalt and m minimize the window, works even in borderless windowed mode. I've done all the work required, and it should work fine for Skyrim LE or SE. In fact, it should work for anything really~ *tries to upload the file, gets told Im not permitted to upload* Well, f*** it, I guess Ill just tell you what to do. After installing AutoHotKey, make a new text file. In the text file, copy paste the following into it. ;by unmog ;important, if your system is slower and you get garbled text ;just increase 10 to something higher #SingleInstance Force LAlt & v:: SetKeyDelay, 10 Loop, parse, clipboard, `n, `r { Send, %A_LoopField% } Return LAlt & m::WinMinimize, A Return When thats done, then name the text file to whatever you want but put .ahk at the end for the file type. And dont forget to run as admin or it wont work. In case you want to be lazy tho, make a shortcut to the file, right click the shortcut and go to properties, click advanced, then click the box at the top that says "Run as administrator" and you never have to again~ When thats done, then name the text file to whatever you want but put .ahk at the end for the file type. And dont forget to run as admin or it wont work. In case you want to be lazy tho, make a shortcut to the file, right click the shortcut and go to properties, click advanced, then click the box at the top that says "Run as administrator" and you never have to again~
  7. Like coral is technically alive, so I always thought it was odd I couldnt put some in my alien containment and grow it like I can gel sacks, mushrooms and so on. Would be very useful too if I could have a bunch of coral growing if I wanted an easy way to make computer chips or bleach. Not sure why we cant already, I can clearly see coral in our containments. Why cant I just knife the coral in there at least? Certainly there's gotta be a way we can do this right? I looked at a mod called something like improved alien containment hoping it did something like that but instead it just seemed to make rules on stuff you needed to hatch eggs... not what I was looking for. :/
  8. well I still dont know how to change ones mobility, but I did consider the mobility already. Problem is the ability doesnt actually give more mobility, run and guns gives an extra action point. So if anything Id need a way to give an additional action point not mobility.
  9. Right Ive seen that. While I havent read all the links there, the amount of links and the size of each one is quite intimiditating and doesnt serve much to help my very specific question. If you could at least narrow it down slightly to which I should look at [or look again] to make a mod actually show up so I can enable it, that would be amazing. :smile: Edit= nvm found it, have to build it first before it shows up. This was fairly helpful https://downloads.2kgames.com/xcom2/uploads/pdfs/XCOM2_SDK_QuickStart.pdf Anyway I was able to reduce the cooldown to 1 which was fairly easy, and lets it be used once every round. How to make it passive though, I don't know. I noticed a couple different abilities had something called pure passive, but it was set up very different than the run and gun which is built around cool downs. This is Deep Cover for example, I wanted to use spoilers but couldn't find the option to do so in the editor. I guess I just need to compare that to this example of Run and Gun to figure out what exactly I need to change to get it to happen passively on its own...
  10. Hmm, well I have what I think might work, but now Im stumped in how to get the test mod to even show up on the mods list when I start everything up, can't really enable anything if it doesnt show up can I? So far all I've done for modding is download a few things off the steam workshop. I looked up some instructions on how to manually install mods and followed these instructions INSTALLATION: Windows users: For manual install unzip the package into your Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Mods folder (create Mods folder if it doesn't exist). The mod should be visible and selectable in launcher. But nope, doesnt show up still. Maybe I have to do something additionally when using the sdk?
  11. Thanks for the advice and the link, though considering Ive never heard of it before now I found this link the most helpful. :tongue: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3798650-tutorial-how-to-get-xcom-2-sdk-up-and-running/ Ill give an update when I get it all installed to my blind fumblings around in there. Just let me remove all the X4 charges in my computer for saftey reasons Hah I guess you were being serious then. :tongue: Though it is something I could contemplate now that I have a chance to think about it. Weird how the ranger has a bunch of mobility stuff but never levels up their speed. Also weird that the grenadier never gets any armor. From leveling up I mean.
  12. Ah, well Id be willing to look into the script code if I knew where it was and what to open it with. I thought it was all editable by the ini files since I seemed to be able to tinker around in them already a little bit. Hmm guess Im going to have to go a bit deeper then if I want to make run and gun a passive effect which is idealy what Im after.
  13. How? I cant find it anywhere. Which ini file has that line and whats it called? Id need some details. For instance \Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameData_SoldierSkills is where I found these lines [XComGame.X2Ability_RangerAbilitySet]BLADEMASTER_DMG=2STEALTH_CHARGES=99SHADOWSTRIKE_AIM=25SHADOWSTRIKE_CRIT=25MAX_UNTOUCHABLE=1REAPER_COOLDOWN=4INSTINCT_DMG=3RAPIDFIRE_AIM=-15 Run and gun isnt there, and Im not sure what the command is to change it. Which is why I could use some help. Where exactly are you looking at? if I had a better idea I could possibly do it as easily as you say. As you can see I've changed the stealth charges easily enough but in my ini at least it doesnt have anything for run and gun. Maybe I need to redownload it.
  14. LOL, litterally, that came at me unexpected. Ah... crying a little bit. *wipes tears away* But... no. I mean, I dont even know how to give a class extra movement but that would effect way more than just the run and gun. And then you could actually run and gun to get double the effect. I JUST would like it if run and gun always let you do an action after sprinting is all. Hah, yea thats a big just I guess, let me go back and enhance it. I guess thats like saying Id JUST always like to be awesome. :p Maybe I can at least figure out a way to remove the cool down.
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