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  1. Idea I've been thinking of for awhile, but have no idea how to create: Something that allows you to open the Race Menu and completely recreate the character without any skills, perks, levels, or etc resetting.
  2. I don't know which mod changes the camera, I also don't know how to reset the configuration file Oblivion_default.ini
  3. Recently after I reinstalled Oblivion I got a whole bunch of old mods I had along with many new mods, and suddenly the first person camera is placed several feet above the players head, which is making looting difficult, putting my view through some ceilings, causing other mods to be unenjoyable, drastically reducing the overall enjoyment of the game, along with several other problems. I'm wondering if there is any place to find the original First Person camera view? Any help would appreciated.
  4. Deadly Reflex lets you fight on horseback. Also, there's a guard overhaul that has a store selling disguises for every vanilla faction.
  5. The race is done. Look in the key words "Na Vi" (separate the Na and Vi) and look through a couple of pages. You'll find the race has been finished and uploaded, even though the tail is a little off.
  6. I can offer suggestions, as I had done with the traits/abilities/attributes.
  7. Well, what we could do is make all vanilla human races (as in races like khajiit and argonian are excluded) unavaiable, and also leave all custom races available because I've seen quite a lot of partially animal races, and I'm saying this because not only is this a completely different time period than what you see in the movie (maybe some of the creatures in Pandora evolved into semi-human species and joined the Na'vi clans), but also because many people would be dissapointed about not being able to use their greatly loved races for this mod.
  8. Screamingbee's MorphVOX Pro could help with the voices, it can be used to come up with any voices, so we can take one of the Na'vi's voices, and make a whole bunch of variants (very close to sound but a little different). What we could do for the tree is make it so you have to actually move across the branches to get to certain places, and if you fall off you fall into a pit that we could make look like the ground (which the real ground we should make a different zone, then you click on a certain natural climbing thing like a vine to get higher up), and while we're making the area around the tree, it could be like just like the real land, only we could put fog so we don't have to make a plane that goes to the horizon. We could also make custom bedrolls for on the trees, like in the movie right after *SPOILER* . Also, one main thing we'll have to do is make sure you can't fall through stuff like the edges of tree branches (as in like if you stand on the edge you don't fall through the wood, I've seen stuff like this happen way too often and it drives me insane).
  9. Okay, instead of the dryad thing we could just make the tree have the really big branches that you see them walk across in the movie. What we could do for the weapons is we could make the character have to gather ingredients and bring it to some crafter, and you have to build up a reputation by doing a certain amount of side-quests to get certain items crafted (Ex. 1 Rep=Arrows, 2=dagger, 3=spear, 4=sword and shield, 5=bow). And we could do like what teerilsvin said and make the character do quests for their mounts, like for the banshee we could do what was done in the movie, while for the horses it could be bring a very special horse back to a stables person, and they give us a normal direhorse (which we will definitely need to make both the mounts Essential).
  10. There used to be a mod called something like "Power Armor", but I think it was taken down because I can't find it now.
  11. What I'm thinking is: Stats: -Marksman -Sneak -Blade -Athletics -Acrobatics Attributes: -Pretty much the Na'vi have great skill in everything, but what you could do is make the Na'vi very uncharismatic to kind of balance it out. Abilities: -Animal Friendship (You can take "Woodland Grace" from the official mod KotN, rename it, and add it as a permanent ability) -Summon Mount (and make the mount a custom mount from the movie) -Not sure if it's possible, but if you kill an animal pointlessly you take -1 fatigue and animals attack you on sight for the next game hour
  12. Perhaps making the Hometree might be the biggest challenge of the mod, think of it that way, how will you get all the lod?, and how would you prevent it from disapearing due to it's size? still I think it's a good idea to have a portal to throw you into pandora, as for the land any random land goes, there's no oficial map of pandora so anything goes, you could infact make different lands like provinces and travel from one to another, I look forward most to the facepaints, I want facepaints. We could make it kinda like how the Dryad's made their huge home in Dungeon Siege II, with wooden and wire lifts to take you to the vendors, homes, inn, maybe add a pet shop like in a couple mods I found before, and the lifts could just be portals where when you pull the switch to get from one point to the other you appear on the other lift as if you moved the lift to that location. Although this may be going a little too far with the mod, it may actually prove to be a very good, well known mod.
  13. One of the best movies I have ever watched. I hope to see a race mod soon.
  14. Until you find it, perhaps try this mod out? It adds a werewolf mask, and capes and cloaks can get you a huge selection of cloaks. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9878
  15. Realistic Ragdolls and Force http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4700
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