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About ike789125

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  1. Miami sounds awesome! I can just imagine the end game being the coastline beaches that no one can acess right away due to thousands of irradiated seagulls. I picture it being something like turning on the purifier in FO3
  2. The download speed currently is atrocious. Even if it is slightly under par with the NMM download i can normally switch to manual and it will be faster. As of right now i am downloading one 147mb file which normally takes about 15 seconds; is now expected to take 11 minutes
  3. I'm glad someone posted this; i recently sent a .dds to png conversion to someone assisting me with textures. Is it safe to assume that converting back will not result in loss of necessary data?
  4. Need assistance with an issue. Using KGtools to convert the FO3/NV pose to skyrim for import into CBBE; had success with the Jango armor from FO3 but cannot for the life of me get the Boba model i am using to convert. I have read that too many parts to a model will cause that but i have stripped the model down to just Body and Arms.
  5. im not that prolifc in modding :/ sorry this is just a simple texture edit
  6. you want it? im using the jackets and coats of the commonwealth mod but i can give you the texture i think
  7. Im getting scrooge first will be ready in just a sec!
  8. We need a bank mod; it will be possible considering how the workbench and settlement works
  9. placeatme will put them at your feet. i am thinking scrooge mcduck type vault. .additem will put them in your inventory
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