Took a dip into ability code and how charges are defined ... and found some irritating facts. Most abilities that do not define their own charges, are defaulted to 1. This is hard coded into X2AbilityCost_Charges with no config defined variables, meaning that to change it, you would need to create your own charge type by extending this class ... and then override X2Ability_ItemGrantedAbilitySet to modify the skulljack AND skullmine abilities to use your new charge type with whatever number of charges you want to assign. This seems to be a disturbing trend in the code for XCOM 2 ... while it is 'mod' friendly, it is NOT modder friendly ... in that there is too much hardcoded that cannot simply be changed via the ini's. A lot of this is simple little things like turn timer lengths, ability charges, item slots, etc, etc, etc ... it is unfortunate ... but it happens when the game was built before mod support was considered, and seems to have been an after thought.