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  1. Basically, the only 'easy' way would be to completely overhaul the gamestate classes responsible(mainly unit) and 'fix' the code. The item size code was for the now depreciated and removed backpack code, and as such has no impact as far as I can tell. A workaround of some kind could be done, but you would end up overriding so many different UI screens and other classes that it might actually be more work than its worth to add that 1 slot. Also, the flags that it uses for the switch case make it so adding that flag to multiple items does not increase the number of slots more than 1 time. It is literally a 'has an extra slot' and not 'gains 1 more slot' :(
  2. Possibly a simple question, but one that needs to be asked: Are you selecting the mods in the launcher? (the box next to them should be filled in). As long as the mod itself is correctly built and submitted, those should be the only steps needed for them to show.
  3. Nice, good work around for those 'perks' that kinda felt like bugs(aka features) to me.
  4. The Src directory is only used for compiling a mod and filled with base scripts from SrcOrg and the scripts from your mod. It's a bug that it isn't cleared automatically... Well, if that is the intended behavior for the sdk src folder(which seems like it should be the case), it doesn't work for me. To get my test mods to compile I had to manually fix the problem.
  5. Actually, I have a few methods I use, depending on where I am in my day. UncodeX when I am trying to follow the code flow, exported html from UncodeX for when I am not at home, but have time to browse through it, and a mod buddy default mod with the source files for fast searching to find where things are used across all files. And I occasionally use UE explorer for other purposes(its not as good, but can be useful in its own ways).
  6. I think I just lost a small portion of neurons dedicated to rational thought trying to process that one.
  7. I must have missed this line somehow Template.AbilityCharges = new class'X2AbilityCharges_StasisLance'; Obviously because it makes no sense. No consistency with naming ... even their OWN comments say as much // This one seems to be misnamed, but talks about proving ground being built Template.AddNarrativeTrigger("X2NarrativeMoments.Strategy.GP_FirstStasisLanceBolted_Shen", NAW_OnAssignment, 'FacilityCompletePopup', 'ProvingGround', ELD_OnStateSubmitted, NPC_Once, '');They apparently renamed it from stasis lance, but forgot to change the code to reflect the name(Or just didn't bother, find and replace being such a difficult tool to use and all).
  8. From what I have seen so far, the src folder was not updated/modified with the patch, which is probably where the problem comes from. either delete src, or overwrite with orig which has been updated.
  9. Took a dip into ability code and how charges are defined ... and found some irritating facts. Most abilities that do not define their own charges, are defaulted to 1. This is hard coded into X2AbilityCost_Charges with no config defined variables, meaning that to change it, you would need to create your own charge type by extending this class ... and then override X2Ability_ItemGrantedAbilitySet to modify the skulljack AND skullmine abilities to use your new charge type with whatever number of charges you want to assign. This seems to be a disturbing trend in the code for XCOM 2 ... while it is 'mod' friendly, it is NOT modder friendly ... in that there is too much hardcoded that cannot simply be changed via the ini's. A lot of this is simple little things like turn timer lengths, ability charges, item slots, etc, etc, etc ... it is unfortunate ... but it happens when the game was built before mod support was considered, and seems to have been an after thought.
  10. I would suggest looking at the code for abilities that do similar things, such as the Rangers Implacable.
  11. Steam Workshop mods show in my launcher even when debugging. AFAIK they should always show up in there as long as they are downloaded. Yes, that is the correct directory for xcom2 mods. Most of what you deleted appears to be cache, temp, config, and crash data. Removing those may have made no difference at all, and probably shouldn't in any case. Hopefully it will never happen again and no one will ever need to know!
  12. 1.) The 'empty' loot window you experienced is a bug. There was a lootable chest next to you, theres loot in them, but for some reason the game doesn't display the list correctly. 2.) The loot system tie-in is not a bad idea, there is a mod that actually does that(can't remember the name) but it enables enemies to drop supplies and other things that you automatically pick up. *edit -- sorry for hijacking your thread :D
  13. Correct, the ranger is a good one to look at for that, because he gets those: ActionPointEffect = new class'X2Effect_GrantActionPoints'; ActionPointEffect.NumActionPoints = 1; ActionPointEffect.PointType = class'X2CharacterTemplateManager'.default.RunAndGunActionPoint; Template.AddTargetEffect(ActionPointEffect);Template.AbilityTargetStyle = default.SelfTarget; Template.AbilityTriggers.AddItem(default.PlayerInputTrigger);Most of this stuff is actually used by the Unit GameState, and they are defined in X2CharacterTemplateManager StandardActionPoint="standard" MoveActionPoint="move" OverwatchReserveActionPoint="overwatch" PistolOverwatchReserveActionPoint="pistoloverwatch" GremlinActionPoint="gremlin" RunAndGunActionPoint="runandgun" EndBindActionPoint="endbind" GOHBindActionPoint="gohbind" CounterattackActionPoint="counterattack" UnburrowActionPoint="unburrow" ReturnFireActionPoint="returnfire" DeepCoverActionPoint="deepcover"
  14. Did not know that, I have yet to bother looking at the example stuff, mainly cause I prefer to learn by doing.
  15. With just the ExampleMission mod loaded, I had no issues with it showing the objective, and it did not spawn any other objective pieces. So I built and ran with the Protect mission you had and tried the same test, no issues with it spawning the objective item(but it wasn't showing as the objective in game) ... neither mission spawned more than 1 objective item. Also, I only had to generate the parcel once to have it create the objective correctly. Not sure why your are having issues, they seem to be spawning normally for me. Not sure why the Protect objective doesnt work(not even in the objectives list when starting the tac mission) but the bomb defusal one works, including those ui pop-ups(which I personally hate, but they work none the less). *edit: on a side note, I do like the canister you are using for the bomb, looks quite nice.
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