So, I have been cruising around the forums a bit trying t o figure this out, and I am not a total newbie when it comes to modding Bethesda titles, but it has also been a while since I have even played video games. I just now got life caught up so that I can have a place and a new computer and I wanted to get back in to playing Fallout 4....then I saw all the mods. Couple questions. I think I understand the ESL thing, but not totally. Load order might still be important and patches are everywhere to make mods work together. I understand there is still stability issues when mods lists start growing. I have a few mods that have loads of patches. I am lucky (?) that one of them has their patches set with ESL and look to load late in my order, which is good. I still rely on LOOT to give me starting order to tweak. I am looking to lessen my load order as well. I was told turning a mod's patch into an ESL could be problematic as the ESL might load before mod, despite the load order. Is it possible to merge an ESP into a the main mod ESP itself and how would I go about that? Here is an example. I have the LAER mod. It has an Armorsmith and Automotron patch. Since LAER is most likely loading after both of these mods, can I move all the patch record in to the main mod file? Is there a way to do this "automagically"? Or, how about taking all the patch mods that are ESP and merge those, into one large ESP and put that at the end of my load order. Going one step further, ESL that as well? Maybe I don't completely understand the concept of ESL??? Any resources you fine peoples have would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to get more stable than I am now. VERY random CTDs happen and it is hard for me to pin down if it is a mod, bad load order or system itself and it is a VERY random event and inconvenient every time. I am also trying to play the game, not play mod the game XD