This is idea about expanding Fort, Tower and Stronghold into "living" homes for you. English is not my primary talk. I will expand the idea in this topic as much as i can. Only request from me: - That i get full credit's for my idea, that is all. Tower - Werewolf, Necromancer, Vampier, Destruction mage, etc... (None cilvilization friendly): There is a rumor going, that towers are haunted by some wery powerful werewolf's - several "Boss" npc's. (speaking to several difirent npc's around the skyrim world - those npc's are totaly random in the world) - You as tower owner have to rebuild everthing from scratch. - When you want to invite some one to your fort, it will depend by quest, gold, etc... if he will join or not. - 5-10 mages - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 1 blacksmith's - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 5-7 miner's - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 1-2 alchemist - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 1-2 house keeper - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - You can invite into party everybody from tower to fight at your side (Go on town, vilage raid's etc...). - You can upgrade each character in tower as you wish - armor, weapons, etc... - Your companion's in Tower need everyday food and drink. That means: fresh blood and meat, you get my point. Negative side of owning a Tower: - After of kiling spree which you unleashed few days ago, large force (20-30) of farmers with tourchers come to your tower and wants you dead. - Farmers gathered togheter large sum of money and pay Silver Hand group to deal with you. - College of Winterhold is furios that you'r studying art of dark magic, so they decided to send their best mages to stop this magnes. Fort any race - Warrior, Noble, Merchant, etc.. etc.. : General thalius need's money for the legion and is offering you to sell any fort ingame for around 450.000 gold to you. - The initial guard's have to leave the fort. - You as fort owner have to rebuild the fort from scratch. - When you want to invite some one to your fort, it will depend by quest, gold, etc... if he will join or not. - 12-20 warriors - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 1-2 blacksmith's - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 5-7 miner's - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 1-2 alchemist - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 1-2 house keeper - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - You can invite into party everybody from fort to fight at your side, if there is a siege against you. - You can upgrade each character in fort as you wish - armor, weapons, etc... - Your companion's in Tower need everyday food and drink. Negative side of owning a Fort: - Some one in Solitude droped hes jaw when he heard that you camed with such large sum of money to buy a fort. He gaved half of hes wealth to pay off the best merceneries to hunt you down and destroy the fort. - Werewolf's had their lair near you'r fort and can't do their own stuff in peace. They declared permanent war on you. Orc Stronghold: By defeating orc chief in any of 4 stronghold, you can become a chief and setup everthing in the stronghold. Orc chief will become "Boss" type NPC. - The initial orc setlers have to leave the stronghold. - You as orc chief have to rebuild the stronghold, by geting 1-4 wifes at your side - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - When you want to invite some one to your stronghold, it will depend by quest, gold, etc... if he will join or not. - 2-6 warriors - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 1-2 blacksmith's - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 4-6 miner's - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - 1 alchemist - Up to you which race or gender you will choise. - You can invite into party everybody from stronghold to fight at your side. - You can upgrade each character in stronghold as you wish - armor, weapons, etc... - Your companion's in Tower need everyday food and drink. Negative side of owning a Stronghold: - Giant's dont like that you have fixed the stronghold and will start attacking in masses with their mamoth's. - Bandit Chief and some mercenaries cought a rumor that you'r in the posesion of quite large wealth and got a mining buzzines going on. - Becouse you are weathly and some one is bothered with that, they payed some serius skilled assisins to complete the job. Orc Stronghold, Fort and Tower companion can be given specific tasks to complete: - Guard post on specific location or patrol the area. - Mine, gather food and work (they do that in real time). Everybody in stronghold from Npc's can: - Play hide and seek, when there is no danger with other members of the stronghold. - Play tap. - Discuss matters with other members of the stronghold. - Chop wood. - Have brawls and cherring, then drinking or eating. - Siting togheter at camp fire and enjoying. - Worshiping their god. - Head miner woud ask you what to do with the mined ore: - Sell it to local market - you need to buy a horse with cariage, so that selected seller can go sell the ore. - Storing it in storage (visual aperance). The Fort, Tower and Stronghold has been emptied and you have buy several upgrades for beter living. - Fort and Tower are in dire need of fixing walls. You will have to collect around 2k iron for the walls, so your workers can patch it. - Beter wals - stronger defence. - Defence towers - for archers. - Alchemy and enchanting upgrades. - Armory, storage and stables upgrades. - Living house - kitchen, living quoters.