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Posts posted by DrCrowTWeirdAl

  1. So it turns out it is Project Variety that is causing this glitch, it seems to effect the cut scene that plays at the start of the mission and cause the game to black screen.

    Fortunately there is an easy fix, all I had to do with disable PV with mod manager, start the mission, save once the shuttle lands, and then exit and reenable the mod, the game is now playing normally.

    Just be sure to disable Project Variety before you start the Thesia mission and you will be good to go.

  2. Okay so I am playing Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition with Mods and I do have a lot of them installed but the game works fine up to a point, when I click to land on Thesia and advance the story there all I am getting is a black screen, I have no idea which mod could be causing this.

    Has anyone else run into this problem and fixed it, if so which mod do I need to uninstall?

    Thank you for your time.

  3. FYI, I started playing Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition and if you are playing with mods for some reason the Spectre Expansion mod causes the mission where you rescue the Primark never to show up on the map and there is no way to trigger it, so after the Javik mission the game basically ends as there is no way to advance the story.

    Good news is once I used mod manager to delete that mod the game played normally, so just avoid this mod and you should be fine.

    Hope you find this helpful.

  4. The first mission of Andromeda is so boring I have never gotten past it.

    If you want a free Xbox One copy of the game shoot me a PM.

    I have a movement disorder so this boss gives me a lot of trouble, I get by it by turning things down to narrative and running from one side to the other, quickly.

    You don't have to choose between the Quarians and the Geth.


    God, KillTarget or KillEnemies

    Do Not Work :mad:


    I am not buying Andromeda until I finish ME3 :down:


    GHOST is the answer


    Pity you have to choose Geth or Quarian :sad:

  5. So I installed this mod on my version of Mass Effect 3 that was running fine and it plays fine right up to the point where I have to kill Dr.Eva, I am using the right pistol and everything but her health doesn't go down at all and I have tired a dozen times and she always kills me, there is no way past this part of the game.

    I have no idea why it would do this.

    I am running Windows 10 on a Ryzen 5 3600X with 32 gigs of ram and RTX 2060 Super.

    If anyone can help me with this problem I would be grateful.

  6. Wow, thanks abunch.

    That is good to hear and extremely helpful.

    Mr. Fob is indeed still around in the scene, although I can't say for sure if he will be porting MEHEM. Regardless, there are several other modders who will be interested in developing ending mods.


    No mods can be created until the community modding toolset is released, which won't be for another couple of weeks. Once the toolset is out, it will take several months for content mods to be released. All mods have to be remade from scratch for LE, so it will take some time.


    Modding guides for ME3Explorer can be found here, all tutorials for ME3Explorer should be relevant for the new toolset.

  7. There are two old mods I really want to see.

    The Expanded Galaxy Map Mod along with the Miranda and Tali Mods that come with it and The Happy Ending mod.l

    Those two take ME3 was a decent game that was lacking in content and really cheated you if you romanced Miranda or Tali along with having an ending I didn't care for and make it an almost perfect game in my book.

    I have never played mods before that I don't want to play the game without.

    I am playing through LE on the Xbox right now but I am not sure if I want to drop $60 on the PC version when I will most likely just go back to playing the old version of the games for those mods.

    I know it would be a lot of work but this thread is about what I would like to see and I would like to see those two mods and their sub mods ported in my dream world.

  8. Is Jack still in the game?

    If so then Bioware can't claim the moral high ground and I hate The quartering.

    You still see Jacob without his shirt.

    So in an M rated game running people through with a sword and shooting a bunch of mind controlled civilians is fine but showing a shot of a clothed butt is not? This is being done by people who don't understand how character arcs, story telling, or film making works. It is up there with making Greedo shoot first and damages Miranda's character arc where she goes from being a victim of abuse who sees herself as a tool for other people to use to being someone who can take a moral stance of her own.

    Allow me to explain. I think the camera angle makes sense in both scenes. Miranda herself says her looks were designed to give her an edge and she clearly uses every edge she can to reach her goals. She is the typical fem fetal in that way. She see herself as a tool and her body is an extension of that self. The reason she "whores around in that outfit", is that she is using her body as a tool to manipulate men. Now at this point in the story the only two things she cares about are her sister's safety and the goals of Cerberus, she see herself as a worthless tool to be used in advancement of those goals. The first time we see the camera angle she is trying to convince Shepherd that he should be loyal to Cerberus and I don't think she is above using seduction to reach that goal and manipulate Shepard, heck, The Illusive Man may have ordered her to do it and she clearly strikes that pose on purpose to draw Shepard's attention to her body so all the camera is doing is putting the player in Shepherd's place at that moment, like any good piece of film making. The second time is when she is asking him to put the mission on hold to risk his life to save her sister, she has nothing at all to offer Shepard in exchange for this, so again she uses the one tool she always has, her body and I don't think that it is out of character to say she would sell herself to protect her sister.

    The point of film making is to put the camera in places that make us feel what the point of view character is feeling at that moment, if the character is afraid we should feel afraid and if the character is a little turned on a feeling manipulated, then that is what we should feel. Those camera angles were nothing more than good film making that made the intentions of the characters clear and there is no reason to censor them.

    The only reason the offer Miranda was making was not acted on is that Shepard is a good person who see Miranda as having more value than she sees in herself, it works well to show the difference between them.

    This is all about telling us something about both Miranda and Shepard and how the Illusive man treats her vs how Shepard treats her and it builds up to her turning on the Illusive Man at the end of the game. The Illusive Man just expects her to sell herself, Shepard doesn't and these scenes tell us that without a word of dialog and in a game that contains Jack and a squadmate who rapes people to death it makes no sense to remove the camera angles and leave those two things intact.


    Miranda Butt Cam Unfix


    This is one of those hilarious gamer outrage situations. It just astounded me how people could be outraged about Bioware making quite serious scenes focus less on the butt of the character - A character who in one of these "butt-scenes" is talking about how they are not just looks, and in another one is having a heartfelt conversation about her sister. As always, "The Quartering" made an ass out of themselves.


  9. I am wondering if Mr. Fob is still active or if anyone else it working on porting the Happy Ending Mod to this version of the game?

    I ask because it is my head canon ending for the game so if it is not coming I think I will just stick to the old game with Alot installed on the PC and just play the Xbox version until earth comes up and then stop.

    I would try to port it myself but I wouldn't know where to start.

    Are there any guides out there for people starting to mod in MELE's engine?

    Thank you for your time.

  10. Okay, I know this is a stupid question but it has been years since I installed a mod on Mass Effect 3 and my dad had to reinstall his game on the PC and now every time he tries to launch the game it says the mods such as MEHEM and EGM are not official DLC and will not let them launch. I know from memory that there is a file you have either put in the DLC folder or modify to make the game think mods are real DLC but I can not for the life of me remember what this file is called so I can get it again. I am sorry to bother you all with something so basic but every guide I find to mod this game on the web and Youtube assumes I already know or remember this step and so doesn't go into it and moves right into the more advanced stuff that I remember how to do.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this and help.

  11. Hey this may seem like a strange question, but because he had the first two games I got my dad Mass Effect 3 for his birthday and any way he has been trying for months but without my doing it for him he can not beat the boss battle on Rannoch against the Reaper. I don't know if it's because he is older and his joints are getting stiff or what, but he can't do it so he just gives up on the game at that point.

    Any way I know this is a long shot but I have tried google and it didn't help, but if anyone here knows of a mod or a code that would allow him to skip this boss fight I know we both would be grateful. Oh, and I think it goes without saying that he is using the PC version.

    Any way thank you for your time.


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