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  1. I've had this issue for a while now. I completely deleted my Skyrim and made a fresh slate. Twice. Still the same error and I have no idea where it is coming from. Please send help. Here is my load order:
  2. Thank you for your help. I've tried on several occasions to try and use these other programs but I always found it so tedious and difficult. I tried again last night and I downloaded Wrye Bash, read the post and watched a few videos but I couldn't get it down. I ended up deleting the mods that were red in Wrye Bash. Game is working fine now. :)
  3. I spent about 6 hours modding today to start Skyrim fresh. However, when I go outside I crash every time. I have no idea why. All my mods have been installed before I made the character and I've tried a few times with different characters, races and starting paths from Alternate Start. Please help. Load Order:
  4. Doesn't work. I don't think it's my hardware because I'm still able to play other games that are more demanding on my computer such as Fallout, Overwatch, Borderlands 2, etc. It's only Skyrim I have this problem with.
  5. Nothing so far works. I've verified the game on steam, deleted and reinstalled fresh INI files and disabled every mod except for the DLC but it still crashes. I can get to the main menu fine. But I load a game, continue a game or start a new game it will crash after loading for about 10 seconds. I have no idea why I have this problem.
  6. I'm new to modding but I've spent a long while studying what to do. I've modded my game and played it for hours. Today I tried hoping onto my character's world again and I load up for about 10 seconds before CTD. It's weird. Instead of the normal loading screen (With a picture of something, your level on the top right corner and some information on the bottom right) It's the smokey loading screen. Anyways, here is my LOOT's load order. I can't seem to figure out what is causing the crashes.
  7. Deleted those mods you've mentioned. I get a slightly better framerate. Thanks!
  8. Hi, so I'm new to modding. I know how to mod and all that, but I have a ton of mods and some do the same thing. Like I have three fair skin comp. I don't really know which I should use so I added them all. and some other mods too. My game looks alright, but i'm always finding things i need to improve on. I'll tell you the big thing. My character. Basically I want a really cute petite female character but im not sure which mods to use. i have a ton on here but i need some help on which ones i should remove. see the spoilers. another thing, i don't have the best computer either so i have a lot of optimization mods installed but im still getting about 20fps in the wilderness which isn't bad but are there any mods i have that i don't need that would help improve my game or any mods i should install?? MODS: Plugins Any help and suggestions are appricated, thanks in advance.
  9. I installed it, Now it just crashes at the main menu.
  10. Title says all. I'm trying to load a new game, And when I set my gender to female, It freezes for about five seconds and crashes. Here's my mod list. One (Or more) Of these mods are causing this. I have no clue which one though.
  11. I used BlackRampage's method and I found out the two mods that were crashing my game. This tactic is quite tedious but it is rewarding. Thank you to all who helped me. I will google the video Valkasha suggested after I play Skyrim :D
  12. Not the best of ideas to download and install a boatload of them just like that then... That's going to be a pain to do, But I'll try it. And what I meant bu "I know nothing about mods" Was the Overwriting, External programs, etc.
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