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Posts posted by sgtmcbiscuits

  1. In response to post #56686801.

    Keleigh3000 wrote: If you're committed to the website redesign could you at least fix it? Put some descriptions on the front page so I don't have to click through and load a bunch more pictures on my slow connection just to find out what a mod does? And make the updates button show all the updates? This site seems to be more about pictures these days than mods.

    This is one of the few problems that I have with the new design. The fact that there is no way to view the small description for front page files, unless they're one of the two big ones. I much preferred the older system that just cycled through the top 5.
  2. In response to post #49984342.

    Bonechip wrote: Great update.... thank you.

    Request: Can it be made so the website reflects what you have installed?

    IE: If I have BadAssGunMod001 installed... when I visit the mod's page, or see it in a list, it will show "Installed".

    When you have over 200 mods installed, it is sometimes easy to forget when one is trolling around looking for more.

    That's actually a great idea! Especially when changing modlists between playthroughs and such, it can be easy to forget what all you have. Even better would be if mod authors could state which mods are incompatible with others, and if it sees that you have that mod installed, it could warn you. That one would definitely be harder to support, as it requires authors to do a little extra work rather than the site doing it automatically, but for casual users that don't understand incompatibilities and the like, that would be a lifesaver
  3. I agree that it's a great game, and infinitely better if you just pretend you don't even have a son. Makes it so much more enjoyable. I agree that it's a great game, but it's not a great Fallout game. That's the difference. Most people that dislike it wanted another Fallout 3 or New Vegas, and I definitely did, too. Originally, I didn't like the game, because I wanted more Fallout. This doesn't feel the same as other Fallout games. I don't think that makes it bad, but it definitely does cater to a different audience. It's much less story-filled, and much more about your own creativity, with everything from the more in-depth armor and weapon modifications, to the Settlement building. It definitely could do miles better in the story, but as far as actual gameplay goes, I feel like it's never been close to this good.


    There's cover (kind of), in depth weapon customization, much more fluid animation and dialogue, the settlement building, however finicky, is pretty much infinitely enjoyable for someone creative. If we're judging it based on story, I'd give it a very low score. If we're judging it based on traditional RPG elements, I'd give it a middling score. However, in terms of actually playing the game, combat, exploration, it's the best that Fallout has ever been. Overall, I definitely think it's a good game. It's not as good as it could have been, if they made the story easier to relate to and less forced, but all in all, I definitely love it.

  4. You've created a function that will set the value of KimberlyGlobal to 1.000... (a float). However, you still need to define an event in which this function will be run.


    Is this necessary if I'm just going to be calling this function from a papyrus fragment in dialogue?


    The name should not matter at all actually(unless it's something the CK wont let you use for some reason).


    It could be "GlobalVariable Property xDLOL Auto".. which global it affects depends on this: Go to your quest -> Scripts, you see your script name, click on it, press Properties and then you just click on the property, select object "YourGlobalName" from the list and that is the global it's gonna change. Press OK to finish.


    Thank you! I never understood how to define the properties! I never put it together that you needed to define it in the script, then go back to the properties window and select your actual variable. That's one of the biggest issues I've been having. Okay, then if that's all I need, I think I'm good. I used your version that enabled me to add amounts, rather than just change it. Quick question, though. If I want to modify it down (subtract), do I need to make a second function, or can I just "add" a negative? For example, if the global is currently set to 10, and in a fragment, I have...




    ...Will that change the global to 5? Or will I need to make another function, saying...

    Function TestSubtract(float fNumberToSet)
    KimberlyGlobal.SetValue(KimberlyGlobal.GetValue()- fNumberToSet)

    And call it using kmyQuest.TestSubtract(5)? Or will either way work?

  5. That first one DID compile! Do I need to append the word "Global", like you did? Or was that for testing purposes? Currently, I just wrote out...

    Scriptname JustTestingDeleteLater extends Quest
    GlobalVariable Property KimberlyGlobal Auto
    Function Test()

    And it compiles successfully. Basically, here's what I'm asking. If I have a global variable called "Kimberly", will this script change it's value to 1? Or will it change a global called "KimberlyGlobal" to 1?

    I ask because whenever I used "GlobalVariable Property Kimberly Auto", it would fail, saying I can't make it the same name as something else (or something along those lines). I want to make sure it's changing the global that I made, not some new one it creates or something.


    Sorry for all the questions, I just began and I'm really having trouble, and you're the first one that's really been able to help!


    You need to post your whole script you have problems with. Just post your script you are trying to do :smile:


    I have literally nothing. Like I said, I'm pretty much a complete beginner. I copy pasted one script before to make a quest wait a certain amount of time before progressing, watched a couple YouTube tutorials, and that's it.


    As far as I can tell, I have to declare the global as a property(?) in the beginning of the script. I use "GlobalVariable Property Kimberly Auto", and it gives me errors for just doing that. I can't for the life of me figure this out.

  7. Change the name. Can't use "MyGlobal", thats what it's telling you.


    You can also change global in fragment if you don't want to make new script for it. This can be in dialogue or in stage. (and Yes, they can be fired multiple times with setStage even when current stage doesn't change).


    You can just do:


    and make property named mahGlobal first.

    I was just using "myGlobal" as an example, it's not actually named that. I've actually named it a bunch of different things cause I thought that was the issue, and none of them worked. And I was actually wanting to add/subtract numbers from it, not just set it. Is that possible?


    EDIT: And now I tried exactly what you said, copy/pasting what you wrote (but changing the global name to mine) and it tells me

    "setvalue is not a function or does not exist"

    "cannot call the member function setvalue alone or on a type, must call it on a variable"
    I'm sure it's just something stupid that I'm missing, but I'm really having the hardest time with this. The art side of things really is my strong suit.
  8. So, I'm brand new to scripting, and it's REALLY not wanting to be kind to me.


    Basically, I'm just trying to have a script that can be called on by papyrus fragments to modify a global variable up or down. I figured it would be easy, but everything I do fails.

    Most recently, the issue I've been running into is defining the global property at the beginning. If I only have...


    Scriptname MyScript extends Quest

    GlobalVariable Property MyGlobal Auto
    It fails every time, saying "cannot name a variable or property the same as a known type or script". I don't know why this is so tricky for me, but it really is. If someone could just let me know how I'd go about modifying a global up and down, that would be fantastic
  9. An update, I did some testing, and it appears that the script isn't the problem. It's that, for some reason, the quest refuses to be set to any stage with a lower number. I set the recruiting stage to 60, rather than 10, and it worked flawlessly. Switching it back to 10, however, keeps the stage stuck at 50. Very strange... I'll have to look into this more.


    UPDATE: I now know that this is how it's designed, and that the quest stages can't go in reverse. Thanks.

  10. did you remember to cancel your timer? CancelTimerGameTime(1) ? as your example above shows it will fire off every 24 hours and sense you have repeat stages checked, set the current stage to 50 again.


    I didn't have that in the script, but I just put it in there and it didn't change things.


    Are you testing on a save that is done before your mod was installed? Quests might be tricky if testing on "old" save.


    Also, check that any dialogue isn't setting stages where you don't want it.. tho that doesn't make much sense if it doesn't work even on SetStage command.


    Other than that.. hmmh, double check you are trying to set stage on right quest and no script is resetting it for some reason. I'm working on a companion mod too and using same function FollowersScript.GetScript().SetCompanion(xxx.GetActorReference()), and everything works here so thats pretty much all ideas I have.


    Also try checking vanilla companion quests if you can see anything there you are missing.


    1) I'm testing it on an existing save, but not one that had this mod installed previously. I'm loading a save, going to meet the NPC for the first time, going through the dialogue, etc. I'll try on a new save, but I don't think it should change things.


    2) No dialogue in the entire mod sets the stage to 50 (the script does)


    3) Making the NPC follow me isn't the issue, so I know it's the right stage and everything. It seems like it switches to stage 10 (The stage to recruit the NPC) for just a moment, enough to load the script to make the NPC my follower, but then switches back to stage 50. The NPC still follows me.


    4) The only script that sets the stage to 50 is the timer, which is only called on in stage 40. It seems like the script is constantly setting the stage to 50, not just once.



    Again, I'm rather new to scripting, so I have a hard time wrapping my head around some of the functions and stuff like that. But what seems to me that's happening is that the script sets the timer perfectly, then once the timer expires, it sets the stage to 50, like it should. But, it KEEPS setting the stage to 50, forever. That's what seems to be happening, at least.


    Also, to ensure it wasn't dialogue bugs, I set the stage 50 dialogue to only play when the NPC is NOT a follower (this shouldn't be needed, as stage 50 should only be used when the NPC isn't a follower). With it set that way, the NPC just says idle greetings after being recruited, nothing else. So it definitely seems to be an issue with the quest stage constantly being set to 50 by some script or something.


    Thanks for all the help so far, hopefully we can figure this out!

  11. So, I'm making a custom follower mod, and making quite a lot of dialogue. At one point, the NPC (Kimberly) will want to be alone for 24 hours, before being available to be a companion. Here's how I accomplish this.


    A conversation leads to her saying she wants to be left alone, and sets the quest stage to 40. The 40 quest stage has a papyrus fragment pointing to a function in a script. This is the script


    Scriptname KimberlyRelaxTimer extends Quest
    Function Relax()
    StartTimerGameTime(24, 1)
    Event OnTimerGameTime(int timerID)
    if (timerID == 1)
    (Self as Quest).SetStage(50)
    As you can see, the script waits 24 hours, then should set the parent quest stage to 50, and be over, At the quest stage of 50, Kimberly has dialogue to enable her being a follower. If you accept her as a follower, it sets the quest stage to 10, which has a papyrus fragment to make her follow you, along with all her regular dialogue.
    Up to here, it works flawlessly. However, here's my issue. It enables her as a follower perfectly fine, and she follows. However, her dialogue goes back to the stage 50 dialogue. If I use the GetStage console command, it shows me stage 50. If I use SetStage to set it to 10, then check the stage again, it's still 50. I cannot for the life of me figure it out.
    I'm pretty much a complete novice with scripting, and what I have there is just learned from Seddon4494's YouTube tutorials. If anyone can help, that would be fantastic. Thanks!
    UPDATE: I now know that this is how it's designed, and that the quest stages can't go in reverse. Thanks.
  12. Just a quick heads up, in the Dwemer Hacker links, the "Skyrim Special Edition" link takes you to the original Skyrim mod, and the "Skyrim" link takes you to the SE page.


    Great article though! Spotlights on these lesser known, but still well made mods are always interesting

  13. It's very interesting to hear from mod authors as well known as Caliente, and it really puts into perspective all the work that goes into these mods. People always take for granted being able to understand and work with things like the internals of nif files, but hearing about all the work that goes into deciphering the finer concepts of it is pretty amazing. Thanks so much for bringing us this interview!
  14. In response to post #41283095.

    VanScythe wrote: I think it looks amazing! This is why Nexus is my favourite site on the net. You guys.

    As for suggestions: If we're getting a collections option, we should get an "add to collection..." option on the drop down menu for a mod that opens a "pop-up" where we can select which collection to add the mod to.

    I second this, great idea!
  15. I think this looks fantastic, personally. I was very wary of what it might become, expecting it to be like a pinterest for mods or something. It looks great, though! I do agree with some other users, about the file tracking though. That is, way too many updates! There's not entirely too much that could be done to improve it, unfortunately, but if you could find some way to make it less overwhelming, it would be great. Coming back to the Nexus after two weeks and having 50+ tracking updates can be a little much.


    Maybe organizing them into something more user friendly than just that drop down box would help too, it would make it much easier to work out what's what.


    Either way, loving the progress. Thanks for keeping everyone updated!

  16. In response to post #39904240. #39911050, #39913065 are all replies on the same post.

    ddd8000 wrote: I want to be in this focus group just to see if the fix has come for the manager not checking for updates to mods.
    TIH2WA wrote: I 2nd this!
    TrippyTheO wrote: I'd cry if we got a bunch of fancy new features without this issue being fixed.

    The issue (usually) isn't because of NMM, it's because the mod makers use update numbers that NMM doesn't understand, and there's no real way around that.

    And no, that's not always the issue, but I find it is more often than not
  17. In response to post #39909305. #39910355, #39912505, #39913875 are all replies on the same post.

    ff7legend wrote: I seriously hope this upcoming update won't be a radical one like the disastrous 0.60 update was. A lot of modders, including the SOT (Sands of Time) Team, lost their entire modded Skyrim setup due to the aforementioned radical update. I really don't want to have to play Russian Roulette with future NMM updates.
    Dark0ne wrote: That's kind of the entire point of asking for people to help us bug test before major releases, guys.
    drscott11 wrote: I think what he is saying is that do we really need these new features? Honestly I have zero use for them. Are they nice tech achievements, yes, but not really necessary imo.

    I'd really like to see more QoL features like a better UI, the ability to "send esp to top/bottom" of the mod list or to a specific number/place in the load order. How about fixing the horrid column resizing in the mod activation list or improving the abysmal performance of the "remove mod from all profiles" as it takes forever even on an i7 w/SSD. I could go on but I'm sure others will agree.

    I'd like to see more focus on improving the core product as opposed to adding unneeded features.
    janishewski wrote: I couldn't disagree more. These features are, I think, fundamental to make modding easier which should be the main goal of NMM in the first place. Exchanging mod setups with people that have already worked out the kinks and have a stable game going is a fantastic feature that will bring more people into modding. I see, almost daily, stories around the internet about how people want to mod their games, but don't know where to start, and let's be honest, this is a good community, but as I know from when I started years ago, it is not the most friendly towards people new to it and new to modding. Just because a feature may not be important to you, does not mean it won't be important to modding. There is no reason for a mod manager of any kind to exist if the point isn't to make modding games easier. If you want to wait and see how the next release pans out before upgrading, I see no problem. The current version of NMM isn't working properly in many ways anyway.

    It sounds like you know a fair bit about modding your game. That's great! The problem is, the vast majority of people don't. This kind of stuff isn't there for the people that know a lot about modding, it's there for those who want it to be simple and easy. There are tons of people who want to get into modding their games, but for them, it's too intimidating to start. And who can blame them for feeling that way? With nearly 50K mods uploaded to the Skyrim Nexus, and 12K on Fallout 4, that's a lot to take in for someone new. Adding shareable profiles is mostly for those new people. It helps them get a grasp on how modding works, without throwing too much at them. That way, the modding community expands it's borders; and the more people in the community the better! After all, the more people that are here, the more people will be making great new mods, which means great news for you!

    Just because this update won't accomplish things for you directly doesn't mean that it won't be beneficial to everyone in the long run
  18. Great to see this still being worked on! I've followed it for a couple years, and seeing it being publicly endorsed by the Nexus can only do good things for it. I keep wanting to help, but never feel like my skills are up to par. I keep following the progress and looking forward to a release date, though! Especially since I've never played the original Morrowind
  19. In response to post #35632186.

    bben46 wrote:

    You still need an up to date antivirus. However, I have found that the absolutely FREE Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) from MalwareBytes ( a very highly regarded antivirus company) will kill many garbage malware that many AV programs will allow.

    The reason they allow them is YOU allowed them to be installed by not reading or not understanding the TOS of some site that snuck them in on you. Many of these are malware that hijack the legitimate ads and send you to their own ad servers - and you approved of them doing that without realizing it. :wallbash:

    JRT is fast and small. It doesn't have a fancy UI, it runs from the command line. But all you have to do is press a key and it does the rest. It takes about 5 minutes on my moose of a computer. It is updated very often to keep up with the vermin that infect your computer with their trash, and will always check to be sure it is running the latest version when started. It is NOT an antivirus, and does not stay on your computer, it only runs when you start it first. You can delete it when it is finished and it leaves NOTHING behind. There are no nag screens or offers to sell you a more better version.

    Get it from the MalwareBytes site here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/564026-account-closure-requests/?p=35627086

    Oops, think you posted the wrong link there!




    My oops :facepalm: Thanks for catching that for me - Fixed it on my post


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