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Everything posted by sgtmcbiscuits

  1. I'm currently running two 970s in SLI on the latest drivers and have absolutely no problems with crashing (as well as only using one card outside of SLI). It's definitely not a universal issue, then. Sorry to make it seem like I was calling you out, I was just saying it shouldn't have any effect according to my experience. I've only experienced driver-related crashes in Watch Dogs (which, let's be honest, wasn't an amazingly made game anyway, so it was probably due to the game, not the drivers). I've not once had an issue with drivers or my cards in Skyrim, or any other game, under high load or no load at all. And trust me, my setup pushes those two cards to the limit. So, if there is a known driver bug with Skyrim, reducing system draw might help. I've never had such an experience, though. (also, sorry for the double post. I tried to edit my post, but it created a new one instead, weird)
  2. Make sure you've done everything RealVision instructs - ini edits and all that. It usually shouldn't cause crashing, but it's always possible Open up your ENBlocal.ini - Tune all the settings to your PC (especially the memory limits). If you don't know how to do this, add the amount of VRAM and system RAM you have together in MB and subtract 2048 (Note- this is an old method, but it's still a good baseline) If that doesn't work, I'd suggest backing up your Skyrim directory (and ini/save files) somewhere else, then reinstalling vanilla Skyrim with ONLY RealVision, SKSE, etc. Contrary to what Jones said, the DOF shouldn't have anything to do with it at all. Once you've tried all that, hopefully it'll fix your issue
  3. There's an issue with Skyrim that causes it to crash when loading saves when the save is too large. It sounds like save bloating, whether that's from a mod that you have or just going around touching things (everything you touch gets added into your save file, which causes it to grow over time). For this, I'd suggest trying to clean your saves. First, figure out which save it is that you can't load. Then, make a backup of it. Once you've done that, download this mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?. Open up your save using that, and click on "Clean Havok-moved". You can also do "FixScriptInstances" if you want, but I wouldn't suggest it, since this doesn't sound like a script problem, and we should try one thing at a time to eliminate as many variables as possible. Once you've cleaned the Havok objects, go ahead and click on the save button and see if it works to load in-game. Best of luck!
  4. In response to post #24674064. There is already a donation system in place. If you go to a user's profile on the Nexus, it should have a "donate" button at the top, near the different options like "add friend" and "message". Not all modders have it set up, but most do. If you want to donate, that's the way to do it
  5. In response to post #24586694. #24586764 is also a reply to the same post. Thank you for posting the link to the petition. It's good to have a united place for everyone to communicate their disapproval. Hopefully, Valve will listen to such a large voice coming from the community
  6. I'm all for donating to modders when you feel they deserve it, and they so often do. However, actually charging for the mods I feel is a huge mistake. The community has always been about being free and open, not excluding anyone. If modders begin to only release mods that are paid-for, you're excluding a whole lot of people that just enjoy the game and can't shell out a couple dollars for the mods. Like me, for example. I have 400 some mods in my game. If each of those were just $3, I'd have spent over $1,200 on Skyrim. That's more than most people spend on their games for 5 years. I'm all for modders getting paid. However, it should be out of your own generosity, not charging for the work. Modding has always been a hobby, never a career. Trying to change that will kill off a whole lot of support. I just hope people realize that and keep putting out free and open mods. If you wanna put it on Steam for a price but still upload it to the Nexus for free, that's fine. However, forcing people to pay for the mods with drastically reduce the fanbase, and the community presence at large
  7. You can do this in NMM as well. Either way though, it might not be the best idea, because of missing masters, orphaned scripts and the like. it's usually easier to do a quick look through the mods for any problems before manually sifting through them all, especially if the issue doesn't lie in one mod alone
  8. Open up Wrye Bash and look through your load order. More likely than not, you merged a mod that your SkyProc patched mods (ie Dual Sheath Redux) relies on. If it's highlighted red, that means it's got a missing master. Rerun your SkyProc patchers
  9. You can take screenshots with Steam using F12
  10. It may be caused by your VRAM getting filled up, then when you turn around, it can be refreshing the textures in your VRAM (getting rid of the old, loading up the new). It can happen pretty often to anyone using high resolution/uncompressed textures. I'd suggest using a texture optimizer, and seeing if that helps. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/? this is the one I personally use.
  11. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with MO. I prefer NMM, so you'll have to do a bit of research on that yourself
  12. Well, it only resizes them if you want. It does, however, optimize them, which limits VRAM usage and speeds up loading times/framerates
  13. Playing at 4K is not a mod if the game lets you in the launcher menu. It's not caused by any mods, it's an issue with the base game while running at 4K. It has to do with the HUD, and therefore can be turned on/off with the tm command. It is present in the vanilla game running at 4K, and for the last time, IS NOT caused by any sort of modification to ini settings, game files, or anything else. Now that we have that out of the way, deleting the LEVEL UP text in Translate.ENGLISH.txt worked for me. Thank you, deadblood01
  14. Yes, it is in the base game. It appears near the top, not near the bottom right, that's why it's so confusing that it got there. You can see it here. http://i.imgur.com/TvNcrzq.jpg If you still don't believe me, go into your own game and type "advskill block 10000" in the console, and you'll see it pop right up. It is in the base game, it's not added by one of my mods, and it would be wonderful if you believed me about it by now.
  15. Posting your load order? It's in %localappdata%/Skyrim/plugins. Copy everything in that and paste it here in a spoiler tag. Also, if you installed any body/skeleton replacers, say so here, because those aren't listed in the plugins list
  16. How about load order rather than... that? A few things that come to mind could be an incompatible skeleton or incompatible custom race
  17. It is in the base game, I just made the mistake of calling it an "icon" when it's just text, sorry. http://i.imgur.com/vAW4U0v.jpg However, if you still insist on seeing the load order, here it is. It won't be very useful, given that dozens and dozens of mods have been merged.
  18. Thanks! I didn't think the mods mattered in this case (especially with 380 some of them), but I should have mentioned the ENB. I forgot that affected the rain. But, what about the "Level Up" icon on screen? Any known fixes for that?
  19. You can resize them yourself, but that's really the only way. If you want to remove stuttering, I'd also suggest using a texture optimizer. They tend to save A LOT of space in some configurations (when I ran it, it shaved off several GBs with no noticeable quality impact). It can be a pretty dramatic change
  20. So, I decided to start playing my modded Skyrim in 4k. It works great, besides the rain and a weird "Level Up" Icon on the screen. Any fixes? (In the picture below, I used the "tm" command to remove the "Level Up"). As you can see, the rain is MUCH too heavy, and I'd love to fix that if possible http://i.imgur.com/01GrXXH.jpg
  21. Make sure your GPU is a good temperature. A graphics card overheating can easily cause things like that, as well as damaging the card.
  22. It's a relatively frequent issue. It can be caused by a multitude of things, such as a LOD texture in the data files where a normal texture should be, your processor running exceptionally behind, the RAM being filled up, your RAM/HDD not loading/unloading data fast enough, simply the game being buggy, mods of course, and much more. The first thing I'd check is to make sure your RAM, VRAM and disk usage are within what they should be. If they're being stressed too much, that can cause it. However, I also found this thread; they've got a fair amount of information there that might help http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/971223-blurry-low-quality-ground-textures/
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