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  1. The issue persists on new games as well. Strange is that my old savegame's hairstyle got saved, even though i can't change it either.
  2. As i mentioned, Zazamel's Drow race (which has been abanoned for a long while) which i personally modified to use UUNP body and custom textures. The mods should have been "up to date" as they were at the date last played. For clarification, it's only the hair slider not working, only for this race, and used to work when i first created my old character.
  3. I use a personally modified version of ZaZ's drow race, other relevant mods are RaceMenu, XPMSE, Apachii Hair (for mod compatibility) and KS Hairdos. The thing is this: Having not touched Skyrim for a while and loading my old character, i decided to remake it. So i went into showracemenu to save the preset via RaceMenu. I then started a new game and loaded said preset with the same race and everything. But then i noticed that i couldn't change the hair at all. On the new character, it was the standart nord female hair from vanilla skyrim. On the old savegame it was the one from KS Hairdos that i used since i made the character. In both savegames the hair "slider" only shows random positive and negative values instead of the hairname/number, while not changing the hair, the haircolor value works fine though. I tried it with two other modded races, Ohmes Raht and some other that i forgot the name of. There the hairslider works fine, displaying the thousands of hairs without issue; same with the vanilla races. Now i'm not much of a modder, the most i did was replace textures or models and edit an entry here or there via tes5edit, i never liked using the CK and avoided it as i could. So far the only potentially useful information regarding a fix i found were aimed at people making their own custom race from scratch, using vanilla as base. But i need to know how to fix an already existing race mod that i'm not the author of.
  4. This isn't a usual "wuts dis mod?" thread. I'm asking here because I found presumably ripped/ported models from a Nexus-hosted mod in another game. I am sure i have seen this mod on the nexus but i can't find it. This is for verification as it looks like the guy who ported it is selling it for cash currency and seems to have more suspiciously borderline CR infringing items in store. Attached is the storepage ad with the very distinctive outfit (Warning: skimpy, potentially NSFW)
  5. reading from a few comments earlier, that's an interesting concept... having the additional children stay in different homes should be a feasible concept, just have to circumvent the "active home" scripts somehow, as i fear they could clash.
  6. yup, scripts are running slow (veeery slow) for you. before i reinstalled (with which i mean formatted my whole hard drive and reinstalled windows) i had the same problem, though it only took like... 5-7 seconds.
  7. Only using a "not so high-rez" texture mod would come to mind, sorry. You'd have to go through all of the texture files (the ones ending with _n), open them in photoshop/gimp and apply a blur filter on them
  8. That's the Ancient Moth effect, i assume you played through the dawnguard questline and read an elderscroll? I'm not sure which console commands would help though.
  9. You seem to have some sort of "RPG mod" installed, looked almost like an overhaul to me, that could be the culprit. so i suggest posting your mod list (in order).
  10. Alternate Start is fine as it doesn't affect Races itself. I'd bet my collection of centurion cores that it's these "vampire races" that's causing trouble for you. Otherwise you could try to find a compatibility mod, or try to reload a savefile before entering the cave. I recommend latter, as it might just be a sequence bug.
  11. yeah, uninstall your AMD drivers, remove any traces of them (i recommend googling for a tool called ATIman) and download the latest driver from the official page. This is a known problem with some earlier drivers, especially on Mobility systems. (I had that with counterstrike source)
  12. It's one or more of your lighting mods, i couldn't be bothered to look through all of your mods, but i noticed a few affecting lighting.
  13. Being unable to enthrall is a known problem with custom races going vampire lord. Did you use the Vampire Seduction spell on him? The problem of him attacking/being attacked is mostlikely caused by him not being added to the proper faction, which should happen when you legitimately enthrall him.
  14. nah, when you enter Castle Volkihar, you are supposed to not be able to draw your weapons or go into the Tab menu. ;o Though i'm out of guesses for your problem. it still seems to be sequence bug. i checked UESP.net and they have this in their bug section:
  15. "Skyrim HD", "Static Mesh Improvement", "W.A.T.E.R.". i'd take a wild guess and accuse one of them as the murderer. perhaps a second one was an accomplice.
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