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Posts posted by bootrocket

  1. I know I'm late coming to this discussion but I would like to throw in my vote towards getting parallax mapping re-enabled. And I would be up to helping spread the word or doing whatever I can.

    Because it's ridiculous that it has been disabled in the first place. Does anyone know why?

    Also I know nothing about scripting but is the something SKSE64 could enable?


    Sorry for the late response, but the parallax discussion seems to have been resurrected by certain recent SSE mods such as, "Ice Cave Parallax" and "Wavy Waters."


    Someone, off-site, seems to have knocked out a very rough proof-of-concept shader workaround ( aka bump mapping ) using ReShade 3.0, which is fully compatible with DX11 and 64-bit Skyrim. I referred to this my Aug 20, 2017 post above.


    The poster TossableStuff broke this down here: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/80225-parallax-occlusion-mapping-for-sse-proof-of-concept/


    The shader may be downloaded here: https://mega.nz/#!YW...2yI4G9FrSB6OsXY

    I recommend reading TossableStuff's instructions first. None of this is perfect but it dispels some misconceptions and provides a starting point for a bump mapping update to anyone with the background.



  2. @Arthmoor ... Ya know, there is a teensy part of all this which makes me think Beth had the tech to develop parallax for DX11 but deliberately excluded it to see what WE, the modding community, would come up with to compensate for the loss, from things like SMIM to the new Skyrim 3D Landscapes. Is that paranoid?


    OK, yeah, but why wouldn't they develop something to replace it, unless they believe that would be tantamount to providing existing ESIV owners with a whole new game for free. That make sense? I mean, it sort of supports the psychopathology of game developers that have a history of reusing game engines for multiple games. The consumer, hypothetically that is, would be only paying for new narrative content (SSE v FO4 for example) and not new graphical content.


    Kind of a stretch, I know. Everyone but Arthmoor (I'm extrapolating; sorry if I got that wrong) has been perplexed by Beth's decision to exclude parallax nevertheless. So, it's antiquated. I get it. Thank you for that Arthmoor. I believe that's the first time I've run across that assessment. Can't find any convenient links to that discussion, however, apart from Wikipedia's explanation of tessellation, which in this context creates more questions than it answers.


    Sorry for windy rambling. Just perplexed, I guess.


    With respect to a petition, I suppose one might create an SSE dummy file that would not change any aspect of in-game SSE but only serve as a kind of voting booth. The only trick would be to tweak the file in such a way that it would allow a voter to "endorse" it without downloading it. I might attempt this, but I have no experience creating files. Nor do I have the name or account recognition that might give members reason to stop and read.


    Anyone know of anyone up to this? I apologize in advance for giving the appearance of creating something for someone else to do, but I would be glad to pitch in, or for that matter take suggestions.


    @ Pfusch, you certainly have the respect and name recognition to give voice to something like this, but if you don't have the time would you know of anyone similarly inclined?


    Eh we can already see the popularity of parallax with the download count and endorsements of the Oldrim parallax mods. Combined, the various parallax mods for Oldrim have millions of downloads.


    As for your idea, you can't circumvent the Nexus download-to-endorse (+15 minute waiting period!) policy. It's designed to work as it does in an attempt to get an accurate read on endorsements and mod popularity. In the past, some Nexus pages have uploaded a simple text file for people to download to accommodate endorsements, so I don't see anything wrong with doing that. The issue is whether people will take the time to do it (don't underestimate user laziness). Heck, I bet there would be people that wouldn't even bother to read the description explaining the vote process and comment with "Where is the mod?", "No file???" etc.




    Yes, we may infer the popularity of parallax based on Oldrim downloads but a petition might just stimulate discussion or get Beth to sit up and take notice. Or maybe not, but its worth a try.


    Anyway thanks for the info about endorsing if-and-only-if downloading. Good to know. I still scratch my head over Beth's decision to exclude it. It just does't make sense aesthetically. Gotta be some harebrained compatibility extrapolation. Meh.

  4. With respect to a petition, I suppose one might create an SSE dummy file that would not change any aspect of in-game SSE but only serve as a kind of voting booth. The only trick would be to tweak the file in such a way that it would allow a voter to "endorse" it without downloading it. I might attempt this, but I have no experience creating files. Nor do I have the name or account recognition that might give members reason to stop and read.


    Anyone know of anyone up to this? I apologize in advance for giving the appearance of creating something for someone else to do, but I would be glad to pitch in, or for that matter take suggestions.


    @ Pfusch, you certainly have the respect and name recognition to give voice to something like this, but if you don't have the time would you know of anyone similarly inclined?

  5. I no longer care for SKSE64. Some people from OpenMW are already working on Oblivion and in five years we may have an OpenSkyrim, SKSE will be completely obsolete then.

    In FIVE YEARS ... That's an eternity for the modding community. And Oblivion (cf Bruma) is destined to be 64 Bit, no matter what IMHO. Seems to me that developing SKSE64 is a win win proposition.




    Just wanted to pass this along, everyone. It's a plan to go to Bethesda to get a free SKSE64 DLC. Just trying to get enough interest to approach them at the moment; i want to see how much it would cost to make it happen on their end.



    This was pointed out by others - they have no reason to do this. It can easily by done with the inhouse code and added to the official exe


    Yeah, that's what I want them to do. I just think we need to get enough people to say we want that, is all. Like a big 'ol mob of pretty pretty please add this :smile:

    I started to sign the petition. I even composed a comment, but there were too many hurdles and I had to bail. Jut seems like everyone stands to benefit from SKSE64.

  7. @ slowman87 Or, don't wait for Beth. Get the word out to enough modders familiar with SSE reshaders that parallax is indeed possible on SSE using ReShade 3.0 in the hope that one of them will turn it into a mod. I'm pretty sure the response would be enthusiastically positive. I wish I had the time and know-how. Links below.




    Parallax Occlusion Mapping for SSE proof of concept - Skyrim: Special Edition - LoversLab

  8. I'm a little off topic here but I have to agree with Jeir with respect to the fact that the tag system is flawed. Several modders themselves have been unaware to the fact that something is tagging their files arbitrarily and inappropriately. The trouble with that is that is if a member has, let's say, a file tagged to exclude translations, and that mod has been tagged as a Russian translation even though it is clearly not any kind of translation, then that file will not display for any member who has tagged Russian translations to be excluded from the mods that appear on their web page! I posted a comment on this under bug reports but I have not received much of a response. The web masters need to be notified, but I don't know how to get a hold of them. :confused:

  9. I addressed this problem recently under Skyrim Special Edition, Hearthfire Extended. I have been noticing more and more of late that not all files find their way onto "Latest Files." I do not know if this is always a tagging issue, but when I noticed this omission with respect to another file, I forget which one, the mod author replied that his file had been tagged a translation when it was nothing of the sort. I do not know what the problem is with respect to Hearthfire Extended, but I only stumbled across the file when I logged in without signing in and noticed the difference between the respective Latest Files lists. For now, I will remove all Tag Blocking, but I do so with some trepidation. I abhor Anime, and translation files are lost on me. Hope someone can point me in the right direction.

  10. Yes, well said, and having readdressed the subject so cogently and accessibly, Dark0ne, many loyal Nexus comrades, whom I count myself among, have previously shared their concerns with respect to copyright "confusion" in months past. In short, as you well know, the writing was on the wall.


    I would just add, or volunteer, that in spite of a premium member status, I would be proud to contribute some sum on a periodic basis to retain the services of one, or several, copyright attorneys, if we don't already have a few. ( I am not one, by the way.) I find that sampling, as addressed in the recording industry, and found or assemblage art, as addressed in the visual art community for over one hundred years, may contain especially relevant case histories that champion our struggle.


    Please don't misunderstand me; I'm not looking for a fight. Addressing these concerns in a timely manner would not simply give our mod creators the respect they deserve as artists, but would have the potential to make Bethesda and Zenimax not simply better businesses, but help establish them as virtual art advocates. That couldn't hurt.

  11. In response to post #38139410. #38139465, #38139860, #38514085 are all replies on the same post.

    bootrocket wrote: This may not be the right place to mention this, but is this file-rescuing business causing Nexus site errors -- like avatars and monikers failing to display, and the inability to link to chat or forums -- or is it just me? I'm away from home using an antiquated Macintosh laptop.
    Dark0ne wrote: Not that I know of?
    bootrocket wrote: Got it. Must be this laptop. Thanks.
    bootrocket wrote: OK, I checked my iMac and my PC and it appears to be a Safari thing. Doesn't happen on other websites, just Nexus. I don't get icon photos or member names, and it seems to have started at about the same time as the archiving, but I don't know if that's the problem. Just an FYI, but thanks for the archiving all the same. Oh, and I can't log into Chat or Forums either. Cheers.

    Turns out that it was an out-of-date Safari thing. Updated and all is ... OK. Older machines that can not support the new version will be out of luck, from what I can see. Peace, out.
  12. In response to post #38139410. #38139465, #38139860 are all replies on the same post.

    bootrocket wrote: This may not be the right place to mention this, but is this file-rescuing business causing Nexus site errors -- like avatars and monikers failing to display, and the inability to link to chat or forums -- or is it just me? I'm away from home using an antiquated Macintosh laptop.
    Dark0ne wrote: Not that I know of?
    bootrocket wrote: Got it. Must be this laptop. Thanks.

    OK, I checked my iMac and my PC and it appears to be a Safari thing. Doesn't happen on other websites, just Nexus. I don't get icon photos or member names, and it seems to have started at about the same time as the archiving, but I don't know if that's the problem. Just an FYI, but thanks for the archiving all the same. Oh, and I can't log into Chat or Forums either. Cheers.
  13. In response to post #38139410. #38139465 is also a reply to the same post.

    bootrocket wrote: This may not be the right place to mention this, but is this file-rescuing business causing Nexus site errors -- like avatars and monikers failing to display, and the inability to link to chat or forums -- or is it just me? I'm away from home using an antiquated Macintosh laptop.
    Dark0ne wrote: Not that I know of?

    Got it. Must be this laptop. Thanks.
  14. This may not be the right place to mention this, but is this file-rescuing business causing Nexus site errors -- like avatars and monikers failing to display, and the inability to link to chat or forums -- or is it just me? I'm away from home using an antiquated Macintosh laptop.
  15. In response to post #24562744. #24562994, #24563154, #24563214, #24563259, #24563324, #24563384, #24563414, #24563474 are all replies on the same post.

    galger2013 wrote:
    aceventura45 wrote: You haven't seen the recent posts made on the Wet and Cold mod here, at nexus. Everyone is ripping on isoku. There are a lot of people calling him/her nasty things. I'm sorry, internet assholes are everywhere, nexus is sadly no exception.
    FiendishGhoul wrote: Uh, no, I'll stand up for the Nexus' users here (or maybe the moderators, not sure), because there's a big difference between saying that you've uninstalled or unendorsed or whatever, versus some of the really extremely virulent language I was reading over on Steam.
    TenderHooligan wrote: @aceventura

    Yeah. I get people being mad, but I saw those comments on W&C and felt disgusted. If those are the sort of entitled and immature people most mod authors have to deal with all the time, then I can understand why they'd want some $ for it.

    @FiendishGhoul...I've seen some of the virulent language here on Nexus as well. Certainly not as bad as on Steam, but it's there. Expect to see a lot of ban reports coming in today.
    Lordkabal26 wrote: I'm not gonna rip on him but I don't agree with his decision to lock it behind a paywall. He's not gonna have as many people accessing it if he released it for free here as well. And with less people using it there will be more bugs going undetected.

    I for one won't be buying his mods, or ANY mods on the workshop if there isn't a corresponding release here on the Nexus as I don't use workshop mods, I download from here in most cases as I make use of the Nexus categories in Mod Organizer to keep my mods organized
    NoDebate wrote: Folks are pissed. The ability to spew what you like is very easy on the internet. That said, the execution may be off base but, the message is clear.
    SvarogNL wrote: Well.. Wet and Cold uses SKSE assets en have no persmission to be Sold.

    It's a major flaw in the system.
    About68cows wrote: Yeah the people who use the workshop clearly don't want to actually do something about it.
    Darkieus wrote: The only thing I did on the W&C is say I'm unendorsing and uninstalling. I don't support their behavior, especially when they have tidbits of other people's work inside their own.

    @ Darkieus: And your point is EXACTLY the legal "fly in the ointment." This is going to be interesting. Beth will argue that they do not have to pay for the other tidbits because they weren't copyrighted and they were offered in the public domain. Might get messy. I hope Dark0ne has a copyright or two in place.
  16. In response to post #23904944. #23907724, #23908709 are all replies on the same post.

    Good point, but we can not stop copyright violations in a great many countries that enjoy our products and do not respect international law. I'm not saying it would be easy. Actually, I'm not saying that we do it at all really. I only mention it as one alternative to loosing everything and DRMifying PC gaming creativity.
  17. A Modest Prediction


    The money that a company can make from modding will be too great a temptation. Modding will DRMify almost assuredly. I can see a litany of legal ramifications to follow accordingly, from copyright infringement, sadly among modders using one platform, to pitch battles between the platform and the developer as to whom is most responsible for maintaining or upgrading the product.


    Cooperation among mod authors, the lifeblood of creativity, will tank for reasons personal and legal as well as financial -- at least at the "professional" level. On the other hand, as long as a game's creation kit is made available to any who would, ostensibly, have a crack at designing a mod "for money" Sunday Leagues will remain as a way to trade ideas that one may implement ONE SELF rather than download.


    For better or worse these future communities would necessarily comprise a more informed base, if not somewhat smaller. And here might be the rub. A SIGNIFICANTLY smaller base might impact the number of pricey, high performing hardware devices purchased. If one must know how to use a creation kit to mod within the extended community, the Sunday League as it were, fewer numbers of high-end machines will be needed. If fewer high-end machines are needed, high-end machine sales will tank.


    That's the prediction: legal battles, a smaller modding community, and tanking hardware modding sales -- to begin with. The Sunday Leagues' mission would be one to place more emphasis on education, teaching others to use creation kits. They must do so or fade away entirely. And so it is, to teach or perish.




    Thank you, Dark0ne, for that thought provoking article. Well said.

  18. Thanks for the answer and sorry for the lapse in nomenclature. It's as you said, "the kind that always displays inside the player when you view videos on Youtube." Just checking and not overly concerned. I rarely play the vids on site. I usually exit to play them on large screen/1080 and had never seen the ads when played on Nexus. Now I know, thanks.

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