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Posts posted by Afroherbalist

  1. Thanks! I never knew about that! I'll check, but now you've gave me this light of hope (lol), its been shattered by the fact that I cant even save anymore.



    Whatever solution you find to fix one problem, another bigger problem seems to appear elsewhere, strange. The same thing can be said about real life, in my experience anyway!


    Edit: Well the saves work again, but Fawkes aint in Underworld (thats the place you get the ghoul mask right?), even looked through the surrounding train tunnels etc

  2. Lol, this is nothing new to me. It seems like this game prefers to crash more often not. Even through multiple re-installations and workarounds, I still get the same f*cking random CTD's, or the game wont load anymore, or I cant get past the "stand by" screen anymore, or I cant save anymore, or people change into other people when I fast travel, or I cant shoot anyone with out CTDing anymore, or objects dont appear anymore, or this, or that, so forth, so on!


    I could make a list of bugs the size of some ancient tome, but hey, they will never be fixed. They've always been there, they always will be. I just hope the next Fallout aint so ridiculously crammed with more bugs than a 50 year old rotten mattress.


    If the game weren't so fun, I probably would have gave up a long time ago. The games just started fugging up again for me, I cant save anymore, and ive got like 350 saves, you can imagine how I feel? LOL

  3. I always get this weird problem when I run a patch for FO3! Towards the end of the update process, the screen goes black, and I notice fallout 3 is trying to load itself up, before the update is even finished! This cant be right can it!?


    I get this with EVERY SINGLE UPDATE for the game, so I dont even know if the updates have worked for me or not.


    What gives?

  4. Ive never had this problem before, and everything was running (relatively for FO3) fine. I get a CTD every now and then, but thats Fallout 3, Ive come to learn, just loves to crash. Anyway my main problem now, ive just discovered, is that I cant save my game anymore. No matter what kind of save I try, it ALWAYS CTD's.


    I haven't done anything or changed anything big, so I dont know why it suddenly started happening. All I've done, is installed 'CUBE EXPERIMENTAL', and added an extra slave (that shopkeeper woman from tenpenny tower) to my house.


    Ive got about 350 saves, and 20-30 mods, from right when I first got the game about 2 years ago, up until now, never had this problem till now. I cant go back into my saves very far, because it just causes the 'THE END' cutscene.


    Need help man, I just want play the bloody game!


    PS it dont say any of my saves are corrupt (like in Oblivion)



  5. Have you got any mods which change that area? No wait, you wont... you said youd reinstalled... Hmmm...


    Actually, have you got any mods which could change that area?


    Thanks for the reply. well, the only mod I can think of which might affect the area, is 'The Collector', but I've had this problem since before I ever installed any mods.


    Right now, Ive got lots of mods installed, but none of them seem to be related in any way, plus even with no mods, it still happens.


    One thing though, I have got the 'Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch' loaded from the FOMM. Dont know if that has anything to do with it.

  6. Dont know if this is normal, but it was funny so I thought hey:


    I went into paradise falls, went in the barracks, slept in one of the beds. When I woke up, everybody was trying to kill me! I never attacked any1, never got caught stealing, and the sleep in bed button was green!


    Had to back track quite a long way when this happened cos I hadn't saved for about half an hour!



  7. EZ all, I dont know if anybody else is getting this, but in my game, there seems to be some kind of missing mesh problem in 'Paradise Falls'. Its nothing gameplay halting, but it just looks stupid and its hard not to notice these huge red triangles with exclamation marks in them. I never get this problem anywhere else in the game, and I've been just about everywhere now.


    The reason I think its a mesh problem, is the symbols are all in places where you would expect somekind of support post to be (like street cable supports). Check out the screenshot, I took it recently, but the problem has been there since the 1st time I installed FO3 (this is my 4th installation, and on a different HDD), yet the problem still exists.


    Ive tried toggling a number of mods, to see if one is the culprit, but its just hit and miss, and none have made any difference yet.


    Again, I can obviously play the game with this glitch, but I'd rather the game look how it was intended, so any help would be much appreciated!


    Thanks in advance :thanks:

  8. I dont know how to sort this out, I've been going around solo for ages because I wanted to carry on playing. I think it started after I left Fawkes at the jetty to catch that boat to point lookout. I stayed in point lookout for about 4 days worth of play, then decided to go back to the wasteland, because the game seems to crash more often when I go to point lookout.


    Anyway, I think it was then that I realised fawkes had buggered off somewhere. I went to the spot where you first bump into fawkes (thought some glitch might have sent him back there), but he weren't there.


    Im about 30 saves past the point where fawkes disappeared, but I want him to come back, because more exciting when your playing the game with another fighting character.


    Any ideas how I can fix this without going 30+ saves back in time, to before I 1st loaded point lookout?



  9. EZ all, does anybody on here know what I need to do, in order to make the slaves from 'The Collector' mod, fight for me, instead of just running away? I have no coding knowledge, so some help would be really appreciated.


    Another way to put it would be: How can I make the slaves, act like 'Fawkes' or any other fighting companion, while still being a slave in itself?


    Thanks to anyone who can help! :thanks:

  10. Thanks, those are the kind of comments Im looking for, ones that point me in certain directions. or give tips on something.


    I know some people like to have a laugh, yea thats cool, but Im only looking for constructive comments. We can joke around and banter in another topic, but right now, im just trying to figure something out. I think it would be cool addition to the game, others dont, thats fine but no need to comment if you cant see the point of what im trying to do.


    If I had coding or scripting skill, I'd just suss it out myself, or brainstorm with any1 who's interested, but I dont know any1 who is into fallout 3, especially modding or editing games. They're all music heads who just want to make tracks (like me), but I also like gaming and Ive always wanted to make my own game, which I why I try to settle for 2nd best, modding.


    Again, no disrespect to anyone who wants to have a laugh, but I just want to get down to bizness, so if anyone else thinks they know what I might need to do, PLEASE SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE WITH ME!


    Is it possible it might have something to do with TESsnip? I had a look at that program, and it looks like some kind of script editor, but I couldn't make heads or tail out of it.


    LOL I wish it was as simple as editing a couple of INI's and CFG's!


    Peace, thanks for your time!

  11. I'm trying to work out something similar: I want to make it so your slaves (the collector mod) dont just run for the hills and their lives, they stand and fight! well, if you've given them the privilege of a weapon, that is.


    I thought it might have something to do with combining the 'companion' AI/code mentioned here, with the 'slave' AI/code, used in the collector.


    It would be even better if the slaves would stand behind, and slightly to either side of you aswell, like you said, so they dont just charge blindly into imminent death!



  12. I think its a great idea, Ive just been replaying RE code veronica x on my ps2 (what terrible controls LOL)


    Who cares about the era? Its a resident evil mod, so obviously it would look stupid if it had futuristic weapons. I thought R.E was set only in the NEAR future (like a decade or summet). So it would look normal to be running around with glocks, HK's, MP5's and M16's.


    It would be cool to see a whole new custom enviroment for the mod, not just the wasteland.


    Cant wait bro, good luck with the project!


    Edit: To EZB's comment: Thats the ONE thing so many mods are missing! Voice actors!! Get in there my son! This could be big

  13. Just seems like one of those weird, off the cuff glitches. They always make me laugh, but they can ruin the game progress if something like a plot character appears or disappears somewhere.


    The last weird glitches Ive come across are:


    1. Mothership zeta + Malos nude body + throwing a grenade in stasis gas = your character will literally seem to melt into an elasticated pile on the floor (hilarious, but you no longer freeze, just melt), you have to be naked I think or it wont work


    2. I was shooting at a raider near a wall, and suddenly, he just started ascending to the heavens above and wouldn't stop going up.


    3. The cowboy geezer in mothership Zeta, his beard turns into a mexican / aztec pattern (must of cost him a few dollars)


    Im sure theres loads more Im forgetting.

  14. I'm not sure about the scripting changes, but I can see the reasoning behind not arming slaves. A slave with a gun would not stay a slave, they'd kill you for their freedom. I would.


    Yea but seriously man, all humour aside. Whether it seems realistic or not, I dont see why it would not be possible to set the slaves as "folllowers", you know, like fawks, and that bloke from megaton, or the kid who follows you from lamplight. Surely you can incorporate the 'assistance' of a follower, into the 'comical uselessness' of a slave.


    If the slave collar is on the person, they then become a slave, but they dont do anything useful. It would be much more fun, and less pointless seeming (a waste of caps) if the slaves were forced to aid you in combat. Sure, they'd likely always be killed, but it would be far more funny to watch them charging into a deathclaw rather than pussyfooting around, and you could roll with an army of slaves ready to take a bullet for you. Plus they wouldn't attack you, because they're allied with you (whether they like it or not)


    Think 'Slave + Follower AI/script'. Why cant you just take the best of both worlds?


    Any ideas? I havent got a clue where to start. Any coders out there willing to help?

  15. Hi, Ive never made, or studied making FO3 mods before, (tried the GECK, but it always freezes on me) but I know how to make and use my own textures and that. Basically, what I wanted to do, was edit something to do with the character inventories, so when I pickpocket some1, I can also steal their clothes! Im thinking all female nudist megaton (feel free to rip off my idea!) Also, I wanted to edit the script or code or whatever, that handles weapon condition (so the modified mesmetron never gets broken), and edit the price AND weight of the modified slave collors, so they only cost a tenner each, and weigh nothing at all (I need like 30 collers, so I dont have to go back and forth between p.falls and wherever). Lastly, something I think is critically missing from the slave collector mod, is the ability for your slaves to pull out their guns, and cap some motherfuggers if they move on you, plus its kind of weak how you can equip them with clothes, but not weapons, they just run for the hills! they should be fighting to the death for their slave master! How would I go about implementing these features or tweaks? They would improve the mods and the game SO much! Im sick of my hand-picked slaves getting murked off because they dont fight!


    If anyone could help me, by telling me what to do (preferably step-by-step, Im no modder, just a FO3 gamer), I'd be really grateful.


    thanks in advance!

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