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About Morgainum

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  1. So, my radio suddenly works perfectly. I decided to continue playing with the radio turned off, and suddenly I heard one of the radio songs start playing out of nowhere. There was no radio I could see, I confirmed my radio was off, and the sound was crystal clear. I kept the Pip-Boy radio off, and eventually found in game radios. These sounded just as crisp, though quieter. When I left the Taft Tunnels and emerged in front of the Citadel, I tried to turn my Pip-Boy radio on out of curiosity. And it sounds great! Thanks for your help, but it seems the issue fixed itself.
  2. You'll be relieved, then, to know that my copy of the game is from Steam. I'll try to load the save on a friend's computer in the next few days and see if they still have the problem. I can also try reinstalling it again. The only reason I'm skeptical about the issue being hardware is that when I load a save from before the cutscene in question, it sounds just fine. That being said, I'm not ruling it out. If I find anything, I'll post here.
  3. I have the same issue triggered by scripted events in the same quest. For me it happens when the door closes behind Colonel Autumn in the control room of Jefferson Memorial. I can confirm that this happens regardless of whether or not headphones are used. I've tried installing the MADfilter codec, I've disabled my mods, I've reinstalled the game. I've even tried not having the radio on during the cutscene, but it's still bugged out. SPECS: OS: Windows 8.1 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K CPU @ 4GHz RAM: 8GB I'm using a Westinghouse TV to display, but the sound is bugged out both on the TV and through my Skullcandy Aviator headphones. I imagine from the way this forum ended that you weren't able to find a solution to the problem? I'll post to a couple other forums, and if anything helpful comes up, I'll let you know.
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