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Posts posted by hipolipolopigus

  1. It wasnt exactly 103 mods, that is including the downloads that broke that i had to keep on re-starting so each time i restarted it would +1, only had about 30 or so.

    Now consider what might happen if 10,000 people download 30 mods at once (A modest number, given today's peak of 76,600 on Skyrim alone). 300,000 concurrent connections, even distributed across a dozen servers is going to cause issues.


    I get that it's frustrating, but this is what happens when people flock to one service. It's not the fault of the Nexus, they do what they can.

  2. I've been talking with some contacts I have on the "inside" and it looks like a modified source engine would alleviate a hell of a lot of issues and be completely legal. How difficult implementation would be, I can't say, but it's something I'm going to start looking into.

  3. Well if you didn't want me to come here, you shouldn't have mentioned me or my work in your posts don't you think ?


    Every 30ms you do realize that no game oes that ? Except for FPS of course which have a very different way of handling things...

    WoW for example has a heart beat of 1.5 seconds or more if I am not mistaken.

    You don't even have experience in the video game industry nor networking, nor software design, you just made a few hacky softwares in C#...


    The papyrus scripts won't get you anywhere by themselves you need to save the state machine and be able to produce the intended behavior which will take a lot more more than you expect.


    If you really want to go for the stupid RPC approach (which does not work for video games btw) go for Ice or CORBA made by very smart people who have done better than you ever will.


    Skyrim Online provides the ability to create new areas in which everything is scripted server side and everything is synced so I think it is pretty much Skyrim but not the official lore that's the only difference.


    How can you talk about the complexity of syncing the game you are still hyped about ScriptDragon ? Yea it's great for starting up but I can assure you it will soon have its limitations and then you are on your own with IDA trying to figure out the inner workings of a very complicated game when you get to that point tell me if it's hard or impossible.


    You talk a lot and yet you have never released anything... But videos of ScriptDragon's GetPosition(X/Y/Z)...

    Oh, and I suppose I invited you to spew insults and start flaming, too?


    Show me an MMO like Skyrim. That's right, there aren't any (As far as I'm aware). Skyrim is closer to an FPS than any current MMO. Keep up the childish insults! I'm sure you'll look better than me eventually!


    The only states that we need to save are that of the players and economy. Each player has their own world state which comprises of quests, inventory and faction alignments. Everything else is done at runtime.


    Oh, more insults! You just keep looking so mature! I've decided to forego C# on the client side of things, I'm confident enough in my understanding of C++.


    From this, which appears on your front page;


    We have come to a simple conclusion : we will not synchronise any vanilla Quest or NPC in Skyrim.

    This means that not a single location in vanilla Skyrim will be synchronised.

    Creating new areas isn't the challenge, the challenge lies in converting the old ones.


    Considering you're completely forbidden from using SKSE, the only other alternative unless you write your own, you've just said that your own project is completely worthless. Papyrus has all that we need to modify the world, Script Dragon provides direct access to the Papyrus VM.


    You talk a lot too, but you seem to be unable to read. I've had things going on IRL that have demanded my attention, I'm sure you're no different. Real life takes priority, especially when it comes to the level of crap that I've had to deal with in the past 12 months.

  4. Alright, time to jump into the fray and give Ganpot a heart attack :rolleyes:

    Dude, do you realize how easy it is to do what is in your videos ? I released more 3 days after I heard about ScriptDragon, 3 days... It has been more than a year now that you are trying.

    I go on your forums from time to time and I read things that make my eyes bleed...
    Let's take some examples (from your lead programmer) :

    The client framework that I was writing decided that it didn't like me, so I've had to go about it differently. Going to more-or-less forego C# on the client side, transmit state changes using JSON objects and use C# on the server.

    JSON to transmit 6 floats and a few ints from time to time really ? And wasn't C# what you wanted since the beginning ?


    Okay, so it turns out that you can't call methods from other processes using their pointers... Stupid security...

    I want to call methods from Script Dragon by pointer from outside of Skyrim, but it's not letting me T.T

    Passing function pointers to call them in a different address space seriously ?

    Working on a Papyrus processor for the SkyNet server. This should mean, if our framework is set up correctly, that our server can directly manage and emulate Papyrus!

    Recode the whole engine you sure it's a good idea ? Look at OpenMW the game mechanics are simpler and they are not near completion.

    You do realize that your ideas are not hard or near impossible ? They are just impossible, simple as that it would take an amateur team a life time to recode the whole engine and not simple amateurs... it would take very skilled programmers...


    Ever the aggressor, huh? :rolleyes: Pardon me for not being the low-level-programming-elite that you clearly are! Actually, it's more than 6 floats. It's an entire state frame difference captured every 30ms. Everything from position and rotation to current animation and combat state.


    C++ isn't my thing, but I'm sure you've never made a mistake. I've been learning the nuances of C++ in between life (And death) matters, so pardon me for having more important things to take care of.


    Not recode, no. All it does is translate Papyrus into C# so our server can emulate vanilla quests with minimal work. What that then does is send the appropriate Papyrus commands to the clients by name with a stack of parameters. Server runs "Papyrus", tells client which Papyrus which commands to execute with what parameters. Not hard.


    No offence here (Oh, who am I kidding? Plenty of offence), but "Skyrim Online" is neither Skyrim nor online, it's "This-one-town-is-the-only-thing-we-can-be-bothered-synchronizing-over-co-op". Don't dish out criticism if you can't take it. My team and I are actually trying instead of defaulting whenever we learn how hard something might be. Leave this thread, you are not welcome here, especially if all you're here to do is be a pathetic, flaming child. Again.


    Man tell me something how diferent is papyrus from c++ ? If u know C++ u will make your work around with papyrus?

    In writing it? It's like PHP meets BASIC. Most of the programming for Papyrus will be server-side, but that will be written in C#, only sending names of Papyrus functions to the client to execute. Works so far :happy:

  5. I have never ever posted anything on the Skyrim Online forums. The only thing I've ever posted on his site was this comment on the article about our mod (Which wasn't approved. Funny, that)


    That Hipolipolopigus is not me. I'm not sure who they are, but they are not me. Obviously, there is little I can do to actually prove that it isn't me which really sucks. You can, however, look at my Steam page to see that I do own Skyrim through Steam.


    What exactly do you take us for? As though two people would come up with that impossible name to spell/pronounce? And both sharing the same avatar?


    No one's questioning whether you own a legal copy or not. Whether you're *distributing* the game however, that's a whole 'nother matter.

    And it's completely impossible for somebody to copy my name and link to my work? Look, that isn't me. Why would I even bother with cracks if I legally own it? -,- One thing that I have noticed is that they've been using my personal anime directories on my site for webseeds, which is annoying. Frankly while there is no real way to prove that it isn't (Or is) me, the closest thing I can come up with is a lack of smilies :P (You'll notice many of my posts here and on my own site are rampant with them lol)


    Not that I'm trying to push the issue under the rug, but I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to talk about piracy and the like :L

  6. Good for all you guys for this. I am sure my brain would melt out my ear.


    I would absolutely jump in and help if it were maybe a 2-4 player co-op option. Perhaps that could be something to think about? Or something that enables one to host a server like in MInecraft so they can play what mods and with their choice friends instead of the MMO.


    However I have not completely read the information so this may be something that has been discussed. >.>


    Anyway good for you all to vulcan mind-meld and all.

    Have a look at our BethSoft Post, we intend to make it flexible (So you can chuck it on a dedicated server if you wanted an MMO structure or you could host it locally and play over a LAN :))

  7. I am not saying one way or the other if that Hipolipolopigus and this Hipolipolopigus are the same, because I have no proof of such.

    It's been my experience over the years that extremely unique names such as this are very rarely used by more than one person, especially when they seem to be linked by nefarious behavior in similar circles. Again, I am not accusing anyone of anything here, I just find it suspicious that someone takes the same alias as someone who has pirated tv show episodes, music videos and games.


    My opinion still stands though about this project and solicitation of donations. All that money should be returned to the donators immediately and the solicitation removed from the site pages.

    It would be returned, but that is not my job. Yamashi/Awpsoleet took 80 EUR before he "left" (107 USD at the time) which was all his donations brought us :confused:


    And I agree with the unique names thing, but I've had this name since... What, 2004? That was when I first used it to register for the Gmail beta. Whomever they are, they took my name. Not the other way around :)

  8. I have never ever posted anything on the Skyrim Online forums. The only thing I've ever posted on his site was this comment on the article about our mod (Which wasn't approved. Funny, that)


    That Hipolipolopigus is not me. I'm not sure who they are, but they are not me. Obviously, there is little I can do to actually prove that it isn't me which really sucks. You can, however, look at my Steam page to see that I do own Skyrim through Steam.

  9. this is awesome news.


    just because I am curious how the end product would work and for more info, I have a few questions, do you intend to have mods installed server side? and just have the players run off of a client?


    also will you be somehow disabling the console? I know that these things are the end all be all here at mod central but in order to have a fair game Cheating should be kept to a min or allowed without restraint.

    how about moderators, do you plan to have someone moderating full time to assist players?



    whatever the case I cant wait to try it

    There are a handful of ideas that are circulating in regards to mods. We could do one of the following;

    • Client-side mods must match server-side mods. This can be checked and enforced with a hashcheck of active mods.
    • Adopt a Spoutcraft system. The server can send scripts to the client for execution where appropriate.
    • Probably other ideas I haven't thought of :P


    As for disabling the console and moderators, I can't say. This will require some dev and staff discussion.

  10. Okay, maybe I'm coming into the game late and I haven't heard the whole story.


    It sounds like to me, that Emmarae is going to add narration to a number of books and is planning to call the mod "Skyrim Audiobooks". You even linked to Emmarae's essentially WIP thread.


    This leads me to believe that as soon as Emmarae releases this mod (doing all the work him/herself), you are going to combine it with the bards mod.


    Now you said "most of them were started by me". and then "I dont claim those mods to be my own". Just realize that you cannot just download a mod and distribute it without the authors permission.

    That about sums it up :happy:
  11. That said, since the beginning all I was (my posts can be read) doing is providing strong feedback towards what is viable gameplay wise, because technically I don't know what's possible or not.
    My point. If we could just move past it like adults, that'd be nice.


    Just realize that nothing is impossible with this. Unimaginably difficult? Sure. But not impossible. To paraphrase Mozart; All of the bytes are there, I just need to put them in the right order.

  12. BlackRL, kindly leave the thread. You're being obnoxious, rude, arrogant and ignorant all at once and you're ruining the spirit of the project.


    I don't think that will be necessary, everybody is entitled to his own (potentially horribly misinformed) opinion. He's “ruining the spirit” of anything - if anything, he's doing his best to provide criticism which would (ironically) help improve the project, and beyond that, making a fool of himself.

    I'd normally agree with such logic and I may still yet.


    @BlackRL; We get that you think it won't work. Enough. Okay?

  13. BlackRL, kindly leave the thread. You're being obnoxious, rude, arrogant and ignorant all at once and you're ruining the spirit of the project. I've said co-op and not MMO explicitly because I didn't want people to think that this would operate on a 3000+ Users per server basis. No way in Oblivion is that happening.


    This is a co-op mod. This is for small (3 - 10) groups to get together and enjoy the game together.


    I imagine the rebalancing process would consist of multiple parts:


    1. Mob stats would be adjusted - more damage, more health, requiring you to actually have a dedicated tank with lots of perks in heavy armor and block

    2. Perk point count would be reduced

    3. Enchantment, Alchemy and gear quality would be reduced, requiring you to actually stack Fortify Heavy Armor enchantments to reach the armor cap, or stack Fortify One-Handed enchantments with buffed up smithing to actually deal some damage.

    4. Special enemies and quests could (eventually) be created, maybe something like a large arena where you'd fight some very tough dragons - these have the advantage of being large enough to hit easily

    5. Similar to how MMORPGs have their “boss mobs” or “elite mobs”, our special MP mobs could be tweaked to be immune to a lot of common stuff, and get reduced effects from negative effects like “weakness to X”.


    Ideally, I'd expect a boss fight with 4 players (paladin heavy/block/resto tank, rest/alt mage, sneaky phys dps and mage dps) should take a good few minutes depending on the difficulty setting, perhaps ranging from 1-2 to 10-20.


    You've got the right ideas there. Thanks for being so helpful :happy: I was considering the importance of roles while watching a review for The Secret World and I think it'd be a good idea to focus on a roles mechanic as a vital part of the experience. Tanks, heals, mDPS and rDPS would all need to work together to take down end-dungeon bosses. Or something like that.

  14. Yay! :happy:



    I understand all the emotion and strength, and to be honest I'm really happy to see all this energy, but for the love of God, SKYRIM isn't a game ready to receive more than 2 players, even 2 will destroy everything including the game experience.


    How will you balance things? More enemies? Not an option because the game will slow down and the frame rate is going to drop massively, not to mention synchronization problems between players, ah, and how about the tight dungeons? How do you want to insert 4 players plus enemies? Increase difficulty? It's not going to be enough because even in the hardest difficulty 1 player can slay everything.


    I've read something about taking this kind of project seriously, sometimes you guys are the ones to blame, you have all the skills (at least it looks like it, congrats) but you lack one important thing, maturity to understand what you are doing or what are you changing.


    What came first? The chicken or the egg?


    First you have to understand the game then you can change it in a way that works, that doesn't ruin the experience, immersion and gameplay mechanics of the game, and if there's something that is absolutely game breaking is putting 5 teens running around SKYRIM burning everything to the ground, this is even a worst scenario than the Daedra invasion or the recent Dragons.


    Be serious if you want people to think you are being serious, and, as always, this is just a friendly advise, this is your work, your time, your ideas, if you want to waste your time doing something that won't work, will ruin the game, or will be totally ignored or hated (go to the official forums and see for yourselfs) be my guest:


    http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1298347-dear-bethesda-i-would-pay-for-skyrim-co-op-dlc/ (locked and filled with hate)

    http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1239188-official-tes-multiplayerco-op-thread/ (check the bottom of the first topic for old posts)

    http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1301558-req-replace-npc-companion-with-real-friend/ (mod request, almost ignored)


    Btw, there is another group trying:


    http://www.skyrimmp.com/ (coming soon, yeah right! LOL but I hope so!)

    http://skyrimcrafters.wordpress.com/2011/11/30/skyrim-multiplayer-project/ (already mentioned)


    Finally, if you want a similar world for MMORPG it's DONE! And it's FREE!




    So really? What's the deal about tons of people in a world that barely is ready to receive 2? Keep it real, simple and functional, good luck.


    Let me get this straight... You make several severely flawed assumptions and assume that we will have an answer for everything. Next you say we're to blame because we lack the "maturity" to understand what we're doing? Then you proceed to make a completely irrelevant comment, continue with the flawed assumptions alongside saying that we don't know what we're doing, then (The absolute icing on the cake!) you seem to think that just because Bethesda, the very same company that distributed a severely broken game and then patched it to be even worse, lock a few posts (What don't they lock? Seriously.) that that should be indicative of this project's impending doom. You then proceed to compare us to a template site and a basic Wordpress site and tell us to not bother with Skyrim because we could be playing AOC?


    Well let me address all of those issues with this simple statement; It is you, not we, that lack the maturity for this project. This project is barely a week old and it seems as if you want us to have solutions to everything already. Read the 11 pages of this topic, most of which are rather technical and knowledgeable posts (With several proposed solutions to some of the more difficult challenges like representing other players in a client) then kindly get over yourself and leave this thread. You are not welcome here. I'm proceeding to report you and I'm advising people that think that what you've said is unreasonable and unnecessary to do the same.

  15. :Okey hipo =P , sorry i just couldn't help myself.
    I hope you're not being intentionally provocative ;)


    That was "my idea" was all about, im not going to tell you, its all magic, however you will probably find out later if i release it to public.
    "It's all magic" is never a good answer. I've got my system which works as I need it to thanks to the team that worked on OBSE :happy:


    I guess i dont care about other people that much, in first place i do it for myself and because i am so nice, i let other people use it, it is not like im getting payed for this.
    Er... :whistling:


    What ideas ? have not seen any yet =P
    Then you evidently haven't been paying attention at all :sleep:
  16. Already saw it, no real responses came to mind. I guess object physics would be classed as “unreliable” and done via UDP broadcast, and quest updates and so on would be classed as “reliable” and done via RDM.

    Oh... :ohdear: :tongue:

    And thanks, didn't notice the error since I tabbed straight back to Skyrim after posting - although I didn't intend to name the quote “Wiktionary”, I had written something different first then removed the named quote and wanted to only link to the address.

    Hehe, sorry, I'm half asleep here :facepalm:
  17. I guess i should have writen it in german then =P ah still to lazy to correct spelling errors, maybe later.


    Yes, i used version number, i like to be positiv like this and i dont feel comfortable if i dont see a version number on my files, also i never meant my proeject to be serious, i do it for fun and only while it is still fun.


    No, hipoli, all my code for this mod is in c sharp right now.

    Sorry, didn't consider that English might not be your first language >< Bad sleeping habits and lack of caffeine make for a grumpy Hipolipolopigus :P That said, don't abbreviate my name. I will hunt you down and eat your spleen, 'kay? :happy:


    How do you intend to inject your managed code into Skyrim? Represent clients on each end? Handle quests?


    Sorry if I sound like a total prick here, but you can't just do a project like this "For fun". You labour and suffer so that others can enjoy it :confused: This is why most of these projects fail, the people going in have little-to-no idea about how things will actually work.


    I do wish you the best of luck, honestly. Just don't thief off with any of mah ideas, 'kay? :thumbsup:

  18. I didn't know “hight” was a word until I read Wiktionary. Well, now we know what a “hight quality” multi-player mod is.

    Fixed the URL in mah quote :3 Archaic words don't count :P They're neat and all, but silly in terms of our totally non-ambiguous and succinct modern English :rolleyes: :wink:


    Left a post just up there for you to gawk at (Quick link :P) :happy:

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