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About WastelandRedneck

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  1. Had some questions about making this mod but I figured it out on my own. If anyone is interested I'll be posting the mod for download as soon as I am done testing it. (Next week or so...) I will also be doing a companion mod that removes the skill points given by skill books. To make them still worth collecting I will increase their value, I am also looking into having them add a perk after collecting a certain amount of each.
  2. Yeah I did it directly... for now I just took them out of the mod since I am not skilled with scripting or any sort of advanced modding. I am using NVSE for other mods like Readius and the whole Visual Cookbook thing. Guess it will take doing some research to get this going the way I'd like. I find myself wondering if these troubles are why Obsidian did not include these themselves.
  3. I cannot load any of the custom ammo from GRA with my Dead Money Mod. I am guessing its got something to do with the fact I used the "JNK" ammo type when I reworked the Junk Rounds Perk. One other odd thing I had noticed is if I do not have any ammo for a gun it defaults to the "JNK" ammo type. My "fix" at this point was just to delete all the stuff that pertains to that Perk and ammo type from my mod. I would like to be able to find a way to get this working without issues though since I rather liked my rework for Junk Rounds. What I did was add the two missing ammo recipes and added all the "JNK" ammo types to their respective form lists, then tweaked the ingredients and outputs for each ammo. No fancy scripting just slapped it in there...
  4. Yes... yes it was. As much as I liked the atmosphere and the story and the characters the game play killed it for me. By the time I had found all the "Collars" I was wishing for the end, by the end I was wishing I had never gone down into that bunker... So happy I waited to get all the DLC in a GOTY edition!
  5. Thanks sad to say I missed that when I first looked at the files. :\
  6. Ok so I have been going through adding all the missing weapons to various perks and challenges and so far this is the only one that has evaded "fixing" The Vault states that for this challenge the GRA Assault Rifle counts towards the challenge but the standard AR does not. I am wanting to add that standard AR but have not been able to find a list associated with the challenge. I have not found anything on the Nexus covering this either so if anyone out there has a clue I would appreciate some assistance.
  7. Thanks for pointing those out, they look pretty interesting. I will check them out when I get a chance. :)
  8. Yes I know how they are made now, what I am/was trying to do is allow for multiple items to make the same thing while not requiring all of them. IE: Tin Can or Bent Tin Can or Scrap Metal = Ammo X. Apparently it is not possible to do this so I just added it to vendors vs having it as a crafted item.
  9. Without NVSE only one or the other may be applied. With NVSE I hear you can have upwards of 10, however this is problematic in that you have to have so many variations of each model it becomes cumbersome. Also if you feel like mucking around with Nifskope, you could add both items as a single mod by adding them both to the base mesh and using that for the one mod. Would be interesting to see someone add the bayonet as an active melee mod. Make it like a menu item that switches the rifle model into an actual 2 handed melee weapon, then back again once you take it "off".
  10. I was trying to get this to work but I saw no obvious way.
  11. I have added the unused Double-barrel Shotgun from Point Lookout, everything is working fine except the reload sound. In 1st person there is no reload sound when the animation plays, but its there when in 3rd person. I am at a loss as to what is the issue here, any tips would be appreciated. :thumbsup:
  12. Thanks for the tip, Ill be sure to post what I find when work allows for it. :yucky:
  13. I know this is an old thread but I have been trying to find a way to limit the meltdown perk to just plasma weapons. Would it be possible to do this with a form list?
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