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About VelvetAssassin

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    GTA4 and Dragon Age
  • Favourite Game
    GTA4, TES, and Saints Row 2

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  1. I really need help with the NPC dialogue and if anyone can link me to a tutorial, I'ld be very thankful. Also can any1 also help me with creating an schedule for NPC's?
  2. I personally think that it's worth it. 40+ more hours, two new suits of armor, new weapons, awesome personalties, and the ability to lead armies and defend the kingdom? Definionatly worth it to me.
  3. Ok today I started on my new mod eternal war. So far I have alot of meshes for it and many story ideas. But I need help with the quests, the dungeons, and a new lich king helmet (the one I have is from jojjo and when I put it on my death king leader it makes his head mess up) So far the story starts out when u, the player, hears stories of the grand white ships of the Holy Paladin order(thx to mr siika for his elven ship meshes.) when you arrive at the ship, you find the Templar commander's journal that tells his story of finding the last few death knights, minions of the Unholy Lich King. He tells that the paladins are severly outnumbered but their skills are far better. He tells that his men are going to assualt the death knight field hq that is north of leyawiin. When the player arrives, he finds a massicure, the death knights using seige weapons and undead to defeat the paladins outside(again to siika and bear for seige weps) and on the inside the Lich King is there. He is planning attacks on major cities(thx to meo for his maps) and on the paladin home. That's the story so far. If anyone wants to help plz pm me and I'll gladly send the ESP as soon as I can.
  4. Ok I've been trying to make a Templar armor from dragon age with regular meshes from oblivion. I was gona use the crusader helm as the temp helm but I need to get rid of the wings on the side (whose idea was it to even put them on it?) and I was wondering if anyone could help me and instruct me how to?
  5. OK...But if you have some free time just please...Do something... I can try but I'm horrible at ext and int and retexturing ok ummmm....Could you just...ummmm....Make some decoration :) Make it as in brand new stuff?
  6. OK...But if you have some free time just please...Do something... I can try but I'm horrible at ext and int and retexturing
  7. Yeah, but it was just funny to notice. I've got the same though. The swords and armor part were of course left out in my time-estimation. As those would take a massive amount of time. How about some retextured armors/weapon instead? Well i was talking about that....Retexturing...Not making new weap. :) That would take years xDDDDDD Or longer
  8. "I had a dream!... Until I told what it was everyone joined me!" :tongue: Hey it sounded good but also sounded like it would take too long. And I'm busy with my own mods
  9. Well....I wanted to ask some of you...If you want to help me with that mod... I'll help but I need to kno wat it is first
  10. Was it a new world? A house? Story line? Wat?
  11. well, there was a joke that TES 5 might be an MMO... Same rumor as new Vegas being one too?
  12. Maybe they'll do that for tes5 can't wait
  13. Hi. I'm working on a mod called Soldier's Peak and I really wanted to add a set of armor that I really liked from Dragon Age, the Templar armor. If anyone is willing to help me make it, i'ld appreciate it alot.
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