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About iansutton91

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  1. I used to be able to get a good 50+FPS with Skyboost on Ultra settings. Now, even with the new alpha version of Skyboost, it'll go from 28 FPS to 0 FPS on medium settings every few seconds. Is there anyway to fix this? Before 1the 1.4 patch, I was running several mods including big ones such as 2K textures, Wars In Skyrim and others. Now, I'm running fewer mods and the FPS is just terrible. Thanks for the help!
  2. I used to be able to get a good 50+FPS with Skyboost on Ultra settings. Now, even with the new alpha version of Skyboost, it'll go from 28 FPS to 0 FPS on medium settings every few seconds. Is there anyway to fix this? Before 1the 1.4 patch, I was running several mods including big ones such as 2K textures, Wars In Skyrim and others. Now, I'm running fewer mods and the FPS is just terrible. Thanks for the help!
  3. I just get a "Steam Error: This game is currently unavailable. Please try again some other time" message whenever I try to run it. Thanks for the help!
  4. This pretty much. You were good, but it doesn't really fit my taste. Fair enough! Thanks for listening though!
  5. Thank you very much sir! I feel the uke is making a comeback. Especially with the indie music scene.
  6. A ukulele tune my friend and I wrote. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBZ1aAqqGIk&feature=g-upl&context=G2b86a27AUAAAAAAAAAA
  7. This is great. Makes the people of Skyrim seem happy for once.
  8. Change it with this. I'm adding this to the game. It's awesome. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif
  9. I've have a pretty dang nice recording setup at my house and I came up with a possible idea that I think would be pretty cool. Having your character speak. One of the things that I feel really hinders the realism (immersion I suspect would probably be a better word seeing as how dragons, magic, draugr, etc aren't real) is the fact that your character never says a word (with the exception of shouting). In my mind it would work like this (not really sure because the CK isn't out yet, so if it's a pipedream let me know XD): There would be a delay in the NPC response to whatever you say, e.g when selecting the "Interested in me are you?" dialog line when an NPC voices their desire for you, it would activate your character's voice to say something along the lines of "Interested in me are you?" that delay would allow that sting of words to leave the player's mouth without the NPC immediately responding "Why yes, of course, who wouldn't be?" Of course the timing would have to be perfect but I suppose it's doable. I was also thinking, if there isn't any problem with copywrite, to take a bit of creative liberty and really add a little pazazz to the lines such as replacing "Wait here" and changing it to "Hold on a second, stay here while I look ahead" or something along those lines. I imagine this would be quite the undertaking, but it's just an idea at the moment and I would like to see what I'm up against. If I can get a hold of the script I wouldn't have to go throughout the entirety of Skyrim talking to everyone just so I could get the dialog lines. Any input or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Heck, if I'm able to do this, I'll probably see if I can get some more voice actors. I'd only be able to do possibly a "Breton/Imperial" and a "Nord" voice but I won't be able to do female or beast race voices. Thanks!!
  10. I'm probably just having visions of grandeur, but I would like to make a nice, decent sized mod with new animations, meshes, textures voice acting etc. Which brings me to my question. How hard is it to make these things? I suppose you would use a program like Photoshop to work on textures, and I reckon a program like Blender would be used to work on animation and meshes. Thanks for the help!
  11. I have often wondered, how does one take a video in game? Anyway, thanks for that video. Absolutely outstanding.
  12. Christmas. This may be my dad's last Christmas.
  13. The courier guy is such an a-hole. "Hey, guess what, there's a dragon attacking you."
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