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  1. This happens when you got FOMM installed but you try to check them thry the real launcher.
  2. Which version do you have? I hear that in some you need first to unpack the mod files and extract them into the right folders. Its hard to explain, but its kind of like this, but instead of oblivion its fallout, and insteed of sound files its dialouge files. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Fix_dialogues_in_localized_non_english_versions
  3. Cant you set it down with a cheat? player.setAV <strength> <Number you want> in console.
  4. I feel with you, i hate this too. Fighting long long time on the arena, only one hit left and *catching* the enemy uses a potion :ohmy: :wallbash:
  5. I don`t care about morality, if it works better for me, i`l do it. I gotta say my character was supposed to be a good night, but turned in to a vampire dark brotherhood grey fox murderer . . . how the hell did i manage that? Im more like the "evil is power!" kind. I also like metal if this matters . . . I`m making my characters independent from RL in p&pRPG. Huh all sentences start with "I" Uh my AP rank . . . what irony.
  6. G`day After i failed to get obse to work, which broke due unknown reasons (Omod?) i decided to play fallout 3 again. I installed the game in C:games\fallout and downloaded obse fose (1.2 b2). I installed it corectly i guess, the problem is that when i try to run obse fose_loader a windows error box pops out and tells me that "A component of the Fallout Script Extender has stopped working". After looking in the obse fose_loader file i saw that the last entry log was : dll = C:\games\fallout\fose_1_4.dll I checked the file, downloaded whole obse fose again and the same error came out. After a bit failed google`ing i noticed the "security" tab on the file. I marked that every user has all acces, launched the loader, the same happened. But this time the last log was: dll = C:\games\fallout\fose_1_7.dll I tryed to make the same thing with 1_7, but it didnt worked. Im using windows 7 (32 bit) ultimate. It worked all fine when i tryed this on XP last year. I dont have any of the unsuported versions, i tryed to patch up to 1.7, and with my non patched, from dvd or something like that. That`s the full fose_loader.txt launching: Fallout3.exe (C:\games\fallout\Fallout3.exe) crc = FE5B82AE hook call addr = 00C05F61 load lib addr = 00D9B0F0 dll = C:\games\fallout\fose_1_7.dll Is there any fix for that, or do i have to wait for the next obse fose come out?
  7. Its either a mod, or something is screwed up with your data files. Maybe some antivirus took it as a virus and deleted them?
  8. I didn`t installed one oblivion over another, its just that one was installed, then i formated my PC for win7 work properly, and i had oblivion on the disk, it would take ages to download all theese mods again, so i copyed the whole oblivion folder. Windows ain`t taking it as a installed program, so i could install it from the dvd again, as a clean,fresh vanilla oblivion. EDIT: Retired from oblivion, but now fallout`s fose says "A component of fallout script extender dosent work propely" ARGH!
  9. G`day I recently installed a few mods, all worked nice and well. After that, i tryed the "Enchantment and spell limits x10" mods, which didn`t worked. I didn`t had much problems with this, i started obse_loader and started to play, but my friends on steam started to talk and wondering why im not responding (i have the retail version), so i closed oblivion, well, it crashed because i wanted to slash with my weapon (happened before allready). Now i added the obse loader as a steam shortcut, so the community and chat ingame would work. Unfortunately, obse won`t start now, it says i have a not valid version. I installed another version of oblivion, and tryed to run obse on a vanilla oblivion, but it still showed up the same massage with another code at the end. Recently, i also installed cobl, which worked fine. I ask you guys, is there any way to fix this problem? I do believe its more of a problem from oblivion, since i tryed different versions of obse . . . Attached the picture of the error massage popping out. I have version of oblivion, the German version by the way.
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